
Showing posts with the label persecution

Muslims and Nazis

Excellent work! Found on Facebook. Thanks, whoever made this. The propaganda used by modern Muslims against the Jews is startlingly similar, often identical, to the anti-Jew propaganda of Nazi Germany. The hatred and bigotry is amazing. Edit: Austrian Mohammedans chant, "Death to Jews!" Losers. Some of it is childish, too. When they "martyr" themselves in cowardly suicide attacks, or when they get killed when the Israeli military strikes back, they cry for vengeance, as if they were quietly minding their own business and did not start anything. It reminds me of an old joke where a mother hears her child crying in the other room. When she rushes in, one child points to the other and sobs, "He hit me back!" I am not going to say that the Israelis are pure as the driven snow and never do anything wrong (nor do I approve of their religion). When they do commit crimes, those become front page news and the atrocities of the Palestinians are either

Education, Discrimination, Indoctrination

“I know that some of you out there are creationists. You really don’t believe in evolution. I personally don’t think you should be allowed to leave this university with that belief.” — Lesley Northrup Some atheists go into denial when I mention that there are college professors that are openly derisive of the beliefs of their students, and actively work to destroy Christian beliefs, and others justify the practice since it fits their own bigotry. It should not be surprising to have this happen in America. After all, we have unrepentant terrorists like William Ayers getting tenure . Active discrimination against creationists exists . True scientific inquiry does not protect the established orthodoxy, but will examine scientific evidence that runs against it. The same goes for education . Let's face it, we do not have education, we have indoctrination centers. A nd anyone would be hard -pressed to find a legitimate educational reason for attacking the personal belie

American Christian Persecution - Again

So far, 2012 has been a bad year for atheists and evolutionists . But you wouldn't know it, the way atheopaths are attacking anything Christian and trying to destroy it. (It's been tried for centuries, so we're not going away until we're all called home.) But loud misotheists and evolutionists still resort to childish stalking, tantrums, persecution and all sorts of other nonsense. With the assistance of political correctness and leftist activist judges, they have managed to make the public at large detest them even more. But it is not always bleak. Christians have preached in decadent New Orleans for quite a long time. But the police there tried to put a stop to their exercise of free speech and freedom of religion . The ordinance was blocked by a federal judge (there are a few with some sense), pending the outcome of a hearing. The atheo-fascist activist "Freedom from Religion Foundation" wants to strip away the rights of students in the Kountze

Astonishing Atheist Arrogance and Hypocrisy

Thank God that atheism and evolutionism are dying off ! Unfortunately, the moldering corpse of atheism is still walking around, preaching the false gospel of evolutionism and making a general nuisance of itself. After that appetizing introduction, I am pleased to announce that part of this article is about food. Sorta. Atheists can't seem to understand why most people do not like or trust them. Would obnoxiousness have anything to do with it? I think so. It seems to make sense that if you choose to offend large segments of the population ( usually through misrepresentation ), it would reinforce public opinion that they are cafones. Of course, the typical rebuttal of atheists when someone tells the truth about them is a petty, "You're a bad man so everything you say is a lie and therefore there is no God" nonsense. Small minds attack people instead of dealing with concepts. Hate and persecution take many forms. But wait, there's more! Food, remembe

Atheism and Mass Murders

Something that modern obstreperous atheists utterly detest is when we tell the truth about their religion; it is intellectually, morally and spiritually bankrupt. Their predictable response is to get offended, attack the person, and then show their double standards by ridiculing Christianity. Anyway. Whenever we point out that atheist political leaders are guilty of the greatest numbers of mass murders in history , we get hit with a kind of " No True Atheist " fallacy. (While atheists try to "give" Hitler to Christianity, which is easily disproved despite their constant assertions, I do not buy attempts to "give" him to atheists, either. He was a nutty occultist who used religion for his own ends.) The excuse for the actions of atheist mass murderers is that the regimes are driven by political ideology. So, it's just a coincidence that the greatest mass murderers in history were predominantly atheist? I think not. Especially since atheism has no

Will Discrimination Against Christians Increase in the USA?

