
Showing posts with the label Bible

Atheists and Misrepresentation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some time ago, I wrote an article about the proper use of debates , which drew heavily on what I had learned from Dr. James R. White. At this writing, he has done 169 formal debates. One thing he emphasizes is that to do this, both sides have to know what the other represents so they can discuss things properly. Screenshot from The Dividing Line, September 3, 2019 (linked below) There is a section of The Dividing Line  that I would like you to see. Dr. White is telling how he represents the other side correctly (at the moment, he was talking to a Mohammedan). That is an excellent set-up for the next segment where he is (if I understood this correctly) going to debate an atheist. This atheist wrote a post where he makes fifteen assertions that parts of the Bible had material that were inserted deceptively. What he is doing (and what the Mohammedan was doing earlier) is focusing on textual variances. Christian scholars know about these things, and they ar

Liberty and Darwinism are Opposites

Since proponents of fish-to-firefighter evolution rely on a paradigm of naturalism, they have a heap of trouble explaining the experiences of life that are intangible. I heard a debate between a Christian and an atheist, and the atheist admitted that everything he knows could be wrong in his frame of empiricism. The Christian showed him that he could not account for such things as logic and his worldview is self-refuting. Even though the atheist could be wrong, his "reasoning" maintained that the Christian is also wrong. Such a worldview is unlivable, as things we experience every day, truths of life, cannot be tested and determined in a lab by material means. By what means to materialists determine the soul or free will? What or where is consciousness ? They are not a part of the brain. There are some helpful links in " The Quantum Soul? " Declaration of Independence , John Trumbull, 1817-1819 Today, many Americans are celebrating Independence Day. Hopefully

Modern Culture and Changing Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is one of those articles that will probably be outdated within days, but I am writing it because the time-sensitive examples should still be useful in support of the principles they underscore. As societies change, so do moral "standards" — unfortunately. There is an ultimate standard, but that is unwanted nowadays. Credit: Unsplash / purplepic Rescinding the Offer Kyle Kashuv was a survivor of the Parkland school shooting by a leftist in 2018. He was admitted to Harvard, but people who disliked his pro-Second Amendment views dug up dirt on him, sent it to Harvard, and they rescinded their offer. Chris Stigall discussed this in his podcast at about the 37 minute mark. Apparently, even though Harvard, a bastion of anti-Christian and anti-Conservative thought (ironically, it was established on Christian principles ) has decided that certain politically incorrect words deserve their harsh judgment. Saying such things was not worthy of

The Busy but Empty Tomb of Jesus

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who reject the truth of the Bible resort to various rescuing devices such as saying Scripture has errors, does not mean what it says so we need help from atheistic interpretations of science, and outright ridicule. How many of these owlhoots have seriously read it? Credit: Pixabay / Jeff Jacobs Christians frequently hear atheists refer to the Bible as "fairy tales". (One of the most absurd remarks is the claim that the Bible was written by illiterate goat herders. Not only does this reveal bigotry and prejudicial conjecture about the writers of the Bible, but it is self-refuting: how do illiterate people write books?) The fairy tale aspect is easily dismissed by comparing actual fairy tales with the Bible. You will find detailed, accurate history in the Bible and see that it reads quite differently from fairy tales. In a similar way, myths and legends are usually vague and unbelievable; I wonder if people actually believed the tale

Atheist "Gotcha" Question: Does God Kill People?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For April 1, it is appropriate to examine how atheists try to trip up Christians with what some of us call "Gotcha!" questions and statements. Although they deny the existence of God, it is convenient for the God of the Bible to exist for them to hate him, the Bible, and his followers. They do  know he exists, however, but unrighteously suppress the truth (Psalm 14:1, Romans 1:18-23). Shattering atheism image courtesy of WHY?Outreach Atheists are the MS-13 of rational discourse. I have seen atheistic "logic" work along the lines of, "I asked a question. The Christian could not answer it to my satisfaction. Therefore, the Bible is false and there is no God!" Mayhaps an atheist picked a professing Christian who is unskilled in apologetics or has not studied a particular question. If someone cannot answer a question it does not mean an answer is impossible, old son. I'll allow that there are some tricky areas that we strugg

James Watson gets the Cold Springs Shoulder

Credit: RGBStock/ Tomislav Alajbeg by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Because this is a caustic subject, please read carefully so you do not misunderstand the points I am making. Does Dr. James Watson wonder why the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory took away his titles? It's elementary, Watson: racist views are not cool any longer. Statues of Confederate army leaders are being torn down because the South wanted to keep slaves; other racists are in trouble (except for Democrats in good standing, like Sen. Robert Byrd and others). If you say something that even hints at racism, you can be in a heap of trouble. Ken Ham pointed out that if these people who are upset about racism were consistent, they would disassociate themselves from Charles Darwin, who had blatantly racist views . The Bible tells us the opposite, that there are no "races" , only ethnic people groups. That's right, "race" is not a biblical position. Although racism has been with us almost from the

