Darwinists Hating Trump over Ban on Fetal Tissue

The secular science industry has been riding for the leftist brand, and they are galloping faster toward the precipice. They have been promoting leftist causes at an increasing rate. Leftists have been having tantrums about the election of Donald Trump, and even had a failed "March for Science", (which was an early indication of just how far left the secular science establishment has been going). 

Some Conservatives have been pleasantly surprised by Trump. Not only because Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States, ever, but because Trump has actually been keeping some promises. This includes steps toward protecting unborn children, which includes canceling a contract between the government and a fetal tissue lab.

The secular science industry is becoming involved in leftist activism. They are upset that Donald Trump has interfered with their use of aborted children.
Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net / Stuart Miles
Ethically-impaired leftists in the secular science industry want to continue to do research on aborted babies. After all, they're already dead, so who are they hurting? Sure, those sidewinders are being consistent with their evolutionary worldview, but they are still wrong. Some people still value human life for now, until we hear the cry, "Soylent Green is people!"
Darwinism cheapens human life. Here’s a huge societal debate about the consequences.
The Trump administration has launched a “sweeping review” of fetal tissue use, reports Nature. It cancelled a contract between the government and a fetal tissue lab, and will review all forthcoming requests by scientists to engage in fetal tissue research.
Pro-life leaders are exhilarated. It’s about time, they think, three years after the Center for Medical Progress shocked the public with undercover videos of Planned Parenthood showing blatant disregard for human life and for U.S. law, treating baby body parts like junk for sale. In David Daleiden’s speech at the Values Voter Summit 2018, he shares some of the videos and describes California’s attacks on CMP, where a pro-abortion judge is still refusing to allow many more hours of video to be released for viewing by the public. The videos showed that Planned Parenthood’s top officials had even approved the manipulation of abortion procedures so that ‘scientists’ could get the choice cuts undamaged. Nature is unhappy – not with Planned Parenthood, but with the Trump administration! The article begins with straightforward journalistic reporting, but ends with its customary anti-conservative subtext.
To read the rest, click on "Darwinists Unhappy About Trump Fetal-Tissue Ban".  Also, you may be interested in Dr. Mohler's segment (to read or download the audio) in this August 2017 episode of The Briefing, "The worldview of Scientism and the commodification of aborted fetuses".


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