Although some people deny the facts, the truth is, there is discrimination and persecution of Christians around the world. In some places, especially those run by atheist and Mohammedan regimes, it is severe. But even in the west, where civilization was built on Judeo-Christian principles, persecution is increasing. Will the European level of discrimination happen here? It very well could. We see it happening with anti-Christian organizations, the loud, detested minority, getting weasel activist judges to go against the wishes of the majority. Political correctness and "tolerance" are attempts at stifling free speech, after all. The news that the government of Great Britain is mounting a full-scale assault on Christians is not really surprising.  The left-wing in England, like their counterparts on the European continent, have long discriminated against Christians, while at the same time, in myriad ways, protected those of Muslim faith.  For much of his 3 years in

Atheism In Action

"I do not believe there is an atheist in the world who would would bulldoze Mecca - or Chartres, York Minster or Notre Dame, the Shwedagon, the temples of Kyoto or, of course, the Buddhas of Bamiyan." — Richard Dawkins  Buona sera. Atheists tell us that they want everyone to live together in peace, love and grooviness under the benevolent banner of "reason". Of course, it would be a dictatorship under their control, but nobody has anything to fear from intellectually superior and morally pure people, right? Wrong. If you believe that atheists are intellectually superior and morally pure after all I have shown you here, there's something seriously wrong with your thinking bone, capice? I put it to you that the above quote from Richard "Daffy" Dawkins is not a mistake, that he is not uninformed, but that he is lying. The easiest place to find examples of what atheists are like when they gain power is the former Soviet Union.

Atheism and Human Rights

It should come as no surprise that the individuals who abide by fundamentalist Christian and radical Islamic doctrines would be the first to cry out that they are being persecuted when their dangerous, damaging and disingenuous beliefs come under attack. Most of these people lack the maturity and intelligence to act in a socially acceptable manner. Many of them are sociopaths and quite a good number of them are psychopaths. All of them are clearly delusional. — Al Stefanelli Buon giorno. You would think that I would stop being amazed at the illogical, childish, vituperative attacks that militant atheists have against Christians. (To me, this indicates that they have the inner knowledge that we are right , Romans 1.19-22 ESV, and that burns.) They get exceptionally angry when their words and actions speak for themselves, showing the world the lack of character of many atheopaths. Not only do they detest having the truth told, but have conniption fits when the truth about them is de

A Few Samples of Atheist Hate

This is so easy, I do not even bother with it very much. Abundance and all that. First, a typical example. It was at (surprise!) an atheist's Weblog. Comment 1 was about me, Comment 2 was about a forthcoming book the atheist was publishing, Comment 3 was my reply to comment 1. I did not go back after I left my comment and took the screen shot (click for larger): I wonder if he knows that The Question Evolution Project has far more than 60 "Likes" on Facebook and is still growing. Next is a real dandy! This atheopath was so full of hate, rage and utter stupidity, but not an ounce of logic. I could have filled the page with our go-arounds, but decided to select three samples. You can count the logical fallacies yourselves: Here's the funny part. This exchange happened after I posted several examples of and links to atheistic bigotry. He denied reality (as they often do). Not too long ago, I had this ironic bit of confirmation of atheistic bigotry:

Anti-Christian Bigotry News

Amazing. America was founded on Christian values (don't let the revisionist liars fool you). But some who want to follow in Stalin's footsteps and make this country an entirely secular nation ignore that fact. No, it appears that they want to remove the rights of Christians, or at least, force us to keep our beliefs to ourselves. Why don't those contemptible clowns realize that the United States Supreme Court has references to the Ten Commandments all over their building? Listen up, Poindexter, the so-called "separation of church and state" is not only something that is not found in the Constitution, you and your disbeliever friends have never had anything to fear from the Judeo-Christian ethic being expressed in public. I still think back to what Brad Stine says: Atheists are irrational. What is more irrational, someone praying to a God that he cannot see, or someone being "offended" by a God he doesn't even believe exists? But I digress. Let

