
It Is No Secret...

...those things you do... Ha! Bet you thought I was singing, "It Is No Secret What God Can Do", didn't you? Nope. Actually, I don't know that one after the first line. It's funny, several of my latest articles came about because of a sudden, late inspiration. I seldom get an inspiration to write on a Saturday morning, but something happened just before bedtime that gave me the idea to write this morning. (No, I'm not talking about that, get your head out of the gutter.) It is no secret what you do online. Well, for most people. I had a guy arguing with me on Twitter last night about an article I wrote. (Do you know how annoying it is to try to have a serious discussion on Twitter?) I have a service that tells me the basics of visits I get. I made the comment about the town he's in, and that he's using Firefox (my regular readers know that I like Firefox). He got nervous, or pretended to get nervous (I think this guy was setting me up, but I wil

Imagine - No Organized Atheism

I made this in response to attacks on religion (especially on Christianity) by militant atheist trolls. They do the lame thing of "religion is the cause of wars", etc. Oh, really, Skippy? If you did your homework instead of filling your mind with hate, you'd see that atheists are the greatest mass murderers in history! Institutionalized atheism incorporated into communism is a vicious lie, a political and moral failure every time. I did not have time and the room to put all of the atheist leaders in the picture . Amazing how "progressives" revere these losers. Click for full-size. Numbers of murders for which they are responsible (approximate): Mao — 70,000,000 Stalin — 23,000,000 Pol Pot — 1,700,000 Kim Il Sung — 1,600,000 Castro — 30,000 (keep in mind the size of Cuba) Need I continue? Didn't think so. Addendum: If this  annoys you, wait until you read " When Atheists Gain power "!  Also, atheists are competing to set

Your Ultimate Source

Addendum: For those who do not want the actual content of the site, but want to see whiny boy's comments, this article has some really great comments by another obstreperous, recalcitrant atheist . Comments on this Weblog have been disabled. Buona sera. I swiped this image from Dan's site, " Debunking Atheists ". I find some good images on my own now and then, but I really like that one. OK, enough of this jocularity. Uncle Bob is not feeling too playful today. Where do you get your morality? More than that, where do you get your integrity? Yeah, bet you didn't see that one coming. I've touched on the topic before, but it's been coming up lately, so I wanted to go into some detail. We have many sources. One atheist said that "morals are reasoned and mutually agreed up on in a society... believe we can see an evolutionary mandate for social cooperation and moral codes". (Sorry, Dude, I think that's horse pucky.) Other atheists have

The Real Truth about 9-11

Yeah, I'm a 9-11 truther. Here's the truth, in your face: It was not an inside job, it was done by insane, cowardly terrorist Islamo-Fascists. Got it? Comprendez? Capice? Comprendre? No? OK, I'll give you a little bit more. Probably been watching that ridiculous Zeitgeist "movie" , huh? Kids love it. Thinking people don't. Or maybe you're listening to lunatic Hollyweird actors that are using their celebrity status in lieu of being knowledgeable in the subject? Remember how the planes essentially disintegrated when they hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? Some nut cases were saying that they were armed military missiles, not jets used like missiles, that struck the buildings. (I have read the laughable idea that the passengers and crew are all safe and sound. Imagine, all those people without a conscience and still keeping quiet, even knowing that they are tacitly complicit in the "bombings". Oh, please! ) Jump forward to concer

Double Facepalm for Atheists

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes I had better point out to my more vicious, childish readers that I know full well that Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character. But everyone would be enriched by watching the way Jeremy Brett portrayed him! But look, there is more to logic and reason than you may think. Some people think they know everything humanly possible. How do you deal with facts that do not fit your presuppositions? You must accept the conclusions of the evidence, whether you like them or not. There is something that I have to address with my critics. They are angry because I do not engage them in protracted discussion on other people's blogs. These arrogant atheist trolls demand that I reply to each and every comment they make, and even bring up material that I have written here , to be discussed there , even though I am commenting (or in some cases, absent from commentin

Is There a Conflict Between Science and Religion?

Buon giorno. Today is the three-year anniversary of Stormbringer's Thunder. (Waits as cheering and thunderous applause quiets down.) I'm on vacation. To celebrate this momentous event, I'm referring you to an article posted elsewhere. Also, I'm going to ask you to come back tomorrow for something really important. But first... "It was my science that drove me to the conclusion that the world is much more complicated than can be explained by science ... It was only through the supernatural that I can understand the mystery of existence ... Many scientists are now driven to faith by their very work." - Allan Sandadge Take a look a "A Scientist Reflects on Religious Belief". Click here .

Spirit of Delusion

Have you ever wondered why so many people have no respect whatsoever for the Bible? Even if they do not believe it, they disregard the secular validation of its historical narratives, the stark rendering of the failings as well as the accomplishments of God's people, the poetry of the Psalms and so forth. As far as not believing it, I know that on a spiritual level, they cannot understand it (I Cor. 2.14). But the other stuff? John MacArthur was reading something from Jonathan Edwards (no, the great preacher, not the nutty philanderer that wants to be president) that caught my attention. It looks like he nailed it: The devil never would attempt to beget in persons a regard to the divine Word. A spirit of delusion will not incline persons to seek direction at the mouth of God. “To the law and to the testimony!” (Isa. 8:20) is never the cry of evil spirits who have no light in them. On the contrary, it is God’s own direction to discover their delusions. Would the spirit of error,