Atheist July 4 "Celebration" Thwarted — By The People

An atheist group has funded a $23,000 campaign to fly banners across the skies of America on Fourth of July saying “God-LESS America” and “Atheism is Patriotic.

The stunt is being organized by the group American Atheists, which plans to see planes fly banners over 27 locations on July 4th.

Flights were originally scheduled to fly over Biloxi, Miss. beaches, the Texas rangers pre-game, a zoo in Toledo, Ohio, the Independence Day parade in Rapid City, S.D., and more.

A massive 80 percent of pilots from an aircraft advertising company have refused to fly banners by an atheist group saying “God-LESS America” and “Atheism is Patriotic”, on Fourth of July.
Read the rest of "Pilots Refuse to Fly Atheist 'God-LESS America' Banners" here.  
Proverbs 4.16 ESV

Addendum: This comment was given to me directly:
It's hard to imagine a group destined for more severe punishment than those living in the greatest country on earth and still considering its greatness a "coincidence" (at least with the meaning of not requiring God). Those who ignore the truth that God works in the affairs of men are destined to get what is ultimately their *desire*, not their *belief*: Godlessness. They won't enjoy the horrible and eternal form it will take, though.

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