"Religion of Peace" Rape Epidemic

It is baffling the way that crimes by Mohammedans are tolerated, excused and downright ignored. Rape is finally being acknowledged. It is not just a few isolated incidents by some rowdy individuals in far-away places. No, it is becoming more widespread — and done in groups. It should not be surprising if you consider how their religion, which is their entire way of life, is demonically inspired.
For years there have been reports on blogs, personal testimonials and the like, about what looked like a literal epidemic of rape by Muslim men of both women and children, especially in northern European nations where the Muslim immigrant population is high.

But the disturbing reports rarely rose to the level that would make the general population aware of the dangers that were becoming evident. After all, such a report would be blasted for attacking Islam and discriminating against Muslims.

Until now, when a case from the United Kingdom has proven so egregious it could not be ignored.

The BBC reported that nine men were convicted of child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester, after they had “groomed” girls as young as 13. But even there, the report identified the convicts only as “Asian” while revealing their victims were white.

The Guardian took one more step and labeled them as “Pakistani,” but it took a lesser-known online news site, The Salfordian, to identify the suspects as “Muslim men” who “plied girls as young as 13 with drink and drugs so they could use them for sex ‘several times a day.’”

Now, the subject that long has been ignored or suppressed finally may be getting the attention a major crime wave would deserve, regardless of the political correctness of the facts.

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