Religion of Peace: Remain or Die

Mohammedans boast that their religion is the fastest-growing religion in the world. (I have serious doubts about the veracity of that statement.) Their official policy is to convert by force. If you leave Islam, you are risking the death penalty. I think it was Ravi Zacharias who said that if Islam took its foot off the necks of the people, then we would really see how fast it grows, and how long people remained without converting.

Many people through history, and even today, believe the truth of the gospel of Christ is worth dying for.

Since Mr. Obama’s entry into office, Christians have been slaughtered throughout the Bloody Crescent with hardly a peep from the U.S. State Department or the White House. Nigerian human rights activist Emmanuel Ogebe recently reported that more Christians have been killed by Islamist Boko Haram than NATO troops have been killed in Afghanistan.

Hundreds of thousands of Christians have fled Iraq. They’ve fled into Syria, of all places. Operation Iraqi Freedom has not protected them. In fact, their lot has been made much worse since the Bush administration toppled Saddam Hussein and allowed, in fact, required a new Iraqi constitution containing a repugnancy clause. State Department advisers insisted upon this clause. It says that notwithstanding anything else in the new constitution, nothing shall be done by the Iraq government that is “repugnant” to Islam. Well, among the things repugnant to Islam is saying “Jesus is Lord.” That will get you killed.
Read the rest of "Christian Convert From Islam Beheaded On Egyptian National TV", here.

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