
Showing posts with the label homosexual

No More Girl Scout Cookies for Me!

Buona sera.  It's sad, really. There are some organizations that we were able to rely on to help develop the skills and character of our young people. Since the rise of the "anything goes", tolerance, politically correct, drift to moral liberalism and political leftism, we have to check everyone, it seems.  The Girl Scouts of the USA has lost its focus. Not only will they allow boys who are sexually confused (mostly from lousy parenting) to join their ranks, but their continual journey to the left is becoming alarming, to say the least. Their November 2011 convention is full of extreme leftists , including pro-abortionists, lesbians and other femi-nazis. Since GSUSA is hypocritical about the values they claim to support , girls are feeling betrayed and are leaving the organization . The Girl Scouts organization needs to face some very tough questions. Here are some questions that girls and their parents can ask to see if GSUSA is really the kind of outfit that they w

Double Standards of Tolerance

Buona sera. Have you ever noticed that the people who make the most noise about "tolerance" are the least tolerant? There are two problems with their views. First, "tolerance" has been redefined. In normal use in the context of viewpoints, we can tolerate other people's opinions and values, respect their right to have them. There is no shooting, shouting, ridicule, browbeating, Internet trolling and so forth. We may discuss our differences, we may not. Now the redefinition of tolerance has the connotation that all views are valid, truthful and right. The second problem with the views of the tolerance crowd is that they will not tolerate the view that someone is right and the others are wrong. You tolerate everyone, but when I say that I am right, my views are not to be tolerated. So, their philosophy is ridiculous. Capice? The Christian viewpoint is the least tolerated, especially if we say that there is a God, there is only one God (Isaiah 45.6), Jesus is th

Homosexuality, Christians and Sharia

Buona sera. Bible-believing Christians (as opposed to "liberal" make-your-own-god theology that gives a vague nod to Jesus, but backs away from actual Bible teaching if it goes against their opinions, Exodus 20.3) know that homosexuality goes against God's grain (1 Cor. 6.9, Rom. 1.26-28). Sorry, but that's what God says, I don't make the rules. Homosexuality is becoming more acceptable, probably because it is becoming more and more politically correct, despite the fact that most Americans believe that marriage is between a man and a woman . Yet, the Gaystapo is gaining momentum and is becoming increasingly aggressive (I pointed out some examples here and also here, where a man cannot even voice his personal opinion on the subject ). Because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is a sinful act, not a natural condition, we are called "homophobes" (a nonsense word) and "haters". No, we don't

"Sexual Diversity" Propaganda

Buon giorno. My regular readers know that I am very annoyed with the "gay is okay" and "acceptance" propaganda for "alternative lifestyles". Somehow, a minority of people confused about their sexuality are using politics, religion and various forms of bullying to attempt to force the rest of society to redefine relationships and marriage itself. Now that a few states have passed same-sex "marriage" laws, the rest of society is expected to redefine marriage itself, even though it has worked quite well for civilization for five, ten, a few thousand years. Those of us who believe that homosexuality is unnatural and/or sinful are given the nonsensical label of "homophobes" . I'll say it yet again: I don't phobe any homos. And I have nothing but contempt for people who use such a term as a substitute for actual thought, capice? On a recent Dr. Who episode, some future-esque space marine types had one male soldier refer to another m

Traditional Marriage: To Die For

"I will kill you and your family." "Someone please shoot her in the head, again and again." "I'm going to kill the pastor." "If I had a gun I would have gunned you down along with each and every other supporter…" "We're going to kill you." "You're dead. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon … you're dead." "I'm a gay guy who owns guns, and he's my next target." A federal court in Tacoma, WA has been asked to order that the names of signatories of a state petition seeking to protect traditional marriage be redacted to protect them from death threats from homosexual activists. "What is becoming increasingly evident," said James Bopp of the James Madison Center,"is that some groups and individuals, certainly a minority, have resorted to advancing their cause, not by debating the merits of the issue but by discouraging participation in the democratic process

Homosexual "Rights" Rhetoric

I think it is truly disgraceful what you publish on this website. I Know for a fact that homosexuals can not help their sexual preferences. Do you think that they would choose to be persecuted and excluded from society if they had a choice? Most of your “proof” comes from a book written thousands of years ago when people did not necessarily understand what scientists have now discovered about gay people. I’m not saying that I don’t believe the Bible, I just think that everything in it should be taken with a grain of salt. I would not be so quick to blindly believe, word for word, in a book that contradicts itself in many places. I believe that when Jesus and various other people condemned homosexuality, they were condeming the type of activity found in places like Ancient Rome, when the rich male citizens would sometimes have “little boy companions.” That, I find disgraceful, but I think that doesn’t mean we should not allow innocent people t

"Diversity" and "Inclusion" at Cisco? Double Standard!

