
Showing posts with the label jesus

Christianity and Fear

More and more, I keep seeing how people are ignorant of creation science, the Bible, God, Jesus, Christianity and so on. It is not just from me, I see complaints from other Christians, including apologists. Much of it is because such atheists never bothered to seriously think about the subjects, and get their bad information from friends, dishonest sites of atheopaths, terrible misotheist pep rally philosophers like Richard Dawkins and so on. So, the basic accusation seems true: Atheists do not do their homework. But their ignorance does not interfere with their expression of their prejudicial conjectures and dishonest accusations. Here is a letter that a creation organization received: S.A. from the United Kingdom wrote in response to our article Is God watching?: Looking at this article, it doesn’t sound like morality comes from Christianity, only obedience and fear. I don’t steal or murder people because that is wrong, not because I might be punished for it. And to su

Does Mental Illness Cause Atheism?

On a broadcast of Evidence for Faith , Keith and Kirk discussed a study from the Psychology Department at the University of British Columbia called " Mentalizing Deficits Constrain Belief in a Personal God ". It shows that people with a tendency toward mental disorders, especially autism, are more likely to be disbelievers. The more severe the autism, the stronger the disbelief. Several projects attempt to determine the causes of atheism. There is probably no single cause, however.  Most atheists appear to be Caucasian adolescent males (which is not a surprise, considering the complaints of sexual harassment from the less numerous atheist females) A majority of atheists seem to have had bad or nonexistent relationships with their fathers A desire for attention Sociopath behavior (especially trolling, personal attacks, unhealthy amounts of time on the Internet in efforts to antagonize Christians) Further, it is seen in their irrational insistence on asserting t

Astonishing Atheist Arrogance and Hypocrisy

Thank God that atheism and evolutionism are dying off ! Unfortunately, the moldering corpse of atheism is still walking around, preaching the false gospel of evolutionism and making a general nuisance of itself. After that appetizing introduction, I am pleased to announce that part of this article is about food. Sorta. Atheists can't seem to understand why most people do not like or trust them. Would obnoxiousness have anything to do with it? I think so. It seems to make sense that if you choose to offend large segments of the population ( usually through misrepresentation ), it would reinforce public opinion that they are cafones. Of course, the typical rebuttal of atheists when someone tells the truth about them is a petty, "You're a bad man so everything you say is a lie and therefore there is no God" nonsense. Small minds attack people instead of dealing with concepts. Hate and persecution take many forms. But wait, there's more! Food, remembe

I Got Your "Extraordinary Evidence" Right Here, Pal!

While listening to the August 12, 2012 podcast of " Stand to Reason " with Greg Koukl, I heard something that I could not only use, but fit in quite will with my intellectual and spiritual development. I was pounding the desk and shouting out, "Yeah!". Then I realized that all my co-workers were staring at me. Then I further realized that my outburst only happened in my mind, so everything was fine. Anyway. Greg was going on about the withered old canard, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (popularized by Carl Sagan, a variation on a quote from Laplace, also a variation on a similar quote from Hume). There was something about that saying that struck me about its wrongness, but I did not know why. All I knew was that it was rubbish. Then Greg pointed out that there is substantial arbitrariness to that remark. The speaker demands that you please him or her with the evidence. You can listen to the part of the show that got me all agitat

Mock a Holy Book and See What Happens

Despite their claims to "lack belief" in God, skeptics (that is, hate-filled mockers) will troll and attack anything Christian because they know what the Bible teaches about how Christians are supposed to respond to our enemies. These blatant hypocrites do not dare to give Mohammedans the same treatment, probably out of fear for their lives. Mock Mohammed, burn a Koran , and people die. And yet, Western governments keep on coddling the "religion of peace" instead of taking action and telling them to act like the civilized people that they pretend to be. But I'm digressing a bit. Contrast the fear of violence from Islam for almost any slight, large or small, real or imagined, with Christianity. Although dishonest misotheists portray us as unkind when we stand up to their bullying, there is no reasonable assumption that their lives are in danger from us. So, they mock. A play called " The Bible — The Complete Word of God (Abridged) " is a flat-out

Article on Evolution, Animal Rights and Killing Hunters

No, it's not here. I put it at Piltdown Superman. Click here to read it .

