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March of the Gaystapo

Edited for clarity Here is an edited version of a letter I received from a homosexual man: I know you've done some stuff on this recently, and I know this goes on around the world far more than most people would admit. But can you believe this one? I find it difficult to get my head around this in a country with one of the longest Christian traditions. If lefties are looking for oppressed people to defend, Christians should be at the top of the list these days. And I absolutely despise the type of "activists" quoted in this story. No wonder so many people think of gay people as abnormal when virtually all of the "spokespersons" spout this loony PC crap. Damn it I hate it! ... But this bigotry against committed Christians is just too damn much . And the excuses, good grief! "If she goes to church every Sunday, it may impact on the amount of child care she can give." Idiotic. They sound like a loving family, yet they're painted as

Manipulating Opinions in the Name of Science

Leftists celebrate and Conservatives warn against the increase in politically correct activism, especially when it infringes on personal freedoms. We read how "surveys show", but how accurate are they, really? Questions are often loaded, and the questions that are asked (as well as the people selected to participate in surveys) are frequently neglected during reporting. We should know that there are sidewinders who will selectively cite and manipulate data, but it seems that many people simply take "reporting" as unbiased and factual. Not hardly! Generated at Add Letters There are surveys and research results for many purposes, including "evidence" for evolution that conveniently leaves out pertinent data , and more. Ask your friends how many people they think are of the homosexual persuasion. Some think it's about half of the population, when the actual figure in the United States is closer to five percent or less ! The inflated number percept

Homosexual Rights Activists Attack SBC Online

A gay activist group has taken credit for an elaborate online hoax attacking the Southern Baptist Convention for its opposition to gay marriage, calling the nation’s largest Protestant denomination “irresponsible and un-Christian.”  A group calling itself the Center for Responsible Christian Living created a phony website, a fake telephone number along with a press release that was sent to members of the national media.  The Nashville-based, pro-gay activists said they wanted their attack to coincide with New York’s legalization of same-sex marriage and the 42nd anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, long believed to be a turning point in the history of the gay rights movement. Read the rest of Gay Activists Admit to Online Hoax Targeting Southern Baptist Convention here . Another article about this is here .

Chick-fil-A, the Gaystapo and Bandwagon Convictions

This is circulating on Facebook A while back, I wrote an article on what I called "Bandwagon Convictions". I call them that because people jump on the bandwagon because something is trendy or popular. People would become atheists because of the shock value and the ability to get attention, not from actually reasoning to their position. (But the religion of atheism is on the slide , and intelligent people are more likely to be apathetic or contemptuous of such an admission.) In addition to jumping on a causal bandwagon for attention, people join causes because of emotion, a good sales pitch, a desire to please the current lover, to shut someone up or assorted other insincere reasons. Then (as is the case with atheism), people lose interest and start finding other things to do. I believe that there are two aspect to the so-called "gay rights" campaign. One is that "joiners" go along with this because they want to support a cause. Although homosexuals

Weasel Words and the Gay Gene Study

Scientific news confirmed previous scientific news. Namely, there is no such thing as a gay gene. People who claim they were "born this way" can make all kinds of explanations, but genetics is not supporting their lifestyles. The very big new study had scientists and tinhorn news reporters dealing from the bottom of the deck, however. The saying applies here: torture the evidence enough and it'll confess to anything. This study on homosexuality was about behavior, not orientations. Conflicting items from the report were cited, but we see that many genes are associated with homosexual behavior — and with other things as well. One even is a part of the sense of smell, so that's a good indication that the results do not pass the sniff test. An important part of the research tends to be neglected by leftists: causation and correlation are two completely different things. Materialists seek to deny that we are created by God, and are instead slaves to our biochemical im

The Homosexual Agenda and the US Military

Grab your thinking cap Poindexter, as we are going to cover some territory on this one. The subjects in this article lend themselves to straying off in strange tangents, but I’ll do my best to keep on message.              At the end of its lame-duck session last year, the historically inept, treasonous, and corrupt 111th US Congress repealed DADT (Don’t Ask Don’t Tell). The acronym DADT is a misleading construct coined by a GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) friendly media. DADT was not merely about not asking, and not telling, it was a law that prohibited homosexuals from openly serving in the US armed forces. The marginally less despicable 112th US Congress has carried on from where the 111th left off, and is moving ahead with the process of openly integrating homosexuals into the US military. Marines are already going through “gay sensitivity training,” and it was announced recently that Navy chaplains would wed gay couples (jumping the gun it appears—

