
Atheists Claim Everything Came from Nothing

Yours truly is amazed when evolutionists will believe "just so stories" based on guesswork, speculation, bad science and even fraud. And yet, they have the nerve to make fun of those of us who believe in a Creator. Worse, their logic dictates that they believe everything came from nothing. Such "reasoning" is fundamentally flawed , old son. "But Cowboy Bob, nobody believes that. Stop lying!" Don't believe me? Click here . I have a link to a discussion about a book that makes the same claim. So, if you get hit with their denials about atheists claiming ev erything came from nothing , send them here. Of course, they'll ignore the evidence. Some try to weasel out of it by redefining "nothing" ! It's their nature . But the truth is right here for your reference. How good is that? And now, about the book: If by definition something can never come from nothing, how could anything exist unless Someone put it there? This que...

Truthers and Birthers and YECs, Oh My!

Buon giorno. Here's something short that occurred to me. Republicans, and many Conservatives, distance themselves from people who have doubts that B. Hussein Obama was actually born in the United States. They even have a disparaging word, "Birthers". (Of course, leftists utterly detest anyone who does not bow down and worship Dumbobama, so they are not worth consideration.) There are nagging developments about his birth certificate that make the anti-birthers rethink their positions, however. But I don't want to get into that. Then there are the "Truthers". In general, Republicans and Conservatives distance themselves from this lot, with good reason. I want to slap them until their heads spin for their belief in utterly ludicrous conspiracy theories, capice? It's usually  cafones who want to believe sensational stuff, mostly leftists who hate liberty and freedom, who promote this crap. I wrote about this some time ago, go here for that article an...

Tricks and Tips for Information Gathering

First, an apology: Sorry for the confusion on the earlier publication. I was still working on this article under a similar title and had an argument with Blogger's software. It tried to print out the article. When I hit "cancel", it published the incomplete article in mid-sentence. That was annoying, and unfortunately went out into people's feeds. (You know that someone has not read the article when they "Like" something incomplete within seconds of its publication.) This was twelve days ago. This information should prove useful for a variety of people. There is information about the Kindle, but if you do not have one, keep reading. I put things in there for non-Kindle owners as well. Let me lay the foundation with my own situation, and you can substitute your own situation and needs. I need to spend a great deal of time learning things in Christian apologetics and Biblical creationism. So, my need for information gets me into science, theology — and In...

Atheist Justifications for Bad Behavior

It should no longer amaze me when atheists act irrationally, but it does. They proclaim "reason" as if they had exclusive rights to it. In fact, I have seen precious little in the way of reasoning processes from atheists. (I suspect that more civil atheists are uninterested in trolling, and are embarrassed by the Internet trolls.) They commit multiple logical fallacies, and then justify their bad logic with more of it — I have lost count of the number of times I have experienced this online. So many modern atheists use the fallacies and attempt to manipulate emotions to control the flow of conversations. (I recently trapped some particularly vituperative atheists by saying that they are incapable of rational discourse. When one with an obscene name attempted to dictate the terms of the conversation, I declined to go along with it. S/he reacted with railings, accusations and so forth, and others joined in. (Part of it was resentment at being caught in my trap and try...

More Atheist "Freethinker" Nonsense

Tony Miano is a street preacher with experience and knowledge of theology. He has a burden for the lost and wants to keep people from going to Hell. Tony is affiliated with evangelist Ray Comfort . He does not deserve this: Strange...I thought atheists didn't believe in Hell.  Anyway, so many atheists will say and do almost anything, no matter how vicious, no matter how utterly stupid, just to express hate for God and his people. The word "freethinker" is totally wrong, because their thinking is not free. No, they are doing the bidding of their father down below (John 8.44-45). Hell is real. But they don't have to go there .

Strange Searches: My Secret Is Out!

Buon giorno. I tried to keep things under wraps, but it is so  difficult to keep a secret when several people are involved. (It's been rightly said that "three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead".) My action-adventure biographical movie will be released in time for the Christmas rush of 2012. It's called "Stormbringer: Adventures of an Obstreperous Cowboy Apologist". Obviously, you're all thrilled at the news. Christian Bale will play me, Ernie the Gambler is played by Chris Hemsworth, Hal the Hacker is played by David Tennant, Nicky will play himself (he's photogenic, better with firearms than any stunt actor, and the girls love him). Actresses include Mila Kunis, Angelina Jolie, Famke Janssen and others. It'll be worth your time and money, capice? Here's the source of this jocularity:

Quick Sampling of Why Atheism is Dying

Within the past week, I posted some material on the fact that modern obstreperous atheism is fading, and how to deal with them [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . Worse for them, Christianity is growing — especially in atheist-governed and Mohammedan-governed countries! I had supporting links, so I am not going to ruin my morning by repeating myself. Instead, I am going to have a bit of fun by letting atheo-fascist humiliate themselves. You see, I posted those articles and let the, uh, whaddyacallit, auto-posting announce them on Twitter and Facebook. What to my wondering eyes did appear but more of the same old stuff: Personal attacks, misrepresentation, moving the goalposts, change the subject and try to get me to defend a different position — if they love "reason", they had jolly well better learn to actually use the stuff, capcie? So I decided to play. Let me point out that I did not approach anyone. They saw the auto-posts and decided to demonstrate their debating skills. Not goo...