
Showing posts with the label dawkins

Atheist Propaganda for the Young

Heating It Up for Atheism in July continues with a review of the propaganda piece aimed at children by Richard "Daffy" Dawkins called The Magic of Reality. As usual, his misotheistic material is aimed at undermining the faith of people by using straw man fallacies, arbitrary assertions and appeals to emotion. Read between the lines: "Don't trust your parents, kids! If they deny evolution, they're lying! Come to me, I have the truth." Propagandist. Richard Dawkins’ latest book, The Magic of Reality (MOR), is quite unlike his previous works, not least because he would like children to read it. Certainly, there is little doubt that the colourful, eye-catching artwork of his collaborator and illustrator Dave McKean has enhanced its accessibility and considerably extended its reach. So, what kind of book is it? It’s a well-written, engaging, wide-ranging romp through all sorts of interesting questions about life and science. But, to borr

Richard Dawkins Shows His Massive Intellect

Buon giorno. I am really at a loss as to why people consider Richard "Daffy" Dawkins a great thinker. In another post, I gave evidence that he is either uninformed (unlikely) or dishonest (likely) about the idea that atheists wouldn't destroy religious buildings [ 1 ]. People copy and paste quotes from Dawkins and the other so-called "New Atheists" (much easier than using brain cells) as if they were brilliant bits of philosophy. No, they are simply insulting diatribes, feeding on the existing biases of misotheistic sheep. They hear some insult, say, "Yeah! Yeah!", then repeat such nonsense. Here is Daffy being dodging an honest question and being rude to the questioner. Then, his response is discussed by someone who can actually think:

Atheism In Action

"I do not believe there is an atheist in the world who would would bulldoze Mecca - or Chartres, York Minster or Notre Dame, the Shwedagon, the temples of Kyoto or, of course, the Buddhas of Bamiyan." — Richard Dawkins  Buona sera. Atheists tell us that they want everyone to live together in peace, love and grooviness under the benevolent banner of "reason". Of course, it would be a dictatorship under their control, but nobody has anything to fear from intellectually superior and morally pure people, right? Wrong. If you believe that atheists are intellectually superior and morally pure after all I have shown you here, there's something seriously wrong with your thinking bone, capice? I put it to you that the above quote from Richard "Daffy" Dawkins is not a mistake, that he is not uninformed, but that he is lying. The easiest place to find examples of what atheists are like when they gain power is the former Soviet Union.

Liars, Accusers and Other Sycophants

Revised 19 May 2013. I have writte n about this before , but it's time to have another go at it and make it better. It's about accusations of "liar". Some other people and I took someone to task in a forum for using the pathetically obtuse and detestable accusation, "liar for Jesus", something that people like this probably picked up from Dawkins . I have yet to see that garbage used by someone who was not simply attempting to provoke a negative reaction. Here are some reasons that this libelous phrase is agonizingly stupid: It implies that the accuser knows the motives of the person, including a desire to deceive The accuser does not stop to consider that God does not condone lying How it is inconsistent to accuse someone of lying to get someone to believe in a holy God Judging from my own observations and experience, other accusations of "liar" come from people who are unable to differentiate between lies and a difference of opini

BULLY for Dawkins at (Un) Reason Rally

Buon giorno. I can't stand bullies. Partly because I endured it as a child. Now I intervene. Sometimes, I even give it back. Bullies should appreciate getting some of their own rotten treatment, capice? But right now, the best thing I can do is point out their foolishness and tell the truth about the angry misotheists and their "Me, too!" yap dogs that actually think that hatred is a valid form of logic. What did we get at the so-called "Reason Rally?" Lots of whining, hypocrisy, appeals to emotion, rampant hatred, trashing of the vague "religion" boogieman — but nothing resembling actual "reason". Do you know how these kinds of atheists refute Christian logic? Just declare them wrong or find a rescuing device (an excuse) to get out of it; the conclusions reached do not agree with atheistic presuppositions . From there, many Internet atheists resort to bullying tactics. But not logic, because their logic is fundamentally flawed.

Hypocrisy at the (Un) Reason Rally

Tweaked a few hours after posting. Buona sera. I have had many experience in dealing with atheistic hypocrisy and double standards, so there is not much that surprises me. And yet, I am still amazed by how they cannot even see that they are being hypocritical. There are times when atheists portray themselves as harmless people who never bother anyone, and simply do not believe the way theists believe. So... It must not be the atheists that troll YouTube material by Christians with ridiculous and often obscene comments, and vote down the video It must not be the atheists who troll Christian groups in Facebook It must not be the atheists who troll Amazon and vote down Christian books that they have not read It must not be the atheists who are protesting more and more, trying to secularize America It must not be the atheists who are trying to get the teaching of creation science and Intelligent Design outlawed, and pressure lawmakers with misinformation campaigns It must not

Atheist Agendas and Non-Belief Fests

Buona sera. You've had atheists lie to you about not having an agenda, haven't you? Well, they want to evangelize us away from our faith. That's why I keep trying to encourage Christians to know how these people act, and to get into the Word. You can't stand up for the truth if you don't understand it, capice? While attempting to destroy the faith of individuals (if you don't believe me, you're not an open Christian on Facebook or Twitter), they also want to destroy religion itself . Especially Christianity. Just ask Richard Dawkins about his hypocritical crusade destroy Christianity . Of course, when we have events like "Question Evolution Day" in "The Question Evolution Project", the foundation of the atheist religion is threatened and they get really mean. Perhaps they'll be discussing this at their " Unreason Fest " or whatever that gathering is called. Yeah, dare to show flaws in evolutionism, and you can find

