Religious Freedom, Free Speech, and Question Evolution Day

In these here United States and several other Western countries, people have the right to free speech. The US Constitution also guarantees freedom of religion. There are atheists and other anti-creationists who flat out lie, saying that Christians are violating the "Constitutional separation of church and state", but that only appeared in the Soviet Union documents.

Atheists and other anti-creationists try to stop freedoms of speech and religion, and hate Question Evolution Day as well as biblical creation itself. Christians do have rights and can stand up for them.
The Apostle Paul explains the tenets of faith in the presence of King Agrippa,
his sister Berenice, and the proconsul Festus
/Vasily Surikov, 1875
Atheists will lie and harass Christians who often have to take their case to court to fight for their rights. Unfortunately, some professing Christians have a wrong view, saying that it is "Christlike" to endure such persecution. That view is unbiblical.Some owlhoots may claim that since the term religious freedom is not in the Bible, it must not be true. It helps to know our rights, and yes, we can stand up for them. After all, if we sit back and let things happen, we will lose our rights even more quickly.

February 12 is Question Evolution Day, and some folks hate it. While anti-creationists will claim that they believe in free speech, they (like other leftists) only like the free speech that meets with their approval. Otherwise, biblical creation science must be stopped. Misrepresentation, defamation (here is one example), straw man arguments, and more are standard operating procedures for these sidewinders. I'll allow that nobody is shoving bamboo shoots up our fingernails, but they do persecute us in their efforts to silence the message. Despite opposition, we spread the message and endure persecution while we still can.

Atheists and other anti-creationists try to stop freedoms of speech and religion, and hate Question Evolution Day

Persecution is happening to many Christians around the world, and it is increasing in the West. Governments and court systems are increasingly secular, so there is no guarantee that Christians will prevail even when the truth is clearly on their side. The Apostle Paul is an example of both knowing and standing up for his rights in the Roman system.
Since religious freedom has been a hot-button social issue and is more and more frequently covered in secular and Christian news media outlets, we sometimes are asked these questions. Does the Bible address religious freedom, and, if so, what does it say and where?

The Apostle Paul (and his traveling companions on various mission trips) is perhaps the most notable example of a biblical figure who suffered religious persecution and also on occasion stood up for his religious liberty. It is interesting that Paul did so in a government that had some similarities to Western nations.
To read the rest, click on "Is Religious Freedom Addressed in Scripture?"


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