
Chick-fil-A, the Gaystapo and Bandwagon Convictions

This is circulating on Facebook A while back, I wrote an article on what I called "Bandwagon Convictions". I call them that because people jump on the bandwagon because something is trendy or popular. People would become atheists because of the shock value and the ability to get attention, not from actually reasoning to their position. (But the religion of atheism is on the slide , and intelligent people are more likely to be apathetic or contemptuous of such an admission.) In addition to jumping on a causal bandwagon for attention, people join causes because of emotion, a good sales pitch, a desire to please the current lover, to shut someone up or assorted other insincere reasons. Then (as is the case with atheism), people lose interest and start finding other things to do. I believe that there are two aspect to the so-called "gay rights" campaign. One is that "joiners" go along with this because they want to support a cause. Although homosexuals

Can Atheists and Evolutionists Be Good American Citizens?

I suppose it depends on someone's loyalties. Atheist evolutionists do not recognize the Creator as the one who gives rights. The atheistic religion of Secular Humanism has evolution as one of its tenets. Evolution is a religion and it is not science (like we've been telling you). In fact, evolution is a faith-based religion, despite science! People were worried about John F. Kennedy being elected president because he was Roman Catholic, and his loyalty would be to the Pope. Now they're pulling the same stunt about Mitt Romney's Mormon religion. What about the evolutionist? I would be much more concerned with the freedom of Christians if there was an admitted atheist in the Presidency, since there is no God to them, and they are Statists. The “myth of evolution” is the most seditious of all attacks being made upon the foundational core principles of our Constitutional Republic. If one accepts the belief that evolution is fact, one must - then and there - surrender and

Evolution is Fiction — Here's Proof

Found image circulating on Facebook This picture has been circulating for a little while, and I had to show it anyway. Here you go, proof that evolution is fiction: Barnes and Noble said so! There are many reasons to dismiss the "proof" claim, including employee error, staged picture, prank, someone just shoved it there or whatever. And yet, when it comes to finding excuses to disbelieve in creation science and in the existence of God, people use "proof" that is even less reliable than this picture! Anyway, it's misclassified. Darwin's writings belong in the religion section .

Video: Using Evolution's Definitions to Prove Intelligent Design

It is painfully obvious that reporting to prove evolution is biased. Information is cherry-picked so that inconvenient facts that do not fit into evolutionary presuppositions are discarded. Alternative explanations and theories about observable facts are suppressed. Equivocation on word definitions and other attempts at "moving the goalposts" are rampant, as are other logical fallacies. Worse, evolutionists are downright disingenuous when it comes to protecting their faith. This short video uses evolutionary terminology (from one of the evolutionists' biased sources) to support Intelligent Design.

Atheists, Leftists and Hitler Stupidity

It is amazing and painful the way people are ignorant of who Adolph Hitler was and what he did. Some people are so ignorant, they never heard of him, or think he was a sports star! Some atheopaths are so full of hatred for God and Christians, they want to "give" him to us by claiming that Hitler was a Christian! They will quote mine things that this mad occultist political manipulator said, even though this claim is easily debunked . Uh, sure, Poindexter. If you're going to believe what Hitler may have claimed despite whatever else he said and did, I don't want to waste time talking to you. Atheists and leftists use some of his techniques and ideas... here, give Wild Bill three minutes and let him explain this to you. And after that, a longer video that is rather amazing as well as enlightening.

Atheism and Misrepresenting the Bible

Know how atheists prove that they are right, evolution is true? They attack and ridicule. That's it. No logic, no evidence, just bolstering their egos and dodging the truth by attacking people. It seems that theophobes are not always unaware of their lack of reasoning abilities. In fact, they actively use them to self-justify their hatred of God, Christians and the Bible. Further, they attempt to manipulate emotions to convince people that they are correct in their dreadful quote mining and misrepresentation of the Bible. Knowledgeable Christians are not fooled by these childish displays on the pooling of ignorance sites, but we are dismayed that people can be so vituperative in their ignorance. Further, skeptics think that because they make accusations, they deserve the benefit of the doubt. But that is not the case . A series of articles at the "True Free Thinker" Weblog takes on some of the bad logic and manipulation of certain obstreperous misotheists and their sites

Cowardly Atheists Protect Evolution

That's right, I said it! Protecting evolution from questioning, examination, contrary evidence and explanations — cowardice. "You're crazy, Cowboy Bob! Evolution is a fact and doesn't need to be protected!" Evolution is protected by fundamentalist extremists who will go to almost any lengths to keep people from actually thinking: Using the fallacy of reification, evolution is treated as if it was a living thing , complete with intelligence and decision making abilities Instead of giving satisfactory explanations to evidence, evolutionists pile story upon story and call it science Misrepresent creationists and ID proponents Biases and circular reasoning Actively suppress dissent of evolution Fight to leave the bad, outdated science in the textbooks so they can continue brainwashing Recommend that textbooks get accepted without question Lie about evolution — after all, the end justifies the means, and the goal is to have people blindly accept e