
Showing posts with the label jesus

Atheism, the Bible and Subjective Morality

One of the most simplistic and annoying tricks that atheists pull is their unwillingness to answer questions about knowledge and morality. When pressed, they resort to dodging the question, throwing the question back in the face of the one asking, denying what they said, use logical fallacies, accuse others of fallacies and more ( this MP3 is a good example ). I believe the reason for such behavior is simple: They know that God's ultimate standard is true, but do not want to face it. However, their subjective morality is fundamentally flawed and will self-destruct. Attempting to blame God and make him the bad guy by quote mining the Bible is a massive fail. So is attempting to place your own arbitrary, subjective morality on God . When the atheist is pinned down on the absurdity of subjective morality and has nowhere left to turn, often he'll attempt to point the finger right back at supposed problems with Biblical morality. But there are numerous overarching logical

Atheists, Aliens and Science

stock.xchng/nion I'm going to redirect you to a mult-faceted post. The first part is about the "ownership" of science. Many atheists strut around as if they invented the thing, and that to be a scientist, you have to be an atheist. Dead wrong, Robert! Does science belong to Christians and Theists? We (not me, of course, I wasn't born yet) invented the whole modern disciplines of science. Whether genetics or physics or electrical theory or classification of organisms or chemistry or you name it... You could assert that the ancient Greeks like Archimedes were the first scientists and there is some support for that. However, the axiomatic way of viewing the world proved to be a hindrance to science. Keep in mind that science was always simply a part of the overall concept of philosophy and was not considered separately back in the ancient world. How does that grab ya? But wait, if you act now, you'll get absolutely free, a bonus post about space aliens!

Three Objects of Ridicule

Some people who want to be considered "intellectual" and say that they live by "reason" love to ridicule the Bible. They are wrong. Three of the main objects of derision are the Genesis flood, Jonah and the great fish, and the resurrection of Jesus. Did you know that these three historical events have something in common? And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4) . And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land (Jonah 2:10) . He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay (Matthew 28:6) . These three verses of Scripture speak of three great events of history, widely separated from each other in time, but each involving a mighty miracle. Each testifies of God’s creative power, as well as His judgment on sin and His grace in salvation. The accounts tell of three remarkable specially prepared—yet temporary—

"What I have written, I have written"

Pilate also had a sign lettered and put on the cross. The inscription was: JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS. Many of the Jews read this sign, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. So the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Don’t write, ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that He said, ‘I am the King of the Jews.’ ” Pilate replied, “What I have written, I have written.” — John 19:19-22 , HCSB All four Gospel accounts mention the sign on the cross. All four accounts differ a little bit. This seems puzzling when approached on a superficial level. In reality, it is not a difficulty at all. Why do all four Gospels contain different versions? Does this indicate error? By no means. Both Luke and John tell us that the inscription on the Cross of Jesus was written in three languages, Greek, Latin and Hebrew. It is therefore a reasonable assumption that three of the Gospel writers each chose to quote a dif

Disproving Resurrection "Explanations"

From the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, people have been attempting to make excuses to explain away this greatly attested fact of history. Some have been pathetically desperate to say that he never existed , but they have to find a minority of crackpot "historians" to support this conjecture. Others have come up with silly ideas, such as, "His disciples sole his body while we were sleeping" (Matt. 28.13). So tell me, how do you know what happened while you were sleeping, Buttercup? Using basic logic, the false explanations of the absence of his body do not withstand scrutiny. Definitions Sir Karl Popper, the late philosopher of science, devised a falsification criterion that can be used to disprove theories. It is derived from the modus tollens rule of inference, which is of one of these two forms: Form 1 1) p⇒q 2) ¬q ∴ p Form 2 1) p⇒¬q 2) q ∴ p The falsification criterion devised by Karl Popper is an example of form 2 of the modus

Atheism, Materialism, Relativism and Reason

We have seen in numerous posts that atheism is an incoherent, irrational, unreasonable and self-defeating worldview (as is its confused, timid kid brother, agnosticism). Evolution is a cornerstone of this belief system, since both rely on materialism , a self-affirming and intellectually suffocating idea that starts and ends with the physical universe. Atheism and evolutionism also rely on viciously circular reasoning. To admit that there really is a Creator would destroy atheism instantly, because that would imply that we need to find out what the Creator has to say to us. Further, atheism relies on relativism, a convenient means of excusing thoughtlessness and convenience-based "morality". Relativism is an absurd philosophy. "Relativism is the concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity, having only relative, subjective value according to differences in perception and consideration... The term often refers to truth relativism , which