Can someone help me understand what diversity means at Cisco Systems? 1. Frank Turek, a management and team-building trainer, was dismissed by Cisco for reasons completely unrelated to his job performance. 2. The reason for his dismissal was his religious and political views , none of which was ever brought up on the job. 3. Cisco loudly trumpets its value of inclusion and diversity. 4. The company has reportedly failed to respond to private and open letters asking how this firing reflects a mindset of diversity and inclusion. 5. Cisco’s Senior Director of Inclusion and Diversity reportedly “refused to do anything to address the cultural factors that contributed to the firing, she refused to even consider the possibility that the Cisco culture was decidedly tilted toward intolerant political correctness—the soil from which the firing sprouted.” Read the rest of Thinking Christian's (Tom Gilson) " What Do Diversity and Inclusion Mean at Cisco Systems?"

Homosexual Rights Advocates Are Bullying People

Buona sera. This is a good follow-up to the previous post . I am not entirely pleased with the tone of the article that follows, but that's the breaks. Once again, I'll state that the loaded word "homophobic" (which has become essentially meaningless, but still inflames negative emotions) can be used to cost people their jobs, their political positions, their social status, &c. That negative label (used by mindless sheep who prefer to attack and ridicule rather than discuss) is inaccurate for the overwhelming majority of people; those of us who disagree with their lifestyles on societal, cultural or religious grounds do not phobe any homos. "You keep using that expression, Cowboy Bob. I don't think it means..." Don't start with me now, Nicky. As the gay-rights movement advances, there is increasing evidence of an intriguing role reversal: Today, it is the conservative opponents of that movement who seem eager to depict themsel

Homophobic - Or Homo-Skeptical?

Buon giorno. This article could almost be a "Logic Lesson" because it touches on a particular fallacy. Keep reading to see what I mean. The term "homophobic" has lost its original meaning long ago. Today, it is pretty much a meaningless term that is used to carry emotion and poison the well ; that is, if I say that Alex is a homophobe, that will make you less inclined to believe whatever Alex is trying to say, even on the remote chance that he is actually right for once. It is very convenient to do a drive-by labeling of someone with this term, especially if emotions are high and the gang is already predisposed to hate the other person. Being a "homophobe" is the current trendy hate-word. Idiots are ready and willing to believe the accusation without proof. Why bother to discuss something when you can hate. I have said several times that I do not phobe any homos. It is simply a matter of disagreeing with their lifestyles as a matter of culture and

Homosexual Rights Activists Attack SBC Online

A gay activist group has taken credit for an elaborate online hoax attacking the Southern Baptist Convention for its opposition to gay marriage, calling the nation’s largest Protestant denomination “irresponsible and un-Christian.”  A group calling itself the Center for Responsible Christian Living created a phony website, a fake telephone number along with a press release that was sent to members of the national media.  The Nashville-based, pro-gay activists said they wanted their attack to coincide with New York’s legalization of same-sex marriage and the 42nd anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, long believed to be a turning point in the history of the gay rights movement. Read the rest of Gay Activists Admit to Online Hoax Targeting Southern Baptist Convention here . Another article about this is here .

The Homosexual Agenda and the US Military

Grab your thinking cap Poindexter, as we are going to cover some territory on this one. The subjects in this article lend themselves to straying off in strange tangents, but I’ll do my best to keep on message.              At the end of its lame-duck session last year, the historically inept, treasonous, and corrupt 111th US Congress repealed DADT (Don’t Ask Don’t Tell). The acronym DADT is a misleading construct coined by a GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) friendly media. DADT was not merely about not asking, and not telling, it was a law that prohibited homosexuals from openly serving in the US armed forces. The marginally less despicable 112th US Congress has carried on from where the 111th left off, and is moving ahead with the process of openly integrating homosexuals into the US military. Marines are already going through “gay sensitivity training,” and it was announced recently that Navy chaplains would wed gay couples (jumping the gun it appears—

March of the Gaystapo

Edited for clarity Here is an edited version of a letter I received from a homosexual man: I know you've done some stuff on this recently, and I know this goes on around the world far more than most people would admit. But can you believe this one? I find it difficult to get my head around this in a country with one of the longest Christian traditions. If lefties are looking for oppressed people to defend, Christians should be at the top of the list these days. And I absolutely despise the type of "activists" quoted in this story. No wonder so many people think of gay people as abnormal when virtually all of the "spokespersons" spout this loony PC crap. Damn it I hate it! ... But this bigotry against committed Christians is just too damn much . And the excuses, good grief! "If she goes to church every Sunday, it may impact on the amount of child care she can give." Idiotic. They sound like a loving family, yet they're painted as