Muslims and Nazis

Excellent work! Found on Facebook. Thanks, whoever made this.
The propaganda used by modern Muslims against the Jews is startlingly similar, often identical, to the anti-Jew propaganda of Nazi Germany. The hatred and bigotry is amazing.

Edit: Austrian Mohammedans chant, "Death to Jews!" Losers.

Some of it is childish, too. When they "martyr" themselves in cowardly suicide attacks, or when they get killed when the Israeli military strikes back, they cry for vengeance, as if they were quietly minding their own business and did not start anything. It reminds me of an old joke where a mother hears her child crying in the other room. When she rushes in, one child points to the other and sobs, "He hit me back!"

I am not going to say that the Israelis are pure as the driven snow and never do anything wrong (nor do I approve of their religion). When they do commit crimes, those become front page news and the atrocities of the Palestinians are either buried or ignored altogether.

For the record, again, I believe that Israel has the right to have its land and to protect itself.

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