What Hath Darwin Wrought?

"Darwin's book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural science for the class struggle in history."
— Karl Marx

Evolutionary propaganda is a masterpiece. The Nazis and Soviet Union would approve. First, the populace worships "science". Next, leftist governments push God out of schools and public places. Follow that with equating operational science (which can be observed, tested, measured, falsified, repeated and so forth) with historical, speculative science and pretend evolution is "science". Join that stuff with anti-God propaganda and liberal theology (not to mention human laziness), and "scientific" Darwinian concepts run rampant.

Taking Darwin's popularization of evolution (it was not original with him, you know) as "science", people wanted to apply it as a social principle as well. With horrible results.
Evil, in the socialist worldview, is the oppression of the working class by the bourgeoisie. Having been enlightened by Marx regarding the ‘true history of life’, men and women could now take control of that history. They could accelerate ‘nature’ as it sped towards its goal of a world revolution that would banish such ‘evil’ and produce a socialist utopia.
Hitler, I discovered, shared a similar worldview, as outlined in his book Mein Kampf (literally ‘my struggle’). He believed that people, like animals and plants, were engaged in a constant struggle for survival. The climax of history would be the survival of the fittest race—which he believed to be the ‘Aryan race’, as embodied in the German people.
Hitler and Stalin both applied their ‘scientific’ logic with a ruthless, overwhelming determination. So did Mao Zedong in China, where countless millions also perished in the name of a utopian Marxist dream. And they not only convinced themselves, but millions of others—people just like you and me—that they were right to do so.
Read the entirety of "Darwin’s impact—the bloodstained legacy of evolution" here.

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