Religious Freedom, Free Speech, and Question Evolution Day

In these here United States and several other Western countries, people have the right to free speech. The US Constitution also guarantees freedom of religion. There are atheists and other anti-creationists who flat out lie , saying that Christians are violating the "Constitutional separation of church and state", but that only appeared in the Soviet Union documents. The Apostle Paul explains the tenets of faith in the presence of King Agrippa, his sister Berenice, and the proconsul Festus /Vasily Surikov, 1875 Atheists will lie and harass Christians who often have to take their case to court to fight for their rights. Unfortunately, some professing Christians have a wrong view, saying that it is "Christlike" to endure such persecution. That view is unbiblical.Some owlhoots may claim that since the term religious freedom is not in the Bible, it must not be true. It helps to know our rights, and yes, we can stand up for them. After all, if we sit back and le

Atheistic Anti-Holiday Foolishness

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Canada has been doing a whole whack of stuff that is anti-family, anti-conservative, anti-free speech, and anti-Christian. Like many other parts of the world (including these here United States), this kind of behavior by governmental and legislative officials has been increasing. Atheists whined, and were financially rewarded. What, is Canada turning into France and  surrendering to bad behavior ? Background image courtesy of Why?Outreach Up yonder in British Columbia, an atheist family complained about religious holiday symbols (atheists complain a lot, it's their nature). "You  have to stop what you're doing and everybody else has to comply to our  demands", it seems. The school didn't want those obstreperous schmendricks in their establishment, so they said not to come back. The atheists sued and won ! Although what used to be civil and legal rights were on the side of the school, when you have leftist misotheists in power, rig

Science Shows the Differences Between Men and Women

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some people refer to those of us who reject fish-to-fool evolution or the current version of anthropogenic climate change as "science deniers", "anti-science", and similar labels. Such claims are clearly blatant lies utilized to elicit emotional reactions for the sake of demonizing their opponents.  It is not uncommon for advocates of evolution and climate change to misrepresent those they perceive of as enemies , even lying all the more in their straw man "arguments". Part of the problem is the all-or-nothing argumentation; we state that we appreciate real science, but they portray us as if we reject all  science. You savvy? When it comes to differences between men and women, there are indeed science deniers. No, not all of science, but that which is applicable to their gender activism. The Happy Lovers ,  Gustave Courbet, 1844 I have written about the differences between males and females (and how science confirms what t

Protestants, Atheists, and Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a picture of a young guy with a beginner's mustache, glasses, and he has one eyebrow raised. His shirt is printed, "I'm an atheist debate me". The caption reads, "Atheism A Religion People Join to Appear Smarter". Although it has been given many captions, I like this older one the most. You can see it here if you like, the one I'm talking about should be at the top. Anti-creationists get rambunctious with it, but I believe the original picture is a parody of atheists' attitudes. Bellvue Baptist Church photo credit: Freeimages / Ricky Gipson The majority of American atheists are younger males and white. The caption about "appear smarter" is especially fitting, as many atheopaths are trolling the web, trying to impress others with their genius. They get upset when we point out their poor logic, and frequently display their ignorance, such as in a 3-on-3 debate that I wrote about . Professing atheists t

Zoroaster and Monotheism

As a kid, I liked watching Zoroaster, as portrayed by Guy Williams. He wore a mask, fought for justice in Spanish California, and slash a Z with his sword — "No, Cowboy Bob! You're thinking of Zorro! " Oh, right. I was wondering why he started a religion over yonder, in Persia and India. Now it's time to stop playing with words and get serious. The history of Zoroaster (Zarathustra, and other names) is controversial, and is generally considered to have lived long before Jesus. Some two-bit tinhorns say that Christianity stole concepts from Zoroastrianism and Mithraism , but examinations of source documents show that such is not the case. Public domain image attributed to Clavis Artis, an alchemy manuscript, via Wikimedia Commons Zoroastrianism is considered monotheistic, but that is not entirely accurate because. They have a God, but also have an immortal counterpart for evil. Christianity does not have Satan as God's equal, but as a created being who

The Secular Science Industry and Gender Confusion

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is indeed unfortunate that people have a love-hate relationship with the secular science industry. Because of numerous errors and even outright fraud, people are getting mighty suspicious about science. However, people also tend to look to scientists as our saviors, which is a horrendous mistake because scientists are human, and have the same vices as most other folks. Background image before added text: Pixabay / Gordon Johnson We have seen that the secular science industry is nowhere near impartial, and they ride for the leftist brand. This includes participating in leftist activism . As time goes on, these scientists are indulging in political correctness and supporting "gender dysphoria", which is a medically dangerous practice — as well as defying science and the God who created us. The articles linked above have some valuable information, and perhaps carry some of the urgency of what is happening. By my reckoning, people who think

Lack of Meaning in the Lives of Leftists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the first season of the hardcore humanistic evolutionary show  Star Trek: The Next Generation , the entity known as Q was antagonizing Captain Picard and the starship's crew. Picard misquoted Shakespeare. The misquote is not so much the issue, but Picard's attitude toward humanity: PICARD: Oh, no. I know Hamlet. And what he might said with irony, I say with conviction. What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty. In form, in moving, how express and admirable. In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a god. [Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2] Q: Surely you don't really see your species like that, do you? PICARD: I see us one day becoming that, Q. He may as well have stamped his foot and said, "We're humanity!  Don't underestimate us, because we've evolved into a great and noble species!" Wishful thinking, Cappy. To summarize entropy in the most basic terms, everything goes from