Atheists Attempting to Stop Free Speech AGAIN

Buona sera. This nonsense constantly amazes me. It also adds fuel to my fire that atheists are opposed to freedom of speech. Since they are unable to engage in rational, civil discourse, they resort to their tired, annoying tricks of maligning the person (or organization) instead. Atheists call themselves "rational", "free thinkers" and other misnomers, and then engage in irrational "arguments". In fact, they appear to oppose freedom of thought.

Atheists say that they believe in science and in the human mind. Well, the spirit of scientific inquiry does not mean "smash the opposition instead of examining the evidence". But, since evolution is ill-supported and unscientific, it must be bolstered by data manipulation and outright fraud. No wonder they fear creationists, refusing to listen to their evidence.

By the way, what is this "scientific inquiry" attitude of attempting to dismiss all creationism as "a lie"? Are atheists stupid? Intolerant? Afraid? All of the above? Disagreement over scientific data is just that, disagreement, not a lie. Further, they attack Christians and creationism without even knowing what is actually taught, and believed. I've posted articles at Piltdown Superman that were dismissed by atheists without even reading them. Atheists must have magical powers to be able to do that!

They pull this and other childish behavior, annoying the majority of the population. After that, they cry because they are not respected. Guess what, Buttercup? Respect must be earned.

I honestly and firmly believe that atheists want to shut down free speech for Christians, and especially for creationists. Well, I'd better stop before I get too steamed.
Read more about these "free thinkers" and their crazy antics with
"Atheists 'Picket' San Diego Creation Museum Celebration", here. After that, you can read the comments by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, here.

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