Stephen Hawking Nonsense

Matt Slick of CARM shows the complete collapse of Stephen Hawking's "logic". About ten minutes. Broadcast from September 2, 2010.
If the embedded player does not work for you, the podcast MP3 is here. Fortunately, the discussion is at the beginning of the hour where it's easy to find.


Whateverman said…
"Intended for family viewing" is code for "I can't standing opinions which contradict my own".

But hey, it's your blog. Be close-minded if you wish...

The speaker admits he doesn't understand the physics, and this is his undoing. Hos definition of "nothing" isn't the same one being used by hawking (and cosmologists). Here's the thing: there is no such thing as "nothing". A layman's understanding of particle physics explains why.
Bob Sorensen said…
"'Intended for family viewing'" is code for 'I can't standing opinions which contradict my own'.

No, it means what it says.

"But hey, it's your blog. Be close-minded if you wish..."

How generous of you.

"The speaker admits he doesn't understand the physics, and this is his undoing. Hos definition of "nothing" isn't the same one being used by hawking (and cosmologists). Here's the thing: there is no such thing as 'nothing'. A layman's understanding of particle physics explains why."

So... only a physicist is allowed to tell Hawking that his logic is all wet? Your logic is sorely lacking.

Why don't you call Matt up and discuss it with him on his show? He loves to debate atheists, but most are too cowardly to call and have a civil discussion with him.
Whateverman said…
Well, I'm not an atheist for one thing. And in order for me to discuss the subject with him, I'd want to have a better understanding of particle physics. At best I'm a layman myself - I read about the subject for fun, but defer to the experts or people who work in physics professionally.

Seriously though, there's no such thing as "nothing", and this is where Matt's critique falls apart.

Thanks for posting my comments. I have no doubt you and I will eventually descend into impolite disagreement, but I for one intend to be respectful for as long as possible.
Bob Sorensen said…
"Thanks for posting my comments. I have no doubt you and I will eventually descend into impolite disagreement, but I for one intend to be respectful for as long as possible."

It's a deal! When people come at me with daggers drawn, I strike back. You may or may not have seen my remarks that I have been away from my faith for several years, and renewed my commitment to Christ just a few months ago. I am hoping that God will develop Christian love in me, and patience (and I want it now), so I can put aside striking back the way that I want to, and speak the way God wants me to.

By the way, I always thought that "Whateverman" was a cool handle.
Whateverman said…
Thanks Stormbringer

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