More On Atheistic Straw Man "Reasoning"
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
At first glance, this may look like a basic reaction to vindictive atheists. Nope. It's a whole heap more than that, showing how professing atheists and anti-creationists resort to contemptible methods in their efforts to silence biblical creationists.
As shown in numerous posts here, on my Piltdown Superman site, The Question Evolution Project Fazebook Page, and at numerous other sites and forums, the typical village atheist who trolls the internet demonstrates very little ability to use logic. In addition, they often seek to justify what passes as morality in their world by railing against God by using selective citation of biblical texts (that is, woefully out of context) and straw man arguments. A couple of tinhorns consistently wants to slap leather with me and "debate", but there is no sense in defending positions I don't hold.
I have long maintained that atheopaths are made stupid by their blind hatred of God and his followers. Several times, I've seen discussions that were moving along quite nicely, then quickly degenerate when professing atheists let their inner demons and hatred come out, and their reasoning became incoherent.
Recently, I wrote an article on dreadful atheistic and anti-creationist reasoning (see "How Biblical Creationists Are Refuted, Or, "How Do I Refute Thee? Let Me Count the Ways...") True to form, some angry atheopaths reacted, using a couple of tactics: ridicule the person instead of dealing rationally with the content, and also setting up straw man arguments. (Ironically, they proved my article to be correct.) The venom was so thick, I slipped in a puddle of it and almost fell. Well, if it was literal, it would have puddled on the floor. Anyway, the vituperative ridicule was extended to an article I posted regarding atheistic reasoning.
Interesting, Creation Ministries International posted their article on the same day that I posted mine. I shared it to The Question Evolution Project. A furious atheopath shared my post of CMI's post to his Page for the purpose of ridicule. He commented, "So to try to rebut the claim that creationists ignore science, you post a link to an organization which outright admits to ignoring evidence that contradicts the [B]ible? Lol". He didn't like my comment on my own Page. I wrote, "An atheopath liar said...[previously quoted text]...Aside from an appeal to motive fallacy, this tinhorn lied outright about CMI. They ADMIT to "ignoring evidence that contradicts the [B]ible"? Dishonest assertion. And he thinks he's worth debating? That'll be the day! -CBB".
He responded with a post full of ad hominem remarks and other fallacies, plus a screenshot of some of CMI's "About Us" section. This section was emphasized in his screenshot: "Facts are always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information. By definition, therefore, no interpretation of facts in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record". The sneaky atheist accused me of stupidity and lying, and he lied about CMI when he said, "...They come right out and say that they're going to ignore anything that doesn't fit what they already want to believe". They did not say this. He conveniently twisted their words (he's an atheopath, they do that, it's who they are) and set up a straw man by ignoring key words in his own quote, especially the word interpretation. Meanwhile, as this blackguard lies and misrepresents creationists, atheopaths cheer him on, applauding like palsied spider monkeys but offering nothing of substance. Just hate.
Something else I've said for a long time is that a fact is a fact, people are not disputing the existence of facts, and there is no such thing as your facts and our facts. The disagreements come from interpretations of facts. You can have a fossil and say that it's 200 million Darwin years old. I can say it was buried in the Genesis Flood a few thousand years ago. Two interpretations, the only definite fact in this scenario is the fossil. See how that works?
Someone who was intellectually honest and not blinded by hate might want to cowboy up and examine more than just one sentence in CMI's "About Us" section. Since it's easier for rapscallions like that to ignore the truth and avoid doing their homework, guess I'll have to show why his "proof" is actually a manipulative lie. See how the word interpret(ation) is used in these examples:
At first glance, this may look like a basic reaction to vindictive atheists. Nope. It's a whole heap more than that, showing how professing atheists and anti-creationists resort to contemptible methods in their efforts to silence biblical creationists.
As shown in numerous posts here, on my Piltdown Superman site, The Question Evolution Project Fazebook Page, and at numerous other sites and forums, the typical village atheist who trolls the internet demonstrates very little ability to use logic. In addition, they often seek to justify what passes as morality in their world by railing against God by using selective citation of biblical texts (that is, woefully out of context) and straw man arguments. A couple of tinhorns consistently wants to slap leather with me and "debate", but there is no sense in defending positions I don't hold.
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Recently, I wrote an article on dreadful atheistic and anti-creationist reasoning (see "How Biblical Creationists Are Refuted, Or, "How Do I Refute Thee? Let Me Count the Ways...") True to form, some angry atheopaths reacted, using a couple of tactics: ridicule the person instead of dealing rationally with the content, and also setting up straw man arguments. (Ironically, they proved my article to be correct.) The venom was so thick, I slipped in a puddle of it and almost fell. Well, if it was literal, it would have puddled on the floor. Anyway, the vituperative ridicule was extended to an article I posted regarding atheistic reasoning.
Interesting, Creation Ministries International posted their article on the same day that I posted mine. I shared it to The Question Evolution Project. A furious atheopath shared my post of CMI's post to his Page for the purpose of ridicule. He commented, "So to try to rebut the claim that creationists ignore science, you post a link to an organization which outright admits to ignoring evidence that contradicts the [B]ible? Lol". He didn't like my comment on my own Page. I wrote, "An atheopath liar said...[previously quoted text]...Aside from an appeal to motive fallacy, this tinhorn lied outright about CMI. They ADMIT to "ignoring evidence that contradicts the [B]ible"? Dishonest assertion. And he thinks he's worth debating? That'll be the day! -CBB".
He responded with a post full of ad hominem remarks and other fallacies, plus a screenshot of some of CMI's "About Us" section. This section was emphasized in his screenshot: "Facts are always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information. By definition, therefore, no interpretation of facts in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record". The sneaky atheist accused me of stupidity and lying, and he lied about CMI when he said, "...They come right out and say that they're going to ignore anything that doesn't fit what they already want to believe". They did not say this. He conveniently twisted their words (he's an atheopath, they do that, it's who they are) and set up a straw man by ignoring key words in his own quote, especially the word interpretation. Meanwhile, as this blackguard lies and misrepresents creationists, atheopaths cheer him on, applauding like palsied spider monkeys but offering nothing of substance. Just hate.
Something else I've said for a long time is that a fact is a fact, people are not disputing the existence of facts, and there is no such thing as your facts and our facts. The disagreements come from interpretations of facts. You can have a fossil and say that it's 200 million Darwin years old. I can say it was buried in the Genesis Flood a few thousand years ago. Two interpretations, the only definite fact in this scenario is the fossil. See how that works?
Someone who was intellectually honest and not blinded by hate might want to cowboy up and examine more than just one sentence in CMI's "About Us" section. Since it's easier for rapscallions like that to ignore the truth and avoid doing their homework, guess I'll have to show why his "proof" is actually a manipulative lie. See how the word interpret(ation) is used in these examples:
- Same data, different interpretations?
- Problems with the evolutionary interpretation of limb design
- What are type 1a supernovae telling us?
- Flood transported quartzites: Part 3—failure of uniformitarian interpretations
- “This changes everything!” — The right perspective makes a big difference
Christians and especially biblical creationists should be above the accusatory nature of our detractors. See how easy it is to refute the refuters? Don't be like them. Be able to intelligently back up your claims, because we represent Christ. They represent their father down below. EDIT: He proved me right again by sharing the link to this post, ignoring the content, and reaffirming the previous lie in a comment under the post.