The Secular Science Industry is Weaponizing Science for Leftists

People think that scientists are dispassionate and aloof, but that is the opposite of reality. There are posts on this weblog and on Piltdown Superman showing that the secular science industry is hell-bent on supporting leftist causes. (Again, there are scientists who just want to do their work and not bother with the cultural and political wars of their employers.) The organizations are getting way out of line. Instead of doing what they supposedly stand for, their campaigning is actually harmful to the public. Leftist elites love it, though.

Secularists spread their own disinformation and manipulate public opinion when propping up leftist politics and atheism. When caught, they double down

Democrats and other leftists utilize social(ist) media to supposedly combat misinformation (essentially, uninformed erroneous statements) and disinformation (goal-oriented falsehoods). Since leftist politicians and their bedfellows in the secular science industry are elitists, they decide what is right or wrong. They also tamper with the meanings of dis- and misinformation to include truths they don't like.

Secular science is rooted in materialism; there is no God in their worldview. The same manipulation of research, logic, and data that they use to promote particles-to-politician evolution are also used to con the public into accepting their disinformation. It is ironic that they hate the Creator and suppress the truth, but science is impossible without God. Atheism gets into postmodernism, where no truth is absolute because all truth is relative. Another irony is that science is impossible without truth. Materialists do not have an ultimate foundation for morality.

Why do you think they hate Bible-believing Christians? We stand on the authority and accuracy of Scripture from the very first verse. This includes one man one woman marriage, recent creation, and the global Genesis Flood.

Money is a big motivator, and in the formerly United States, Democrats make promises. Gullible people think they will get money, so science organizations and academia strive to keep leftists in power. This includes supporting abortion, global warming, transsexuality, critical race theory, and many other things near and dear to the hard, cold hearts of leftists. We expect politicians to engage in demonizing Republicans and Conservatives, but the science folks have joined in. Since most people stink on ice when it comes to critical thinking; sheeple are easily manipulated. Loaded terminology to "nudge" thinking and actions, for example.

We are seeing what happens to a nation (really, a world) under God's judgment. I believe that he has given people over to their sinful natures and is pulling back the restraining work of the Holy Spirit. Are we living in the last days before Christ returns? With the increase of evil and the way things that were unthinkable just a few years ago becoming commonplace, it looks like time is short. People who do not know God need to repent, and professing Christians must examine themselves to make sure they are indeed in the faith — and then proclaim the saving gospel message.

If your mental image of the scientist is the morally pure, unbiased guy in a white lab coat measuring chemicals in a flask, you need to catch up to the 21st century. There may be many rank-and-file scientists who approximate that image, but the Big Science Cartel is a huge unelected political force wielding significant power over public policy. And because any thought of creation or intelligent design has been scrubbed from the classroom for decades, the remaining cadre of outspoken scientists and their leaders are mostly atheists and Darwinists with left-leaning, globalist intentions.

The generalization doesn’t fit every scientist, of course. But it does fit the powers who arrogate the right to “speak for science.” We’ve been documenting the leftist bent in journals and science news sites for a long time (e.g., 14 Oct 2020, 1 Feb 2020, 5 Dec 2018). Anything dealing with public policy coming from Big Science is indistinguishable from Democrat Party positions, whether it be about abortion, education, LGBTQ, government spending, economics, affirmative action, climate and energy, public health, race relations, foreign policy, civil rights or any other Democrat hot-button issue. Reading the flow of verbiage from Big Science and Big Media, one might be justified in concluding that “science” today has a new mission: prop up Democrats and tear down Republicans.

You would do well to read the rest at "Big Science Embraces Disinformation." Come back to learn about how Nature handled to criticism.

In an article on being professional in the workplace, I wrote how employees are representatives of a company. If someone feels mistreated or disrespected by employees, that person may condemn the entire company. (Indeed, my wife received poor service by receptionists at a medical facility, and she wants to get treatment somewhere else.) The prestigious journal Nature endorsed Joe Biden for president.

It did not go well.

Not only has Biden failed in previous attempts at running for the American presidency, he is known for being dishonest and — well, stupid. He can have nuclear missiles launched, you know. But hey, he's a Democrat and he promised money to the secular science industry, so Nature made their first-ever endorsement. President Trump had been maligned for being a threat to "science", but his record shows such accusations to be lies. (Mayhaps they were conflating science with naturalism, and Trump is not an atheist.) In fact, Trump did many pro-science things. The endorsement was one step beyond the leftist biases of science organizations.

Illustration by Sidney Paget from 'The Adventure of the Crooked Man', The Strand Magazine, 1893, colorized by Palette

Nature publishes a variety of things interesting to different people, not just evolutionary and leftist propaganda. Since they went so far as to endorse Biden, there was a backlash. Like bad experiences with employees reflect on perceptions of a business, people reacted negatively to the endorsement. Not only did they lose confidence in that publication, the declining trust in scientists also went lower. What did Nature do?

Nature is widely viewed as the world’s leading science journal. After the 2016 election, Nature and other powerhouses in Big Science displayed no love for President Donald Trump. They constantly criticized him in their editorials. Then, before the 2022 election, Nature endorsed Joe Biden over Trump. This angered some readers of both political parties, who viewed political endorsements out of bounds for science.

How bad was the loss of trust? And did Nature learn its lesson to stay out of politics? No; they doubled down.

Read the rest and be amazed at the hubris by visiting "Journal Nature Would Rather Lose Public Trust than Stop Politicizing Science."


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