
Showing posts with the label Creation Evolution Headlines

Science Shows the Differences Between Men and Women

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some people refer to those of us who reject fish-to-fool evolution or the current version of anthropogenic climate change as "science deniers", "anti-science", and similar labels. Such claims are clearly blatant lies utilized to elicit emotional reactions for the sake of demonizing their opponents.  It is not uncommon for advocates of evolution and climate change to misrepresent those they perceive of as enemies , even lying all the more in their straw man "arguments". Part of the problem is the all-or-nothing argumentation; we state that we appreciate real science, but they portray us as if we reject all  science. You savvy? When it comes to differences between men and women, there are indeed science deniers. No, not all of science, but that which is applicable to their gender activism. The Happy Lovers ,  Gustave Courbet, 1844 I have written about the differences between males and females (and how science confirms what t

Protestants, Atheists, and Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a picture of a young guy with a beginner's mustache, glasses, and he has one eyebrow raised. His shirt is printed, "I'm an atheist debate me". The caption reads, "Atheism A Religion People Join to Appear Smarter". Although it has been given many captions, I like this older one the most. You can see it here if you like, the one I'm talking about should be at the top. Anti-creationists get rambunctious with it, but I believe the original picture is a parody of atheists' attitudes. Bellvue Baptist Church photo credit: Freeimages / Ricky Gipson The majority of American atheists are younger males and white. The caption about "appear smarter" is especially fitting, as many atheopaths are trolling the web, trying to impress others with their genius. They get upset when we point out their poor logic, and frequently display their ignorance, such as in a 3-on-3 debate that I wrote about . Professing atheists t

Darwinists Hating Trump over Ban on Fetal Tissue

The secular science industry has been riding for the leftist brand, and they are galloping faster toward the precipice. They have been promoting leftist causes at an increasing rate . Leftists have been having tantrums about the election of Donald Trump, and even had a failed "March for Science" , (which was an early indication of just how far left the secular science establishment has been going).  Some Conservatives have been pleasantly surprised by Trump. Not only because Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States, ever, but because Trump has actually been keeping some promises. This includes steps toward protecting unborn children, which includes canceling a contract between the government and a fetal tissue lab. Credit: / Stuart Miles Ethically-impaired leftists in the secular science industry want to continue to do research on aborted babies. After all, they're already dead, so who are they hurting? Sure, those sidewin

The Secular Science Industry and Gender Confusion

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is indeed unfortunate that people have a love-hate relationship with the secular science industry. Because of numerous errors and even outright fraud, people are getting mighty suspicious about science. However, people also tend to look to scientists as our saviors, which is a horrendous mistake because scientists are human, and have the same vices as most other folks. Background image before added text: Pixabay / Gordon Johnson We have seen that the secular science industry is nowhere near impartial, and they ride for the leftist brand. This includes participating in leftist activism . As time goes on, these scientists are indulging in political correctness and supporting "gender dysphoria", which is a medically dangerous practice — as well as defying science and the God who created us. The articles linked above have some valuable information, and perhaps carry some of the urgency of what is happening. By my reckoning, people who think

Lack of Meaning in the Lives of Leftists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the first season of the hardcore humanistic evolutionary show  Star Trek: The Next Generation , the entity known as Q was antagonizing Captain Picard and the starship's crew. Picard misquoted Shakespeare. The misquote is not so much the issue, but Picard's attitude toward humanity: PICARD: Oh, no. I know Hamlet. And what he might said with irony, I say with conviction. What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty. In form, in moving, how express and admirable. In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a god. [Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2] Q: Surely you don't really see your species like that, do you? PICARD: I see us one day becoming that, Q. He may as well have stamped his foot and said, "We're humanity!  Don't underestimate us, because we've evolved into a great and noble species!" Wishful thinking, Cappy. To summarize entropy in the most basic terms, everything goes from

More Leftist Activism from the Secular Science Industry

Something that I have discussed here, at Piltdown Superman , and elsewhere, is that scientists are people. They are not the unbiased seekers of knowledge and purveyors of truth that many people imagine. Instead, they have the same foibles, passions, tendencies toward avarice, altruism, and the same things that us reg'lar folk have. This includes using science for political agendas. Credit: NPS Photo by Kristen Lalumiere Most scientists in the secular science industry work from atheistic, naturalistic presuppositions, and are blind to their own biases . Since they believe in slime-to-sidewinder evolution, secularists tend to have a low view of humanity. They know that people have that unrealistic view of scientists as mentioned earlier, and use Scientism as a manipulative technique . After all, people "think" with their emotions instead of using reason far too often. (Why do you think people believe the fake news and "consensus science" nonsense saturating

Can Secular Science Peer Review be Repaired?