Homosexual Rights Advocates Are Bullying People

Buona sera. This is a good follow-up to the previous post . I am not entirely pleased with the tone of the article that follows, but that's the breaks. Once again, I'll state that the loaded word "homophobic" (which has become essentially meaningless, but still inflames negative emotions) can be used to cost people their jobs, their political positions, their social status, &c. That negative label (used by mindless sheep who prefer to attack and ridicule rather than discuss) is inaccurate for the overwhelming majority of people; those of us who disagree with their lifestyles on societal, cultural or religious grounds do not phobe any homos. "You keep using that expression, Cowboy Bob. I don't think it means..." Don't start with me now, Nicky. As the gay-rights movement advances, there is increasing evidence of an intriguing role reversal: Today, it is the conservative opponents of that movement who seem eager to depict themsel

Gaystapo Harasses Baptist College

Buon girono. It is interesting that the people who insist on "tolerance" are often the least tolerant themselves. In fact, the word "tolerance" has come to mean, "You must accept my viewpoint, sexual preference, lifestyle, belief system or whatever as equal in validity to anything else". But if you disagree, they do not "tolerate" in the established definition of the word, capice? The Gaystapo is intolerant of Christians, and tries to force their viewpoint on others. Case in point: A gay rights group demonstrated at Oklahoma Baptist University on Wednesday as part of an ongoing project to advance acceptance of homosexuality in religious organizations. Marty O'Gwynn, assistant to the president of Oklahoma Baptist University, told The Christian Post that the Soulforce participants were not given permission to demonstrate on campus. But he also noted that the protesters were peaceful. O'Gwynn said that OKBU does not have any homosexual

Logic Lessons: No True Atheist

Okay, you caught me. The fallacy is actually called the " No True Scotsman ", a term coined by atheist Antony Flew before he became a Deist or something. This fallacy is a darling of atheists who use it incorrectly against Christians. NTS is not an actual fallacy per se , but rather an illustration of other fallacious thinking, such as "moving the goalposts". Simply stated, the claim is made about someone's actions or character. When an exception is found, it is waved off because the person is not genuinely part of the group: No Scotsman puts sugar in his porridge. But Angus MacDonald puts sugar in his  porridge! Aye, but no true  Scotsman puts sugar in his porridge. It is simple enough. Someone makes an assertion. When an exception to that assertion is made, an excuse is made to counter the exception. When used against Christians, it is often incorrect, arbitrary and superficial, ignoring important elements about Christianity . When we are accused

Homosexual "Rights" Rhetoric

I think it is truly disgraceful what you publish on this website. I Know for a fact that homosexuals can not help their sexual preferences. Do you think that they would choose to be persecuted and excluded from society if they had a choice? Most of your “proof” comes from a book written thousands of years ago when people did not necessarily understand what scientists have now discovered about gay people. I’m not saying that I don’t believe the Bible, I just think that everything in it should be taken with a grain of salt. I would not be so quick to blindly believe, word for word, in a book that contradicts itself in many places. I believe that when Jesus and various other people condemned homosexuality, they were condeming the type of activity found in places like Ancient Rome, when the rich male citizens would sometimes have “little boy companions.” That, I find disgraceful, but I think that doesn’t mean we should not allow innocent people t

Persecution of Christians is Not Always Successful

"Tolerance is a two-way street." happens when a graduate-level student of counseling is a Christian and does not want to deal with homosexual issues? In accordance with guidelines, she refers to another counselor. How does the college respond to her actions that were "by the book"? Tell her to undergo remediation to see the error of her ways or be dismissed. Wow, the Gaystapo is intimidating to the weak-willed! But this time, it looks like justice, truth and even common sense can prevail. Some of us stand up for values. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered a trial at the district level for a graduate level counseling student who was dismissed from her program for asking that a client with “gay” issues be referred to another counselor because as a Christian she could not affirm that lifestyle choice. Officials at Eastern Michigan University took that action against Julea Ward, a student approaching the end of her degree program with a 3.91

Traditional Marriage: To Die For

"I will kill you and your family." "Someone please shoot her in the head, again and again." "I'm going to kill the pastor." "If I had a gun I would have gunned you down along with each and every other supporter…" "We're going to kill you." "You're dead. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon … you're dead." "I'm a gay guy who owns guns, and he's my next target." A federal court in Tacoma, WA has been asked to order that the names of signatories of a state petition seeking to protect traditional marriage be redacted to protect them from death threats from homosexual activists. "What is becoming increasingly evident," said James Bopp of the James Madison Center,"is that some groups and individuals, certainly a minority, have resorted to advancing their cause, not by debating the merits of the issue but by discouraging participation in the democratic process