Dawkins Disappoints His Master

Modern "science" (read: religious philosophies of evolutionism conflated to mean "science" and confuse people) is becoming a religion in its own right. Think about it. People rely on science to solve all their problems. After all true (observational and applied) science does exactly that, and gives people hope for a better future. Richard "Daffy" Dawkins has been a pope of scientism, preaching the anti-gospel of evolutionism. This hardcore atheist believes that God does not exist, then conveniently hates him anyway. Playing off people's anger, confusion and bigotry is a great way to sell books, innit, Ricky? But that agnosticism crack is displeasing to his master. Do you know how to make a scientist mad?  Try this some time.  Go up to a scientist and say that you believe the natural evidence of creation supports a scientific inference of a creator.  That is, explain that the abundant evidence of design in the universe and the world around you natura

An Atheist Christmas Carol

"An Atheist Christmas Carol" Featuring Richard "Daffy" Dawkins, Lalla Ward, P.Z. Myer, Charles Darwin and (wait for it...) everyone's hero, Piltdown Superman! (And the crowd goes wild!) GREETINGS! Stormbringer sent you a JibJab eCard CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT

How Evolution Makes Tyrants

Buon giorno.  I have a post up at Piltdown Superman that is not scientific, but more philosophical. You can read that here .

Atheist Evolutionist Fundamentalism in England

"Those behind the call for ‘evolution not creationism’ say teaching that God created the world is dangerous and must be prevented by law." "For I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cannot be adduced, often apparently leading to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I have arrived. A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question ; and this cannot possibly be here done." — Charles Darwin, Origin of Species Buona sera. I'll keep on saying it: Since modern atheists do not bother with boring stuff like logic and critical thinking, and evolutionists cannot bear to have the flaws in their "theory" exposed, they seek to silence the opposition. Emotionalism, personal attacks and ridicule, provocation — and by legislation, when possible. Intellectual honesty, and scientific inquiry, will be willing to examine contrary evide

Hoo-RAH for the Coming Darwinocracy!

In Going Rogue: An American Life , Sarah Palin recounts the vetting process she experienced before she was selected to be the GOP vice presidential nominee in 2008. While being interviewed as a potential candidate for the McCain campaign, all went smoothly until something made the McCain staffers wince. “I had just dared to mention the C-word: creationism,” wrote Palin, the daughter of a science teacher. “But I felt I was on solid factual ground.” During the Delaware senate race of the 2010 midterm elections, Chris Coons ordered Christine O’Donnell to “come clean” with voters during a debate. When O’Donnell insisted she had already come clean on every position, Coons mustered up the most devastating, scandalous, humiliating, skeleton-in-the-closet-detecting litmus test he could think of: “Do you believe in evolution?” Recently, a woman parroted the same query over her little boy’s shoulder to Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry. The Texas Governor dared to affir

Dawkins: Put Up or Shut Up


Who is the Fool, Really?


Helpful Atheists - Short Video


Richard "Daffy" Dawkins is Caught

Dawkins caught in either (a) disinformation or (b) an outright, repeated lie. Also, a man who became a Christian partly because of the vicious atheist Dawkinsites. Read about that, and see the video, here .

Richard "Daffy" Dawkins Fun

For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain curses and renounces the LORD. In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, “There is no God.” — from the Tenth Psalm Buon giorno. Ernie the Gambler showed me this video, and I just had to share it. It demonstrates the "logic" of Richard "Daffy" Dawkins and his disciples (Dawkinsites). The audio was provided by Wretched Radio. It takes about five minutes, but it's time well spent.

Like I Said: The Atheist Agenda

“Fear is not in the habit of speaking truth; when perfect sincerity is expected, perfect freedom must be allowed; nor has anyone who is apt to be angry when he hears the truth any cause to wonder that he does not hear it.” — Publius People have given me grief over the use of the term "atheist agenda". "What agenda? We have no agenda! We are just people who believe that there are no gods." Well, when feeling obstreperous, atheists change the definition of the term. Presumably, it is for the sake of clouding the issue and finding any excuse to make their opponent look bad. The problem is, I have heard so many different definitions of "atheist" (and types of atheist), I almost feel that I need to have each person give their own definition. Boy, do they get defensive when you say that they have an agenda, gibbering like their imaginary primordial ancestors!   But if atheists are just people who happen to believe that there is no God, that nothing exis

Streng Verboten Part 2

Edited for wording 9-21-2012 Guten tag, again. If you missed our last episode, you can read Part 1 here , or scoll down if it's on the same Web page at the moment. Within hours, I received some venom-enriched hate mail that proves what I'm saying about the intolerance and emotionalism of Darwinists. It was a personal attack, including my religious beliefs (which is pretty low of them), but there was no "religion" in my previous article! Evolutionism as a world view has led to a host of problems. It has led to a loss of faith because people chose to believe in the philosophy of evolution. “Survival of the fittest” is a frequent excuse for economic and social injustices . It leads to a liberal view of euthanasia and abortion. Eugenics, the sterilization and extermination of the “unfit” people of the world fits Darwinism. Marxism is hard-core Darwinism applied politically. So is Nazism. Hitler was a devout Darwinist, and thought that he was doing the