Atheism and Human Rights

It should come as no surprise that the individuals who abide by fundamentalist Christian and radical Islamic doctrines would be the first to cry out that they are being persecuted when their dangerous, damaging and disingenuous beliefs come under attack. Most of these people lack the maturity and intelligence to act in a socially acceptable manner. Many of them are sociopaths and quite a good number of them are psychopaths. All of them are clearly delusional.
— Al Stefanelli

Buon giorno. You would think that I would stop being amazed at the illogical, childish, vituperative attacks that militant atheists have against Christians. (To me, this indicates that they have the inner knowledge that we are right, Romans 1.19-22 ESV, and that burns.) They get exceptionally angry when their words and actions speak for themselves, showing the world the lack of character of many atheopaths. Not only do they detest having the truth told, but have conniption fits when the truth about them is demonstrated in their own words, capice? And sometimes, they delete posts, comments, articles and so forth. Embarrassed, Elliot?

The following article is about the militant American atheists. I think the obstreperous nature and basic wickedness of such misotheists transcends geographic boundaries; there are jerks in every country. (Personally, I suspect that those outside of the American borders are more obnoxious.) Unfortunately, the author of the article shows some ignorance of current science trends (especially the claim that "the Big Bang has been confirmed", which not only creationists dispute, but other evolutionists are in disagreement as well). The article the author cites from an atheist site was deleted, but he saved a copy on his own site. If you bother to read the atheist article, note not only the pure hatred, but the utter lack of logic. Astonishing.
I do want to make a distinction between ordinary individual atheists and militant atheists. This post is about militant atheists, the kind that organizes into groups and then exerts political power to try to trample the rights of religious people. This post is about that kind of atheist, not the ordinary kind that is honest and open to being convinced that God exists. If you are an atheist, and you don’t have any thoughts about silencing religious people, or making religious people deny their convictions, or taking away their rights to speak freely or assemble, then this post isn’t about you. But there is another group of atheists that does have these and other goals, and this post is an answer to them.
You can read the rest of "American Atheists: are they much different from Stalin and Mao Tse Tung?", here. Ciao!

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