Lack of Meaning in the Lives of Leftists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

In the first season of the hardcore humanistic evolutionary show Star Trek: The Next Generation, the entity known as Q was antagonizing Captain Picard and the starship's crew. Picard misquoted Shakespeare. The misquote is not so much the issue, but Picard's attitude toward humanity:
PICARD: Oh, no. I know Hamlet. And what he might said with irony, I say with conviction. What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty. In form, in moving, how express and admirable. In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a god. [Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2]
Q: Surely you don't really see your species like that, do you?
PICARD: I see us one day becoming that, Q.
He may as well have stamped his foot and said, "We're humanity! Don't underestimate us, because we've evolved into a great and noble species!" Wishful thinking, Cappy.

To summarize entropy in the most basic terms, everything goes from order to disorder. Devolution. I have the opinion that we are going societal entropy. If you study on it a spell, you might agree, since we can sit here and recite a passel of negative things going on. I also believe it is only by the grace of God that everything hasn't imploded.

Leftists seem to have a "purpose" in life of anger and opposition. Christians and Conservatives show a much more positive outlook.
Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Kenny Holston
(Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by the US Department of Defense)
Have you noticed that atheists and others who deny the authority of the Bible tend to be politically on the left? Anti-creationists such as this one seek to silence those who disagree with them through ridicule, misrepresentation, outright lies, and so on. Somehow, the political views of creationists negate whatever they have to say regarding evidence for special creation and questioning global climate change. Go to an atheist forum or social media area, and will you not only find a paucity of rational thought (such as equating all forms of "religion" in an excuse to demonize Christianity), but leftist propaganda. You will also notice an abundance of hatred for those who do not hold to their furious, irrational views.

One of the biggest problems with the anger and violence of the left is when the media ignore it. It is the rule, not the exception, to see a report that could be summed up as, "People in Venezuela are starving, and eating pink flamingos to stay alive. Now we'll spend another hour on hatred of Conservatives..." By the way, they leave out the fact that Venezuela was almost a paradise until socialists took over and ran it into the ground. Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn think that it's a socialist utopia down there. Did you know that the guy who commenced to shooting Republicans was a Bernie Sanders supporter? How about how Candace Owens could not even have breakfast in peace because of fascists claiming to be anti-fascists? No, the leftist media tends to drop or even ignore stories that do not support their agenda. 

People here in the socialist republic on New York are afraid to wear Republican apparel, paste bumper stickers, and even discuss their views in public. (I have heard about this same fear in other leftist-dominated states as well.) This was going on back when George W. Bush was up for reelection, and people had their vehicles vandalized, were run off the road, and physically assaulted by leftists. I remember people claiming to be depressed and needing counseling when Bush won the election. Now it is worse, and some call it "Trump Anxiety Disorder" and "Trump Derangement Syndrome". Republicans did not act like this when Caliph B. Hussein Obama played emperor for eight years.

Here is some audio that supports what I've been saying. Steve Malzberg was filling in for Chris Plante, and he had some very interesting things to say. While the entire show is interesting, I'm asking you to listen to the first hour, beginning at the 7 minutes 40 seconds mark. (The "share" arrow has an option to download the show.)

I have formed an opinion from my observations that leftists, particularly those in the United States, would rather cry about their inept candidate losing because she was lousy, and to give opposition so they can bring down the government, than to work together for the benefit of the country. Atheists, anti-creationists, and leftists are very negative people. It seems that their purpose in life is to not only spread their anger, but throw tantrums and be destructive in general.

Now I have to slip in something else from Chris Plante (the man himself, not a substitute host) from August 31, 2018. Out California way and in some other areas, there's a business called In-N-Out Burger. California Democrats found out that they gave money to (gasp!) Republicans, so the call is out to boycott them! That's right, leftists, since you don't like them (never mind that they also gave money to Democrats as well), they must be punished! Cause a business with hundreds of locations to shut down, put people out of work, all because of your spite. Leftists are mentally ill. You can hear Chris's discussion of them (and Chik-Fil-A) at this link, at the 2 hr. 12 min. 47 sec. mark.

Bible-believing Christians do have a purpose in life, and it is the opposite of destruction and negativity. Of course, some who take exception to having their bad logic and bigotry exposed will have a contrary opinion, but I think the facts support this view. It is also interesting that while misotheists tend to be politically on the left, Christians tend to lean toward the right. Conservatives show that we have more purpose (and a more positive outlook) than those on the left. Captain Picard's naive view of humanity will never come to pass. Sorry, old son.
Are liberals floundering in uncertainty over the meaning of life? A new study indicates that more conservatives feel a sense of purpose than liberals.
A press release from University of Southern California (USC) gives an edge to conservatives. Knowing the overwhelmingly left-leaning atmosphere in academia, one can only imagine if the university was pleased with what psychology doctoral candidate David Newman and co-authors Norbert Schwarz and Arthur Stone found. “What is the meaning of life? Ask a conservative,” reporter Emily Gersena writes for a headline. “Researchers find that, even after accounting for religious belief, the association between political leanings and a sense of purpose were strong.
To read the rest and learn something, click on "Conservatives Feel More Purposeful Lives".


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