Video — Dear Atheist, Let's Talk

The religion of atheism is irrational and fundamentally flawed. Although many who call themselves "atheists" claim to have rejected the existence of God through "reason", they have failed miserably, deceiving themselves and perhaps deceiving others. The irrational, unscientific worldview called "evolution" is a cornerstone of atheism. It gives their religion a veneer of intellectualism, and they refuse to acknowledge the multitudinous failings of evolutionary theories. They prefer to continually prop up the failed "science" of evolutionism for emotional comfort. Atheism is incoherent, lacking the necessary preconditions of human experience. There is no plan for the life of the atheist, since everything is an accident of nature. This also means that there is no foundation for morality (I can name atheists who will say and do anything because their "morality" is based only on their immediate desires, and they are useless for humanity

America's Abortion Shame - 40 Years Later

Abortion is almost a sacrament for leftist politics (remember how they lied about Romney?) Ultra radical B. Hussein Obama is astonishingly pro-abortion . Obamacare forces employers to pay for abortions , just ask Hobby Lobby . The so-called "woman's right to choose" (what about the unborn woman, was she consulted?) and other appeals to emotion are used. Yet, abortion is a for-profit industry that yanks people's emotions around in order to further its own ends. Naturally, this is another evil that is firmly supporte d by the social applications of the pseudoscience called evolutio n. How about if you in terrupt your pr0n surfing and stalking to spend a bout a half an hour and be enlightened? I challenge you to wat ch it.  

Video: "Atheism — Embarrassments and Hyporcisies"


Washing It Away

A New Year's Rant Recently, I said that making preparations for New Year's Day has some psychological value. Wearing a new piece of clothing is good. I started reading a version of the Bible that was new to me, and had things lined up as I could to start the business aspect of the New Year. As a bonus, "The Question Evolution Project" on Facebook gained some new Admins to add content and sweep up troll droppings. This is great, because the influence of Richard Dawkins and vitriolic atheism is fading, and creation science is gaining ground . People are realizing that they need the truth, not the hatred from atheopaths. I'll come back to this in a moment. In a podcast, Dr. James White was discussing how many Islamic apologists are inconsistent and disingenuous. This part caught my attention: What he said reminded me of many misotheists. They do not care about truth, accuracy, integrity, the rights of others or even obeying the law. (For that matte

For Christmas — A Victory for American Religious Freedom

Although atheism is on the slide , anti-Christian bigotry is increasing and secularists are increasing their efforts to remove our established freedoms. There are good people to stand up to them. The American Center for Law and Justice had a victory regarding Nativity scenes on public land, which you can read about here .

Dismantling a Dawkins Disciple

An angry, uninformed atheopath took exception to The Question Evolution Project making sport of an atheist pope who ridicules the beliefs of others. Here is the "meme" that upset him: This is what he said, and the provocative reply (with a bonus troll remark just above his): Since some of us are not fond of bullies, trolls and obstreperous twits, it was kicked up a notch: The "previous comment" referenced there was a link to an article with proof that many professional atheists do believe that everything came from nothing . He did not like the way the game was going, and proceeded to fuss more: Note the foolish attempt at ridicule by bringing up Jesus in an attempt to force us to a standard that he himself does not believe (typical hypocrisy of atheists), and then calling TQEP "liar". It's amazing how people love their hero but don't know much about what has been said or written. Here is proof in his own words that Richard D

Video by The Atheist Antidote: "Atheists and Christmas"

Perhaps they're just angry that they have to wait until April 1 for their own joyless holiday, so they can't get into ours . Perhaps it's just hate in disguise. They pretend to be standing for something when they seek to remove the civil rights of Christians , what a joke. Atheopaths are not fooling anyone. And they really wonder why people can't stand them?

Atheists and their Demonizing — What's the Point?