The Latest International Persecution of Christians

Buon giorno. There are some atheist clowns who display their hatred and ignorance by saying that Christians do not have to deal with persecution. Well, I have shown several times on this Weblog that Christians have to deal with discrimination and persecution. Although it is not as bad in the Western world (yet... we all know what happens when atheists gain power), it still exists, capice? Between atheists and Mohammedans, if we did not have God on our side, we would not stand a chance. Four Protestants in Turkmenistan were arrested and fined in late February after police discovered Bibles in their possession. Although the judge initially refused to hear the case against the four Christians, citing a lack of evidence, she later changed her position and fined them for “violation of the law on religious organizations.” The Bibles were discovered when police searched a home where three believers were staying with a fourth Christian. During the search, a police officer found a Bible

Religious Speech IS Still Allowed

Buon giorno. Secularists are intent on banishing freedom of religion (and I suspect that freedom of religious thought is threatened). Some even think that "religion" should not be allowed in the workplace and attempt to secularize it, reminiscent of Stalin's efforts to secularize the Soviet Union. No, prohibiting religious speech is a federal crime (unless, of course, it is actually interfering with the workplace). In previous posts, I showed how the rights of Christian students is eroding , and organized efforts by atheists to persecute Christians . Not only with the truth go on, but we still have free speech in the USA. Capice? A Christian-based legal defense alliance wants to make sure everyone understands that schools in the U.S. may talk about Easter in the historical sense of what is written in the Bible about the time of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection – not just about chocolate Easter bunnies. The Alliance Defense Fund published a memorandum last week wh

Gaystapo Harasses Baptist College

Buon girono. It is interesting that the people who insist on "tolerance" are often the least tolerant themselves. In fact, the word "tolerance" has come to mean, "You must accept my viewpoint, sexual preference, lifestyle, belief system or whatever as equal in validity to anything else". But if you disagree, they do not "tolerate" in the established definition of the word, capice? The Gaystapo is intolerant of Christians, and tries to force their viewpoint on others. Case in point: A gay rights group demonstrated at Oklahoma Baptist University on Wednesday as part of an ongoing project to advance acceptance of homosexuality in religious organizations. Marty O'Gwynn, assistant to the president of Oklahoma Baptist University, told The Christian Post that the Soulforce participants were not given permission to demonstrate on campus. But he also noted that the protesters were peaceful. O'Gwynn said that OKBU does not have any homosexual

Still More Religious Bigotry by Atheists

Buon giorno. Atheists really wonder why they are the least-liked, least trusted group? Amazing, innit? Here are more examples of obnoxious atheists misbehaving like juvenile delinquents that are desperate for attention. When atheists get called on their petty tricks, they play the victim card. Agonizing. First, can you really believe that they are silly enough to think that we'll believe their story that this is an attempt to "increase communications"? Mislead me again, Marvin! "They say their ad is intended to spark dialogue with people of faith on the existence of God, but you don't draw people into conversation by poking fun of the beliefs," Glenn Stanton, director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, told The Christian Post. Read the rest of the story on the obnoxious atheist billboard here . Next: Here we go again! Atheists hate laws that protect anything that would allow Christian speech, it se

Greatest "Hits" Against Christians in 2011

Buon giorno. Although it shouldn't, it amazes me when atheists will pretend that not only are Christians lying about being harassed and persecuted (despite frequent documentation in this Weblog and in other places), then they try to act like they are the victims! I strongly suspect that any "discrimination" against atheists are because of their vituperative personalities (and doing stupid things, like the atheist that applied for a job with a church group) rather than the simple fact that they are atheists. None so blind as those who will not see, huh, Lela? But I digress. DefendChristians.Org solicited the members of their online community to vote for their choice of the top ten anti-Christian acts of 2011 in the U.S. "I am always surprised at the results of our poll and this year is no exception," said Dr. Gary Cass of DefendChristians.Org. "The fact the number one and number two issues are public policy and political in nature shows Christians