"Gay Rights" Activists, Atheists, Evolutionists and Other Useful Idiots

Some things that are noteworthy in the efforts of the radical leftists to seize power include: Appeal to emotion. The "values" of the leftists are opposed to the majority of the people, but they play up the emotional aspects of "causes" and people support them without thinking; look how leftists tell groups of people that they are oppressed and cannot succeed in life without leftists in power Labels and redefinition. Leftists use labels to provoke emotion (supporters of traditional marriage are labeled with the nonsensical but emotion-laden word "homophobe"), and redefine words to suit their purposes (such as "tolerance" meaning "Everything is okay except Judeo-Christian stuff"). Lack of reason. Someone who is not caught up in the emotional pot-stirring of the leftists can listen to their prominent figures and realize they do not make sense. I saw a picture of homosexuals with a poster outside of a Chick-fil-A restaurant

Video: Refuting Attacks on the Historicity of Jesus

People should know better by now. Do they really want to display their ignorance of history, archaeology, ancient literature and so on by pretending that Jesus himself never existed? Dr. Phil Fernandes easily refutes that silliness. Get comfy, it's over an hour. But well worth it.

Make It YOUR Independence Day!

Here is a great song, and someone did a great job on the fireworks to make the video. Listen to our declaration, Listen to our testament! We've been given a revelation, We are sure of where we stand. So let the banner be unfurled, We've found the light of hope in a dying world! Hear the myth of modern man: "You're the god of your own land". They call you weak, a spineless fool, Say you've given up your right to rule. But I have been to the "Land of Me", And I know I was never free; Freedom came when I gave it all away! That's why I call it independence day! Call it independence day. Let the rockets blaze across the sky, Raise the flag of faith up high, Let the doubters call it what they may: It's independence day! The world can crown another hundred kings, But I believe in a better dream. They may call it slavery, But the biggest chain I knew was me. So let the idols tumble down, The walls of lies crumble to the

Biblical Roots of America

"The hope of a Christian is inseparable from his faith. Whoever believes in the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures must hope that the religion of Jesus shall prevail throughout the earth. Never since the foundation of the world have the prospects of mankind been more encouraging to that hope than they appear to be at the present time. And may the associated distribution of the Bible proceed and prosper till the Lord shall have made 'bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God' (Isaiah 52:10)." — John Quincy Adams Despite the efforts of revisionists to take away the truth and secularize America, the fact remains immovable that this country was founded on Christian values . Although this country was founded on the Bible, there was never a threat that people would be forced to worship at a state-run religious establishment; people were free to believe or disbelieve as they chose. Am

More Atheist "Freethinker" Nonsense

Tony Miano is a street preacher with experience and knowledge of theology. He has a burden for the lost and wants to keep people from going to Hell. Tony is affiliated with evangelist Ray Comfort . He does not deserve this: Strange...I thought atheists didn't believe in Hell.  Anyway, so many atheists will say and do almost anything, no matter how vicious, no matter how utterly stupid, just to express hate for God and his people. The word "freethinker" is totally wrong, because their thinking is not free. No, they are doing the bidding of their father down below (John 8.44-45). Hell is real. But they don't have to go there .

Further Signs of the Decline of Atheism

Buon giorno. An atheist brazenly claimed, " Atheism is the fastest growing religion in the world ". Was it ignorance, dishonesty, wishful thinking...? Actually, atheism is declining, and Christianity is increasing [ 1 , 2 ]. An essay on "Ten Reasons Why American Atheism Will See a Significant Decline" is here . America is seeing an increase in Biblical creationism , despite the efforts of militant atheists, secularists and activist judges. You can't stop the truth forever, capice? I'm glad The Question Evolution Project is a part of this! Even more annoying for Darwinists and atheists is that this is becoming a bad year for their religions. 4 important questions every Darwinist and atheist/agnostic must answer: 1. Is the young earth creationist organization Creation Ministries International and its Question Evolution! Campaign with its 15 questions for evolutionists on the rise and poised for tremendous growth? 2. Are evolutionists and atheists

"Tolerance" and "Coexist" Contradicted

These have been floating around in my Internet circles. "Coexist"? Not likely. Here's why:    

Foolishness of Atheists Denying the Existence of Jesus

I unfortunately get quoted as someone who thinks that Jesus didn't exist, which I think is very strange because I've written an entire book on what Jesus said and for him to say or do anything, he had to exist. I don't think there is any serious historian who doubts the existence of Jesus. — Bart Ehrman It's one thing to deny that Jesus was God in the flesh who is the only way to salvation (John 14.6, Col. 1.16-17). But to deny that Jesus never existed? May as well deny all of ancient history, then. [ 1 ] Some critics object to using the Bible as a historical document because it is attempting to prove something. Well, that's what books do, Derwood! The Bible is one of the best historical documents in existence. [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] There are almost no serious scholars who deny his existence. To me, it is the height of desperation and misotheism to find some fringe scholar to support such arrogant, foolish views. Serious scholars do know that Jesus did exist, and there

