
Stephen Hawking Nonsense

Matt Slick of CARM shows the complete collapse of Stephen Hawking's "logic". About ten minutes. Broadcast from September 2, 2010. If the embedded player does not work for you, the podcast MP3 is here . Fortunately, the discussion is at the beginning of the hour where it's easy to find.

Proven Right Again!

Buona sera . With Nicky and Lela both on assignment, I have to do extra work, so this article and the next one will be short. In this article , I showed how weasels manage to confuse the issues by, among other things, selective citing. Well, there is something I need to bring out. Again. (sigh) Ernie the Gambler reported that one of my pet trolls who never leaves Mommie's basement has been maligning me again. She's all worked up because I pranked the atheist trolls with temporary faked posts. "Why did you fake posts, Cowboy Bob?" As a payback prank. Try to keep up. I messed with the juveniles, and then took the posts down. Miss Wants Me has no life, and is obsessed with posting about me , a mere individual. So, I'll point out to her and her tiny cadre of followers (how you can follow someone when you don't leave your basement, I'll never know), once again, the facts of the matter. Hopefully, it will go down the drain. Nah. They're hateful, obsesse...

Time Wasters: Obfuscation

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull." — attributed to W.C. Fields Buona sera. Yes, I know that several of my "Time Wasters" articles are similar in nature because they deal with arguments, but discussion is a part of life. Especially on the Internet. And I wanted to warn people about the methods that some miscreants use to make discussion into a miserable chore instead of a potentially exciting exchange of ideas. Taking out of context. Context is king, especially in biblical discussions. But it is easy to take things out of context when discussing politics and other potentially volatile topics. Deliberately misunderstanding. This happens a great deal when talking with obstreperous Internet atheists (and atheists pretending to be agnostics). Ray Comfort has to deal with a great deal of that codswallop ("Ray Comfort, not only a racist and a pervert but homophobic too!", "'How foolish is it to ...

Separation of Mosque and State

Buona sera. OK, clever ones, tell me something. Why is it that we get uppity atheists and snotty "progressives" crying about the "separation of church and state" at the drop of a hat? It's almost at joke status: A rabbi, a priest and a Baptist pastor walked onto City Hall property. An atheist went crying to the ACLU, who promptly filed for an injunction, etc. "Sensitivity" and "political correctness" are absurdly think disguises in efforts to criminalize Christianity and, to some extent, Judaism. (Of course, the Jews have a few thousand years' head start being experienced in persecution before Christians started getting hammered, so they're more used to it. I'm being facetious, you know.) In a broader sense, "political correctness" is an effort to stifle free speech and to dodge productive discussion of important issues. And to squelch values, of course. Then you get sarcastic types like me that don't give a rat...

Can Muslims be Good American Citizens?

Buon giorno. I received this in my e-mail a while ago, and have decided to use it now. You may have seen it, or even had it forwarded to you because it's been around for a few years. I've seen it (and its writer) attacked by liberals, progressives, anti-theists and others that are politically correct, intellectually castrated; these types dodge important dialogue by labeling someone as a "hater" or "racist" (I railed on "racism" in my previous post). You know the type: Peace, touchie-feely love and grooviness for all — unless you believe differently than their nebulous blather requires. Then their idea of "tolerance" shows its true ugly self, that we have to tolerate all views except Judeo-Christian and/or Conservative values. But I digress. Again. Yes, I like to digress on occasion. Here is a version of the piece that I received. Afterward, I will have some of my typically insightful comments for your enlightenment. Can a ...

Work Harder, Not Smarter

Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can't miss.   — Lee Iacocca Tweaked for clarity 3-26-2011. Buona sera. I have an attitude with thunder and lightning heading your way. You may have noticed that the title of this missive is the opposite of true intelligence. It constantly amazes me that so many companies seem to think that if their employees are not in a minor panic, sweating and frantic, that work is not getting done. Brace yourselves, this is Bluntness Day: They are too cheap to supply their employees with the proper tools to get the job done. Remember my buddy Neil? He works for a cheapskate Fortune 100 company. They are certainly not in the "100 Best Places to Work" list, but they cannot determine the cause. Spurious surveys to make themselves feel good, with faked results and continually contemptuous workers are the r...

Tragic Tales 4: No Tomorrow

Buona sera. I thought I was done with writing about "Monica", but there are a few more important points to add. She was overly fond of money. In fact, lies were a means to acquiring more money and not parting with her own. One of her biggest secrets was that she had some money stashed away that only she knew about. Money changes people. They get greedy and want more. It's almost strange, you don't have to be rich to be greedy, and you don't have to be poor to avoid loving the stuff. What was she holding onto her money for, anyway? Tomorrow? Monica did not have any more tomorrows. Ironically, her money went for her own burial expenses. "...say you'll be all right come tomorrow, but tomorrow might not be here for you..." — Lynyrd Skynyrd Monica made her plans. We all have our plans, dreams, hopes, expectations, dreads, fears, whatever. But I have to be very direct with you: Today may be your last day on Earth. Like these people: Michael...