There are people who consider peer review as the gold standard in science, and it is somehow a guarantee of truth. Not hardly! As we have seen, the secular science industry is becoming increasingly biased and involved in leftist political activism . Add to this the fact that their peer review process discriminates against creationists, has numerous retractions, passes junk (including computer-generated papers ), and is pretty much a good ol' boys' club. Their image has a bad complexion , and some scientists are calling for major changes. Made at , then modified with colors Unfortunately, the sidewinders in charge want to circle the wagons and maintain the status quo. They don't want transparency and accountability. Others want to improve ethical standards. Wait, what? People who reject the Creator and his Word have no consistent moral standard are going to decide what is right and wrong? Scientists are people, complete with presuppositions, knavery, a

Fake Science: Canaanites and the Bible

When it comes to sensationalistic fake news that denigrates the Bible, the secular science industry is relentless. Ever see those documentaries that crop up around Christmas and Easter where producers round up unasinous liberal scholars to malign the Bible? Not only do they ignore conservative scholars and focus on the odd ones, but stories like the tomb of Jesus and so on are discredited or forgotten. This bit of disingenuous journalism is of the same pathetic caliber. But I forgot, lying is in the nature of secularist leftists. Mostly made at Image Chef Those of us who actually believe the Bible and know about how it has been supported time and again through history, science, and archaeology have to endure the constant attacks on the Word of God. It's one thing to disbelieve and offer arguments or evidence as to why not, but it's another to act like an evolutionary scientist that makes up his or her own "facts", and ignores pertinent data. What really takes t

Liberty or the Collective?

When individual liberties thrive, there is a sense of accountability and a sense of wanting justice. For example, in the Soviet Union, atheist Stalin pushed for the collectivization of farms, where individuals were made to be inferior through propaganda and actual coercion. Can't have peasants owning and harvesting their own land, can we? No! We must work together for the common good of the Soviet, and you will be rewarded with farm equipment. Otherwise, what little you have will be taken away. This horrible procedure led to despair, famine, cannibalism, and more.   “Strengthen working discipline in collective farms” USSR propaganda poster Credit: Wikimedia Commons Totalitarian regimes emphasize the "common good" (or "greater good") of whatever those in power have decreed. People have little hope or expectation of justice. Such governments are usually riddled with corruption (the aforementioned Soviet Union was famous for corruption). Want to get somethin

Secularists Protect Evolution from Thought

Evolutionists are on the prod again . A bill was proposed in South Dakota that required...what? What was in it that would cause such distress? Maybe if the bill required the teaching of Intelligent Design, or even biblical creation science, and exclude evolution. That'll be the day! Actually, the "problem" with the bill is that it promotes critical thinking instead of blind acceptance of evolution, so flaws in evolutionary speculations should be made known. Generated at Glass Giant The secular science industry has been getting more political nowadays, with a distinct leftist bias . But Machiavellian approaches to evolutionary education have been happening for some time now — it's acceptable to deceive students for the sake of believing evolution. Critical thinking is unacceptable (as is free speech when contrary to leftist causes, atheism, and evolutionary thinking). Unfortunately, true science thrives on critical thinking and challenges, and free speech is a

Secular Science Industry Getting More Nutty

In " Blind Bias in the Secular Science Industry ", we saw that those organizations are not aloof and impartial in the slightest, and have a distinct leftist bias. For that matter, I'll borrow a line I heard: they're so left wing, they fly in circles. We're used to secularists in the science industry and their sycophant press opposing biblical creation science and using devious as well as distinctly unscientific methods. Now they're getting downright nutty — but then, we've seen quite a few leftists becoming totally unhinged from hatred, haven't we? Credit: Freeimages / Jason Antony At this writing, Donald Trump has just completed the first month as the American President, with 23 left to go. I'm not his biggest fan, but from what I've seen so far, he may end up doing a very good job; I'm cautiously optimistic. Before the inauguration and in that first month, people were acting like he's going to destroy their civil rights and bec

Blind Bias in the Secular Science Industry

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Scientists are portrayed as dispassionate, objective, and following where the evidence leads. Not hardly! They're people living in a sinful, fallen world just like the rest of us. Unfortunately, those making money in the science industry have some serious problems that stem from their materialistic worldviews and the philosophies of the age — and their political positions are on the hard left. My tax dollars at work! What follows will link you to four articles, so I hope you come back to finish reading this post. Many of these scientists, as portrayed by their obsequious media, are the arbiters of truth. After all, they're scientists, and have the necessary tools. Their elitism shows in their blatant hatred of President Donald Trump, who has only been in office for a few days, but these yahoos have him all figured out and condemned. But that's the left, they do that.  The leftist science industry is also very interested in education (especi

Nobel Pieces Prizes

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, put in his will that a portion of his estate money be set aside and awarded for five recipients each year who have "benefited mankind". The five prizes are literature, physiology or medicine, chemistry, and peace. (A sixth prize for economics was established in 1968 .) Although most of this activity is in Sweden, for some reason, Alfie wanted the peace prize committee to be in Norway. Derivative from Nobel Prize image , public domain in the United States The prize for peace has come under criticism because it shows a leftist bias, including the award to B. Hussein Obama, who had done nothing to earn the prize except show up for work at the American presidency. (Years later, there is regret over giving Obama the undeserved award .) In 2016, Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos was given the peace prize. From the October 12, 2016 edition of The Briefing by Dr. Albert Mohler : . . .and the controversy this

Manipulating Opinions in the Name of Science

Leftists celebrate and Conservatives warn against the increase in politically correct activism, especially when it infringes on personal freedoms. We read how "surveys show", but how accurate are they, really? Questions are often loaded, and the questions that are asked (as well as the people selected to participate in surveys) are frequently neglected during reporting. We should know that there are sidewinders who will selectively cite and manipulate data, but it seems that many people simply take "reporting" as unbiased and factual. Not hardly! Generated at Add Letters There are surveys and research results for many purposes, including "evidence" for evolution that conveniently leaves out pertinent data , and more. Ask your friends how many people they think are of the homosexual persuasion. Some think it's about half of the population, when the actual figure in the United States is closer to five percent or less ! The inflated number percept