Those Puzzling Post-Resurrection Appearances

When we hear about the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead, it is often from one passage of Scripture that is read or from watching a classic gospel movie . In reality, there was quite a bit of activity. Many people were coming and going from the tomb. Jesus appeared, angels appeared, people told other people who showed up, Jesus walked on the road to Emmaus with two disciples, appeared to others — like I said, it was a busy place. It was a busy time. Some people assert that the Gospel accounts of the locations, witnesses, and timing of the post-Resurrection appearances of Jesus are contradictory. Scripture exhorts us to be always prepared with answers (1 Peter 3:15) for the hope that is in us. Since these answers and our eternal hope rest on the authenticity of Christ’s Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:17), we need to sort through some of the “many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3) Scripture catalogs. As the annual time of our celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection draws nea

Video - Evidence of Eyewitnesses to the Gospels

Excellent lecture by Dr. Peter Williams giving more evidence that the Gospels were written by eyewitnesses. Get comfy. Although very interesting, it takes about an hour.

The Latest International Persecution of Christians

Buon giorno. There are some atheist clowns who display their hatred and ignorance by saying that Christians do not have to deal with persecution. Well, I have shown several times on this Weblog that Christians have to deal with discrimination and persecution. Although it is not as bad in the Western world (yet... we all know what happens when atheists gain power), it still exists, capice? Between atheists and Mohammedans, if we did not have God on our side, we would not stand a chance. Four Protestants in Turkmenistan were arrested and fined in late February after police discovered Bibles in their possession. Although the judge initially refused to hear the case against the four Christians, citing a lack of evidence, she later changed her position and fined them for “violation of the law on religious organizations.” The Bibles were discovered when police searched a home where three believers were staying with a fourth Christian. During the search, a police officer found a Bible

Religious Speech IS Still Allowed

Buon giorno. Secularists are intent on banishing freedom of religion (and I suspect that freedom of religious thought is threatened). Some even think that "religion" should not be allowed in the workplace and attempt to secularize it, reminiscent of Stalin's efforts to secularize the Soviet Union. No, prohibiting religious speech is a federal crime (unless, of course, it is actually interfering with the workplace). In previous posts, I showed how the rights of Christian students is eroding , and organized efforts by atheists to persecute Christians . Not only with the truth go on, but we still have free speech in the USA. Capice? A Christian-based legal defense alliance wants to make sure everyone understands that schools in the U.S. may talk about Easter in the historical sense of what is written in the Bible about the time of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection – not just about chocolate Easter bunnies. The Alliance Defense Fund published a memorandum last week wh

Strange Searches: Atheists Are Idiots

April Fool on me, the auto-post failed. This was scheduled at 12.01 AM Eastern Time. "Now you're just being downright nasty! As if telling the truth is bad enough, now you're doing name-calling!" Simmer down, Selma. It's one of the search terms in my site meter that shows how people came to my site. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a set-up and someone is laughing because I used it, but big deal. For me to use a broad, sweeping generalization that "all atheists are idiots" because I thought the ones I met qualify for that classification would be to commit a hasty generalization fallacy . Further, to call someone an idiot is erroneous in the first place. Although the meaning has changed over the years, at one time, it meant that someone had an IQ of about 30, and a mental age of a three-year-old or less. It is no longer used as a designation. Now it is just a way to call someone stupid. But I digress. When looking at groups of people, you g

Atheism, Logic and True Reason

Buona sera. Reports from the (Un) Reason Rally of atheists (a religious gathering to celebrate that they hate religions and do not believe in anything, go figure). The hypocrisy of the rally and especially of Dawkins is documented. Their intolerance of others had been made abundantly clear (again), as is the encouragement to engage in bullying . Not that they needed encouragement, capice? Some of us have been pointing out that these people who claim to love reason, logic and so on are not very good at those very things. The rally did not have arguments in favor of atheism. Instead, just anti-Christian invective and empty rhetoric. I'll mention intolerance again for emphasis. In a discussion at Evidence 4 Faith 's March 25, 2012 podcast, Keith Kendrix had several guests in the studio who attended the rally. I found it to be very interesting, and suggest that it is well worth an hour of your time. You can click on the link above and go to the "Podcasts" link, or d