For a long time, I have said that people are stupidified by hate. (Yes, I learned that word from Matt Slick .) They are so wrapped up in their hatred of people that there is little, if anything, that hate-ee can do that is "right" in their eyes. When it comes to atheism, the stupidification is a spiritual problem. Not only are they suppressing the truth about God (Rom. 1.20), they are unable to understand deeper spiritual matters (1 Cor. 2.14). This feeds itself and other areas of their lives are affected (Rom. 1.21-22), especially the ability to reason. Some refer to this as the "noetic effect of sin". This helps explain why the garden variety atheopath is unable to understand basic concepts of logic, even after they are explained. These proponents of "reason" are exceedingly irrational. (Click for larger.) This troll's assertion is helpful how, exactly? Since they are unable to defend their incoherent worldview, preferring instead

Happy CHRISTmas!

Why are people hung up on saying "Christmas"? American say "Happy Thanksgiving", and people are willing to say, "Happy Valentine's Day", "Happy New Year" and others. Maybe it's like Brad Stine said, that after 2,000 years, Jesus Christ is still intimidating people. “Have a Happy Holiday,” I said. I had purposely avoided saying Merry CHRISTmas because I’ve been told that I am somehow shoving my religion down everyone’s throat ever time I say Merry CHRISTmas. And far be it from me to play havoc with the mercurial beliefs of those weak-willed enough to convert based on a simple greeting. Honestly, I had no idea that such a sentiment could be so powerful. Did YOU know that wishing someone a Merry CHRISTmas would force them to convert to my faith? Did you know that acknowledging the existence of an officially recognized national holiday celebrated by the majority of a democratic nation would officially set up a Christian Theocra

Video: No Evidence for God

This video is short and fast-moving, showing that the claim, "There is no evidence for God" (laughable on the surface) is irrational.

Excuses for Atheism Wear Thin

"I used to go to New York University a long time ago, which is in Greenwich Village...I was in love in my freshman year, but I did not marry the first girl that I fell in love with, because there was a tremendous religious conflict, at the time. She was an atheist, and I was an agnostic. We didn't know which religion not to bring the children up in." — Allan Stewart Konigsberg Anyway, atheists are full of excuses for their disbelief. In a discussion on the "Unbelievable?" radio show/podcast a few months ago, I heard an atheist saying that he decided God did not exist was because he had prayed for something silly , like a new bicycle, and was disappointed. Others have rejected God for somewhat less ridiculous reasons, including praying for a healing that did not happen, having absent or abusive fathers and so on. The problem with praying and being disappointed is that these people were expecting God to be some sort of vending machine or cosmic butler.

Five "Arguments" of Atheists (Plus Three)

There are many good articles refuting the simplistic arguments of atheists and evolutionists, but I was somewhat startled to read Bryan's list of five "arguments" of modern atheists. The reason I was startled is that it is common to encounter these substitutes for thinking in a single day , sometimes in less time, and I liked his summary. Before I give you the link, I would like to add some observations of lameness that the more feculent atheists have to offer. These happen because atheopaths think they're clever, but actually cannot offer reasonable discussions or rational thinking. Blatant insults. While some insults are actually well-crafted, in the end, they are not worth the expenditure of time and energy. Making stuff up, and other lies. I have had some interesting (and libelous) things said to and about me that little or no basis in truth. In addition, things are said about God, the Bible, Jesus, creation science, Intelligent Design, Calvinists, Armin

Atheists, Leftists and Bullies

Bullying’s not about anger, it’s not about misunderstandings, it is about contempt. Bullies express contempt for other people. It is the language of supremacy — bullies are supremacists. And they are stripping people of human dignity every day. — Transcribed from a Paul Coughlin presentation Tweaked for wording 10-25-2012. Having a multi-purpose Weblog has some advantages. Sometimes I get bored and want to stop (after all, it's been going for five years and almost five months with over a thousand posts and articles just on this one). Other times, I get fired up and need to share one of my brilliant insights that the world cannot live without. Plus it's a good platform for sharing audio clips and things. None today, however, I've caught up. Other times, it's like a journal. Some things came together for me today when I was listening to a podcast where I work. (Yes, Norman, I learned about your bitter, libelous remarks . Some of us are intelligent enough to

Recorded Live for Your Listening Pleasure

Actually, it's not recorded live for anyone's pleasure. Rather, this is to instruct and inform. "What are you nattering on about, Cowboy Bob?" Some people want me to do podcasts. I'm not sure about that yet. I was on a radio show/podcast recently. We discussed atheism, logic, how atheism is fundamentally flawed in the logic department, stalkers, Christians, presenting the gospel message, worldviews, evolutionary presuppositions and more. Here is a link so you can listen and find out more . Here is a music video: