Debates, Stalkers, Bullies and Sore Losers

Too many modern atheists and pretend agnostics are more intent on ridiculing Christians (especially creationists) than in simply going on about their business. It's been rightly observed, though, that if an atheist sees a gang of young men coming toward him, s/he will breathe easier if they're carrying Bibles.

Screen shots are "Fair Use" for educational purposes. Also, Twitter's "Tweets" are public.

To display their intellectual prowess, some want to engage in "debates". I said "debates" because they do not like structured, moderated debates, but prefer a free-for-all where changing the subject, bad logic and abuse are their modus operandi. 

I have noticed that, with the exception of Internet public debate forums, when Christians are doing their own thing, atheists jump in and start raising a fuss. (Sometimes, they even pretend to be Christians in order to infiltrate groups set up specifically for Christians.) When they give the "I'm so much smarter than you st00pid dumb Xtians" nonsense, most will back off from debate challenges, especially about creation and evolution. Perhaps it is because they know that creationists win those debates.

Most just want to express hate. And God forbid (heh!) that someone dares to express an unflattering opinion of an atheist stalker bully.

Sometimes, someone is so desperate to malign someone else, they resort to attacks that turn around to bite them:
When challenged, they play the victim card. Some are even outrageous enough to lie and say that they are being persecuted, but in fact, they are the ones doing the persecuting. (Persecution and discrimination from atheists has been shown on this Weblog many times.) I have seen them remove their comments or threads (including comments that were removed from this Weblog when someone realized what a fool he was making of himself, back when I accepted comments). The few atheists who want to go on about their business and will discuss their views, or not, seem to be dwindling.

Apologist Jason Petersen has had some debates, but does not give in to the "free-for-all" verbal debates where it is one against many on a Skype call. Yeah, sounds fair, huh? He does written debates. When some of these cyber bullies lose the debates, they attack the person and even begin stalking as well as libeling. I know the feeling all too well.

Methinks his "name" is already rubbish, as evidenced by his documented antics.

Jason has some experiences to relate with dishonest bullies. First, "More Examples of How Some Unbelievers Value Ridicule Over Honesty", followed by "More Examples of How Some Unbelievers Value Ridicule Over Honesty Part 2". The latest installment is "An Informal Debate with Some Atheists". He has some links embedded to further document his accounts.

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