
Foolishness of Atheists Denying the Existence of Jesus

I unfortunately get quoted as someone who thinks that Jesus didn't exist, which I think is very strange because I've written an entire book on what Jesus said and for him to say or do anything, he had to exist. I don't think there is any serious historian who doubts the existence of Jesus. — Bart Ehrman It's one thing to deny that Jesus was God in the flesh who is the only way to salvation (John 14.6, Col. 1.16-17). But to deny that Jesus never existed? May as well deny all of ancient history, then. [ 1 ] Some critics object to using the Bible as a historical document because it is attempting to prove something. Well, that's what books do, Derwood! The Bible is one of the best historical documents in existence. [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] There are almost no serious scholars who deny his existence. To me, it is the height of desperation and misotheism to find some fringe scholar to support such arrogant, foolish views. Serious scholars do know that Jesus did exist, and there...

Liars, Accusers and Other Sycophants

Revised 19 May 2013. I have writte n about this before , but it's time to have another go at it and make it better. It's about accusations of "liar". Some other people and I took someone to task in a forum for using the pathetically obtuse and detestable accusation, "liar for Jesus", something that people like this probably picked up from Dawkins . I have yet to see that garbage used by someone who was not simply attempting to provoke a negative reaction. Here are some reasons that this libelous phrase is agonizingly stupid: It implies that the accuser knows the motives of the person, including a desire to deceive The accuser does not stop to consider that God does not condone lying How it is inconsistent to accuse someone of lying to get someone to believe in a holy God Judging from my own observations and experience, other accusations of "liar" come from people who are unable to differentiate between lies and a difference of opini...

Scientism, a Religion of Atheism

Buon giorno. Don't let atheists tell you that they do not have a religion. Although atheism itself is a religion in its own right , "science" has practically become an object of worship. Atheists are especially fond of science when they conflate it with evolution so they can get out of the problem of where life came from and how it allegedly evolved on the Earth. But regular observable science is one thing, and historical science is quite something else, capice? Those of us who do not believe that the facts support evolution do not "hate science"; that accusation is sneaky and disingenous. It also shows the lack of logic in the accuser's thought processes. I’m getting some hits regarding scientism but don’t actually have any posts dedicated to it.  I thought if I’m going to be looked at on the subject I should make at least a few deliberate comments.  They should not be construed, however, as exhaustive.  Scientism can refer to a few differe...

Minority Rules!

Buon giorno . It's time for another rant. Some people miss my rants. This one outta hold ya for a while! I don't get it. This Constitutional  Representative Republic were I live called the United States is getting weird. On one hand, we have people wanting total democracy. "Majority rule" is mob rule. Do not want. On the other hand, what we are supposed  to be living with is great, and it works. Or it used to. Special-interest groups spoil things for everybody. We have atheo-fascists like the " Freedom from Religion Foundation ", " Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers" ("freethinkers", that's a laugh based on a genetic fallacy)  and similar weasels protesting practically everything in public life that even resembles and "endorsement of religion". United States Marines put up a cross to honor the fallen. Losers have to protest it . Makes me believe we're devolving into lower life forms, capice? Want to o...

Hail Samhain?

Buon giorno. It's time for a spot of fun. I'm going to speculate and play with words. "What's with the Samhain, boss? We're nowhere near Halloween." Because it's not actually a Halloween post, Ernie. Hey, where's Nicky? "Him and Lela went to see that guy about that thing you told them to." Oh, right. Annotated screenshot of a Google map. Click for larger. Quite a few people don't know that "Samhain" is not the name of the guy in the billiards parlor. It's an important occultists' holiday (witches, druids, Satanists and that sort of thing), and is most commonly pronounced SOW-en. Here, pig pig pig! Another pronunciation is so (long "O", as in "So what?") -WEEN. Best wishes with those. The city in the map is Halesowen. It also has an odd pronunciation, sounds like " Hail Zowen ". Blending the Celtic pronunciations on Samhain to get SO-wen, and you can get "Hail, Samhain...

Strange Searches: Atheists Are Idiots 2

This is quite ironic, really.

Send It to the Kindle

Buon giorno.  A while back, I gave an overview of some of the products available to enhance your Kindle experience 1 . Now I am going to revisit " SENDtoREADER ". At least, the areas that I have explored. From here, I will refer to it as S2R because it sounds officially spiffy as well as being easier to type. They do not know that I am writing this article, so there are no extra grotzits in my bank account for my efforts, capice?  And I apologize in advance, this article will have more graphics than usual. Hopefully, keeping them small (click for larger) will not slow down your browser too much. S2R has free and paid levels. I am using the free level. The paid level lets me get involved with features that I do not need yet, but I suggest that people check out all the options because these people have given us something that has many diverse functions. Installed S2R has a right-click option. This is from my creation science Weblog . The most obvious point ...