Terrorists Do Not Seem to Fear B. Hussein Obama

Last year Obama made a statement during a 9/11 event in which he said “as Americans we are not — and never will be — at war with Islam.”
Maybe the president needs to remind Islam about this because they certainly don’t seem to know.
Since taking office, the U.S. has either been attacked or threatened by attacks by Islamists at least 11+ times.  These aren’t random terrorist affronts by other countries, or Jared Loughner-type kooks (as the mainstream media would like you to believe)—they are ISLAMIC TERRORISTS. 
Here’s a list of Islamic terrorist attacks and/or threats of attacks that have occurred on U.S. soil and U.S. military bases since Obama took office in January, 2009.
Oh and just a reminder—although 9/11 happened 8 months after President Bush took office, during his 8-year presidency we never had any other Islamic terrorist attack in the U.S.  They knew better.
Read the rest of "Islamic Attacks and Threats During Obama’s Presidency" here.


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