How Evolution Makes Tyrants

Buon giorno. I have a post up at Piltdown Superman that is not scientific, but more philosophical. You can read that here.


GentleSkeptic said…
Possibly of interest.

"Indeed, the Nazi ideology underpinning the extermination of the Jews was opposed to and incompatible with Darwinism, instead being a religious and creationist doctrine."

"So, yes, the Nazis wanted to use selective breeding, but not to create a 'master race', but to preserve an Aryan master race, preserving the primordial Aryan characteristics which they believed were the 'highest image of God'."
GentleSkeptic said…
While the mutability of species, with new species evolving out of distant ancestors, is the central theme of Darwinism, the Nazis found that idea anathema, and placed a heavy emphasis on racial purity and the distinctiveness and separateness of different species. Further, the Nazis found abhorrent the materialist notion that man might be just like other animals, and, from their religious and moralistic perspective, they insisted that man had a spiritual soul.
Bob Sorensen said…
Typical atheist selective-citing hit piece. I'm not impressed. That's what atheists do, the complex term is "making stuff up" and then other atheists cite it as if it was valid scholarship.
Bob Sorensen said…
"While the mutability of species, with new species evolving out of distant ancestors, is the central theme of Darwinism, the Nazis found that idea anathema, and placed a heavy emphasis on racial purity and the distinctiveness and separateness of different species. Further, the Nazis found abhorrent the materialist notion that man might be just like other animals, and, from their religious and moralistic perspective, they insisted that man had a spiritual soul."

So? You're going to cite lunacy as a means of debunking creationism? Also, how many Nazis believed that, and how long was it an official position?

No, I'm not impressed. Here's an idea. Why don't you follow the links and take your objections to the author of the piece that was linked?
Reynold said…
It looks like Stormy has no regard for evidence; instead he prefers to make false accusations of "making stuff up".

Yeah, big surprise there. I'm sure that he won't be interested in this either.

Anything that goes against that xian canard of evolution ==> nazism will be shucked out of hand.

Try reading some of historian Dagobert Rune's works (listed in the link)
Bob Sorensen said…
Why is it that (a) atheists are incapable of staying on topic and taking up their concerns with the authors of the articles instead of with those who say, "Hey, here's an article to see"; (b) resort to ad hominem attacks as their mainstay; (c) Bring up irrelevant, off-topic, selective-citing posts?

I am SO glad that modern atheism is dying out because so many people are sick of their lack of reasoning abilities and stinking attitudes.

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