Militant Muslims Kill Christians in Nigeria

Thanks to Answering Muslims , who mentioned this story earlier.  More of the "religion of peace" in action. A militant group seeking to enforce Sharia, or Islamic law, throughout Nigeria, has shot and killed two children of an ex-terrorist and "murderer" because he converted to Christianity, well-informed missionaries told BosNewsLife Wednesday, November 23. Boko Haram, meaning “Western education is a sin”, carried out the killings this month after discovering that a former fellow fighter refused to kill a Christian and instead accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, explained Rae Burnett, Africa Director of the U.S. based Christian Aid Mission (CAM) group. Burnett told BosNewsLife that the father and Boko Haram militant "was poised to slit the throat of his Christian victim" during November attacks in northern Nigeria that killed at least over 130 Christians, including missionaries, when "he was suddenly struck with the weight of

When Atheists Gain Power

Buon giorno. Every year, atheists and "humanists" (those are atheists who want legal standing as a religion ) ramp up their attacks on Christmas. The 2011 attacks have already started, but this time, they're playing the "discrimination" card . (Some complain of discrimination in employment and in other places where it is illegal to ask, or make a prerequisite for employment, someone's worldview. News flash, Poindexter: Clam up. You either offered this irrelevant information as a matter of pride, or the discrimination probably did not happen.) With the growing snarling of atheists, their antics to interfere with the rights, sensibilities and beliefs of the majority of the people — how can anyone honestly wonder why atheists are the least trusted and least respected "minority" in the country? [ 1 , 2 ] ( Edit: In my experience, and in the experience of others to whom I have spoken, atheists are also the least honest people.) It must be something to b

Freedom-Fighting Secularists In Action!

Be inspired! We can't have any of that nasty old Bible stuff displayed in a business. And we certainly  cannot allow people to show respect when someone prays, no siree! Here are a couple of stories about brave heroes making certain that "religion" is kept in its place. (Why it's the Christian "religion" that is kept in its place but Islam runs rampant...I dunno.) The first in Lancashire, UK: Police have threatened a Christian cafe owner with arrest –for displaying passages from the Bible on a TV screen. Jamie Murray was warned by two police officers to stop playing DVDs of the New Testament in his cafe following a complaint from a customer that it was inciting hatred against homosexuals.  Mr Murray, 31, was left shocked after he was questioned for nearly an hour by the officers, who arrived unannounced at the premises. Let's applaud the secularists for interfering with someone daring to stand up for his beliefs! Read the rest of " Police Tell Caf

"Religion of Peace" Adherents Murder Family of 8 in Nigeria

The death toll in central Nigeria from an intensified series of violent attacks along  religious  and  ethnic  lines continues to rise after reports that Muslim youths killed a Christian family of eight on Sunday.  Sometime after the attack on the family, journalists were taken by a Plateau state spokesman to a house in the village of Tatu, where the hacked bodies of the eight family members were still lying on the blood-soaked floor, according to Reuters. It is estimated that more than 50 people have been killed since Aug. 29 when youths identified as Christians attacked a group of Muslims as they gathered to celebrate the end of Ramadan in the city of Jos, capital of Plateau state. Read the rest of "Christian Family of 8 Killed in Nigeria; Death Toll Now 50" here .

Another Reminder that Islam is the "Religion of Peace"

Two Christian men were seriously injured by young Muslim men this month in Karachi when they refused to convert to Islam, a family member told Compass. Liaqat Munawar, a resident of Essa Nagri in Karachi, told Compass by telephone that his brother, Ishfaq Munawar, and another young Christian man, Naeem Masih, were returning home after an early morning prayer service at their church in Sohrab Goth on Aug. 14, Pakistan’s Independence Day, when ethnic Pashtun youths near Sea View harassed and later attacked them. Read the rest of "Two Pakistani Christians Seriously Injured for Refusing Islam" here .