Weasel Words and the Gay Gene Study

A recent study affirms previous results that there is no gay gene. Materialists still attempt to use genetic determinism to deny the Creator and dehumanize people.Scientific news confirmed previous scientific news. Namely, there is no such thing as a gay gene. People who claim they were "born this way" can make all kinds of explanations, but genetics is not supporting their lifestyles. The very big new study had scientists and tinhorn news reporters dealing from the bottom of the deck, however.

The saying applies here: torture the evidence enough and it'll confess to anything. This study on homosexuality was about behavior, not orientations. Conflicting items from the report were cited, but we see that many genes are associated with homosexual behavior — and with other things as well. One even is a part of the sense of smell, so that's a good indication that the results do not pass the sniff test. An important part of the research tends to be neglected by leftists: causation and correlation are two completely different things.

Materialists seek to deny that we are created by God, and are instead slaves to our biochemical impulses. Added to this is the dehumanizing aspect of genetic determinism. Environmental factors are thrown into the trail mix by leftists, but that concept is a red herring and should be examined separately. Weasel words dominate science news reporting in an effort to further leftist hijacking science for their own ends.

There are two important things for your serious consideration. The first is an article:
Largest genetic study ever done on the subject shows no conclusive evidence genes influence homosexual behavior.
There is no “gay gene,” a big new study concludes. The results of a large genome-wide association study (GWAS) study were published in Science today. Some scientists, however, continue to try to tease the data for some evidence of a predisposition to homosexual behavior.
To read the rest, click on "Homosexuals Can’t Blame Their Genes". The next item is The Briefing podcast by Dr. Albert Mohler. You can listen online, download the MP3, or read the transcript of the first two segments. For this, click on "Part 1, Is Homosexuality Genetic? New Research Reveals an Old Story; Part 2, The Impulse to Ground Homosexuality in Biological Terms Is Driven By Morality, Not Just Science". Bonus article for Christians from May, 2018: "Regarding 'Sexual Orientation', Evil Desire, and the Question of Moral Neutrality".


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