The Easter Day of Transgender Visibility?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are millions of professing Christians, many celebrate the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today my wife is celebrating Easter with Jesus for the first time. I miss her, but my grief is tempered with the knowledge that I will see her again. Unbelievers and leftists taint and distort good things that were created. Biblical creationists are called "science deniers" because we reject fish-to-phlebotomist evolution, but those who believe that people can change genders really are  science deniers. Distorted woods, original image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Study on it a bit. A person's DNA is in every cell, and to change genders would mean to change that in all those trillions of cells. Taking hormones, changing clothing choices, forcing others to use preferred pronouns, having surgery — those are superficial changes. March 31 has been called the Transgender Day of Visibility where people who deny what God created demand to be celebrated. No

Evolution and Other False Salvation Efforts

At first, I didn't have any ideas for something to write for the 8th anniversary of Stormbringer's Thunder. A spam comment at The Question Evolution Project , some podcasts that I heard while working, and ideas came through my mind like stampeding cattle spooked by lightning. —Cowboy Bob Sorensen Have you ever watched the TV show Restaurant Impossible? Chef Robert Irvine revamps failing restaurants and gives the owners new hope for success. He often has to not only deal with bad management (and frequently, bad food), but attempts to fix relationships as well. Many of the restaurants succeed, but there are quite a few that still fail or get sold . When I watch the show, I get to pondering on how the agreements and plans are akin to New Year's resolutions. The root problem still remains. People get involved in "12 Steps" recovery programs that have a pretense at Christianity, but actually give a false gospel . We have bad feelings, so a shrink gives us medicat

Does Free Speech Apply to Employers and Social Media?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Most of us know that employers in The Big Company monitor someone's social media activities. As is often the case, when someone expresses a personal view that is not politically correct, they can be screened out and barred from employment, and people have even lost their jobs for expressing themselves on social media . I disremember when I read this, but someone said that it was good and right for The Big Company to monitor someone's activities. Really? We may cry "censorship" or "freedom of speech", but those do not apply so much here. That is, try to fight it in court on "free speech" grounds, and you'll probably lose. Your speech is regulated while on the company clock, vocal or written, and what you write can be monitored even though it's on your own time, on your own media accounts. There are companies that don't really care what the typical employee does in his or her spare time  as long as they

Kim Davis, Homosexual "Marriage", and Religious Freedom

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since the US Supreme Court legalized homosexual "marriage" (no one can actually redefine marriage because God is the one who defined it ), religious persecution has been on the rise , as was predicted by Franklin Graham and others; say that homosexuality is a sin and not something to be celebrated , risk getting in trouble. The court has been wrong in the past (abortion, the Dred Scott decision , and others), and is wrong now. Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, refused to issue marriage licenses that would violate her religious convictions . She went to jail , which was a violation of both the United States Constitution and the Kentucky Constitution . Indeed, the tinhorn activist judge who sent her to jail also required reeducation of students who opposed homosexuality . Naturally, the Gaystapo, unintelligent atheists , and other leftists are thrilled with all this, not caring about the implications that state and federal laws are being v

"Sexual Diversity" Propaganda

Buon giorno. My regular readers know that I am very annoyed with the "gay is okay" and "acceptance" propaganda for "alternative lifestyles". Somehow, a minority of people confused about their sexuality are using politics, religion and various forms of bullying to attempt to force the rest of society to redefine relationships and marriage itself. Now that a few states have passed same-sex "marriage" laws, the rest of society is expected to redefine marriage itself, even though it has worked quite well for civilization for five, ten, a few thousand years. Those of us who believe that homosexuality is unnatural and/or sinful are given the nonsensical label of "homophobes" . I'll say it yet again: I don't phobe any homos. And I have nothing but contempt for people who use such a term as a substitute for actual thought, capice? On a recent Dr. Who episode, some future-esque space marine types had one male soldier refer to another m

"Gay Rights" Activists, Atheists, Evolutionists and Other Useful Idiots

Some things that are noteworthy in the efforts of the radical leftists to seize power include: Appeal to emotion. The "values" of the leftists are opposed to the majority of the people, but they play up the emotional aspects of "causes" and people support them without thinking; look how leftists tell groups of people that they are oppressed and cannot succeed in life without leftists in power Labels and redefinition. Leftists use labels to provoke emotion (supporters of traditional marriage are labeled with the nonsensical but emotion-laden word "homophobe"), and redefine words to suit their purposes (such as "tolerance" meaning "Everything is okay except Judeo-Christian stuff"). Lack of reason. Someone who is not caught up in the emotional pot-stirring of the leftists can listen to their prominent figures and realize they do not make sense. I saw a picture of homosexuals with a poster outside of a Chick-fil-A restaurant