Laws of Thermodynamics and Hate

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

Don't be getting ahead of me, the Laws of Thermodynamics (especially entropy) should have nothing to do with hate per se, and hate should not involve laws of science. When you get atheists wanting to slap leather with biblical creationists, however, their blind hate and seething rage prompts them to use science for leverage in their quest for the ideological supremacy of materialism and the promotion of their death cult of evolutionism.

Credit: Freeimages / Peter Skadberg
There was a recent article by Creation Ministries International where creationist engineer Colin Gibson was interviewed about his faith journey. As a child, he was not taught the Christian faith effectively. When he was confronted by evolutionary propaganda, he believed that the State school was being truthful, and rejected Christianity for the most part. Still, Gibson had "nagging doubts" about evolutionary adaptation.

When he heard creationary speaker Carl Wieland give a presentation, the part about the Second Law of Thermodynamics made him sit up and take notice.
Professional engineer Colin Gibson was raised in a church where he was taught six-day creation in Sunday school but that grounding was challenged at high school when evolution and millions of years were presented as fact in his science class.
That left him confused and thinking that he must have been taught fairytales at Sunday school. Thereafter he began a slippery slide away from church but, through a remarkable chain of events, including attending an address from Creation magazine founder Carl Wieland, Colin’s thinking was turned on its head.
I'm going to do my usual thing and give you the link to keep reading, but I have more to say about atheists and hate, and some useful links on thermodynamics. The rest of the article is found at "Confronted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics — Warren Nunn chats with engineer Colin Gibson on his journey from evolution to creation". Now for the part about atheopaths and bile.

In what I call the Forum of Futility (where precious little science and logic are presented, and most people ignore the thing), a libelous criminal cyberstalker who execrates biblical creationists and people who disagree with him decided to attack the article linked above. In his quest for atheistic adoration, he reproduced a letter that he sent to CMI. He has attacked them for many years (as well as other biblical creationist individuals and organizations). Surprisingly, even after he repeatedly calls people "liars" (I'm surprised that he left "fascist" out of this particular diatribe), he received a response. In what is probably a copyright violation, he reproduced the reply but omitted the name of the sender.

This sidewinder criticized Mr. Nunn for leaving out certain remarks made by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati regarding entropy as a creationary argument. Yes, Dr. Sarfati advised creationists to leave it alone, mainly because the argument is misused. However, the article under discussion was not a treatise on science, but was a discussion of Colin Gibson's faith. The attacker used selective citing, such as ignoring the link that contains Dr. Sarfati's remark:
"I suggest that thermodynamic arguments are excellent when done properly, and the ‘open systems’ canard is anticipated. Otherwise I suggest concentrating on information content" (my emphasis added).
The mocker also used ad hominems, affirming the consequent, argument from silence, straw man arguments, and other logical fallacies. You can see his foolishness here. Note the absence of links to material supporting his accusations. But hey, if The Mighty Atheist™ makes a claim, it must be true! Yeah, that'll be the day.

For some reason, atheists and evolutionists get the bit in their teeth about the laws of thermodynamics. Like a social media relationship status, it's complicated. Scoffers frequently disunderstand and abuse the laws of thermodynamics, but unfortunately, many Christians don't exactly have that subject lassoed and hogtied themselves. Therefore, it's a good idea to leave it alone.

I've posted about 1,730 articles on my primary site, Evolutionary Truth by Piltdown Superman (which began in 2011), and I can only account for less than ten related to thermodynamics on there. Hundreds of posts on my other sites — sorry, searches didn't find any. Sure, I've mentioned thermodynamics, but I don't claim to be an expert in the subject. That's why this attack from a narcissistic atheopath pretending to a be a Christian is bewildering:

Click for larger. Used under Fair Use provisions for educational purposes.
He calls me a "coward" for not wanting to debate an anonymous liar on a subject on which I never claimed to be an expert. Hypocrite much, Buttercup? By the way, if I'm a "false teacher" like this atheopath claims, why would that be wrong in his worldview? To be consistent, he has to stand on the biblical worldview! Also, he has never provided documentation for this libelous "false teacher" assertion. I have a Statement of Faith. What's wrong with it?

I reckon there's a Law of Hate in there somewhere, that anti-creationists will resort to almost any means possible to shut down the truth of the gospel that begins in Genesis. For some reason, people like that like to (mis)use the Second Law of Thermodynamics. And such hate sends logic and reason galloping away on the dusty prairie.

In descending order of intensity: atheists, agnostics, Deists, theistic evolutionists, and old-earth creationists utterly despise biblical creationists and seek to silence us. They use ridicule, personal attacks, straw man arguments, and so on to make themselves and their spurious arguments look good (although defaming creationists does not make evolution any less false). I'm certain that one day, attacks will become physical as well as the verbal, written, legislative, and electronic kinds we deal with now. I'm willing to die for the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Better men and women than me have given their all.

Now, I mentioned material on thermodynamics. Some of my own posts appear below (and a few date back to 2012), plus some others that I hope will be useful resources. Not so sure about the first couple, but I'm including them for the sake of accuracy about my claims.
I hope that the linked material as well as this here article will prove useful to y'all.

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