
Darwin's Rejection of God

Although touted as a "great scientist", many people do not know that Darwin's formal schooling was not in science, but in theology, where he soared to the heights of mediocrity. His rejection of God, who is revealed in the Bible, is severely lacking in logic. It is fundamentally flawed by naturalistic presuppositions and by emotional excuses. His journey of rejection is similar to other agnostics and to many atheists who are not actually using reason for their rejection of God. Besides, people like that are lying to themselves and to the rest of us, because they really do know that God exists (Romans 1.20-22). Charles Darwin grew up embracing the ‘intelligent design’ thinking of his day—William Paley’s renowned argument that the design of a watch implies there must have been an intelligent watchmaker, and so design in the universe implies there must have been an intelligent Creator. Concerning this, Darwin wrote, ‘I do not think I hardly ever admired a book more tha

Christianity and Fear

More and more, I keep seeing how people are ignorant of creation science, the Bible, God, Jesus, Christianity and so on. It is not just from me, I see complaints from other Christians, including apologists. Much of it is because such atheists never bothered to seriously think about the subjects, and get their bad information from friends, dishonest sites of atheopaths, terrible misotheist pep rally philosophers like Richard Dawkins and so on. So, the basic accusation seems true: Atheists do not do their homework. But their ignorance does not interfere with their expression of their prejudicial conjectures and dishonest accusations. Here is a letter that a creation organization received: S.A. from the United Kingdom wrote in response to our article Is God watching?: Looking at this article, it doesn’t sound like morality comes from Christianity, only obedience and fear. I don’t steal or murder people because that is wrong, not because I might be punished for it. And to su

Angry Atheist Against "Religion"

A letter to Creation .com from an angry misotheist is very typical of the kind of thing that Christians, and especially creationists, encounter on a regular basis. (I suspect that people like this are angry that atheism is on the slide and Christianity is growing .) He seems to think that the world would be a better place if Christians were restricted and not allowed to practice their religion, except in carefully regulated boxes. To be blunt, his desire for certain laws and restrictions are nothing less that fascist. P.H., from Ireland, commented on CMI’s Question Evolution campaign and Dr. Don Batten responds. Hello, I am a little sceptical that you will print this, but we shall see. I wonder when you go out with your 15 questions , will you stop once you have met anyone who can give you a reasonable answer? Obviously not everyone is going to have the knowledge to answer the specifics, but if you meet a Biologist for instance who can clearly explain the current state

Does Mental Illness Cause Atheism?

On a broadcast of Evidence for Faith , Keith and Kirk discussed a study from the Psychology Department at the University of British Columbia called " Mentalizing Deficits Constrain Belief in a Personal God ". It shows that people with a tendency toward mental disorders, especially autism, are more likely to be disbelievers. The more severe the autism, the stronger the disbelief. Several projects attempt to determine the causes of atheism. There is probably no single cause, however.  Most atheists appear to be Caucasian adolescent males (which is not a surprise, considering the complaints of sexual harassment from the less numerous atheist females) A majority of atheists seem to have had bad or nonexistent relationships with their fathers A desire for attention Sociopath behavior (especially trolling, personal attacks, unhealthy amounts of time on the Internet in efforts to antagonize Christians) Further, it is seen in their irrational insistence on asserting t

Astonishing Atheist Arrogance and Hypocrisy

Thank God that atheism and evolutionism are dying off ! Unfortunately, the moldering corpse of atheism is still walking around, preaching the false gospel of evolutionism and making a general nuisance of itself. After that appetizing introduction, I am pleased to announce that part of this article is about food. Sorta. Atheists can't seem to understand why most people do not like or trust them. Would obnoxiousness have anything to do with it? I think so. It seems to make sense that if you choose to offend large segments of the population ( usually through misrepresentation ), it would reinforce public opinion that they are cafones. Of course, the typical rebuttal of atheists when someone tells the truth about them is a petty, "You're a bad man so everything you say is a lie and therefore there is no God" nonsense. Small minds attack people instead of dealing with concepts. Hate and persecution take many forms. But wait, there's more! Food, remembe

I Got Your "Extraordinary Evidence" Right Here, Pal!

While listening to the August 12, 2012 podcast of " Stand to Reason " with Greg Koukl, I heard something that I could not only use, but fit in quite will with my intellectual and spiritual development. I was pounding the desk and shouting out, "Yeah!". Then I realized that all my co-workers were staring at me. Then I further realized that my outburst only happened in my mind, so everything was fine. Anyway. Greg was going on about the withered old canard, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (popularized by Carl Sagan, a variation on a quote from Laplace, also a variation on a similar quote from Hume). There was something about that saying that struck me about its wrongness, but I did not know why. All I knew was that it was rubbish. Then Greg pointed out that there is substantial arbitrariness to that remark. The speaker demands that you please him or her with the evidence. You can listen to the part of the show that got me all agitat

Biochemist: From Atheism to Biblical Creationism

stock.xchng “Christianity is the foundation of modern science and explains why we can do science: a rational God created a rational man in his own image so that he is able to understand the creation with his mind. Indeed, the Creator Jesus Christ is called the Logos (Λόγος John 1:1–3), and makes sense of this orderly universe and complexity of life. Those believing in a naturalistic explanation for the origin of life are the ones with a blind faith.” — Dr. Matti Leisola Dr. Leisola was an evolutionist and an atheist. He studied enzymes, amino acids and DNA. After being confronted with the realities of the Christian worldview, he did some serious thinking. He found that evolution does not have a solid foundation, and a naturalistic worldview requires blind faith. Dr Matti Leisola obtained his D.Sc. (Tech) in biotechnology from the Helsinki (Finland’s capital) University of Technology in 1979. His extensive career includes winning the Latsis Prize for a significant young res