
Five "Arguments" of Atheists (Plus Three)

There are many good articles refuting the simplistic arguments of atheists and evolutionists, but I was somewhat startled to read Bryan's list of five "arguments" of modern atheists. The reason I was startled is that it is common to encounter these substitutes for thinking in a single day , sometimes in less time, and I liked his summary. Before I give you the link, I would like to add some observations of lameness that the more feculent atheists have to offer. These happen because atheopaths think they're clever, but actually cannot offer reasonable discussions or rational thinking. Blatant insults. While some insults are actually well-crafted, in the end, they are not worth the expenditure of time and energy. Making stuff up, and other lies. I have had some interesting (and libelous) things said to and about me that little or no basis in truth. In addition, things are said about God, the Bible, Jesus, creation science, Intelligent Design, Calvinists, Armin...

Atheists, Leftists and Bullies

Bullying’s not about anger, it’s not about misunderstandings, it is about contempt. Bullies express contempt for other people. It is the language of supremacy — bullies are supremacists. And they are stripping people of human dignity every day. — Transcribed from a Paul Coughlin presentation Tweaked for wording 10-25-2012. Having a multi-purpose Weblog has some advantages. Sometimes I get bored and want to stop (after all, it's been going for five years and almost five months with over a thousand posts and articles just on this one). Other times, I get fired up and need to share one of my brilliant insights that the world cannot live without. Plus it's a good platform for sharing audio clips and things. None today, however, I've caught up. Other times, it's like a journal. Some things came together for me today when I was listening to a podcast where I work. (Yes, Norman, I learned about your bitter, libelous remarks . Some of us are intelligent enough to ...

Atheism and the "Gotcha!" Game

There are several ways that I've seen Dawkinsites, Darwin's Junior Stormtroopers, stalkers, Intolerant Tolerants and other vituperative members of the Thought Police play the "Gotcha!" game. Like many of their activities, this is rooted in pride and ego. First, they go to the laughable pooling of ignorance sites of atheism (such as the inane [ir]RationalWiki ) and evolutionism (such as the absurd ) to find horrible "proofs" for their worldviews, and try to catch Christians and creationists with such nonsense. (It is very tedious to try to have anything resembling a discussion when someone posts nonsense from one of those sites as if it was a complete refutation of someone's position, but they do not engage in actual discourse.) It's amazing how people with little to no knowledge of theology, psychology, history, philosophy, ancient literature, culture, social customs, language, science and other things seem to think that they are g...

More On Atheistic Reasoning

While going through some forums and Weblogs, I found some old hate mail, comments and so on. The terrible reasoning skills of atheists and evolutionists is astonishing. Most of the modern Internet atheists on pa-TROLL are consumed with hate for God and his people, and seek to destroy the faith of others. (Do they give Mohammedans even one tenth of the vitriol that they spew on Christians? Of course not! That should give a reasonable person something to think about.) A large number are bitter apostates who are so stupidified by their hatred that they cannot put two coherent thoughts together. Also, there is an unbelievable amount of (unwarranted) pride in them. I have noticed some consistent patterns: Blaming. Their problems are the fault of others. Playing the victim card. Not only will they blame other for their problems, but they tend to have an "Oh, poor me!" attitude — especially when someone stands up to their attacks, then they turn from aggressor into a chi...

Recorded Live for Your Listening Pleasure

Actually, it's not recorded live for anyone's pleasure. Rather, this is to instruct and inform. "What are you nattering on about, Cowboy Bob?" Some people want me to do podcasts. I'm not sure about that yet. I was on a radio show/podcast recently. We discussed atheism, logic, how atheism is fundamentally flawed in the logic department, stalkers, Christians, presenting the gospel message, worldviews, evolutionary presuppositions and more. Here is a link so you can listen and find out more . Here is a music video:

Richard Dawkins and Child Abuse

Circulating on Facebook It's probably time for me to point out again that I know jolly well that there are different kinds of atheists in the world. Some are the "live and let live" types: "You believe, I don't, we can talk about it, or not". I do not check to see if the cashier at Wal-Mart, the mail carrier, the server at the restaurant, the lady in the apartment across the hall or other people are atheists. Unless we're having a conversation about spiritual things. Then there's the aggressive angry atheist. These are the vicious ones that haunt the Internet and seek out Christians to attack. I doubt that they have jobs or lives; who would hire them or want to be around them? OK, so I've differentiated. It's the hateful atheists that I encounter the most. They tend to be disciples of Richard "Daffy" Dawkins and other purveyors of bigotry disguised as "reason". His sheeple heard Dawkins tell them to mock "reli...

From the Irony Board

Wish I had thought of this! Found the picture in a group on Facebook, posted it at "The Question Evolution Project". One clever lad commented, "Nyerony". Ha! There are still some challenges for Bill "I'm not a scientist, I just play one on TV" Nye. Are you going to stand up to Georgia Purdom and take the debate challenge ? Second, can you give one invention, one piece of technology, that required its inventor to believe in evolution ?