Zack Kopplin, Useful Idiot for Evolution

Before you get your knickers in a twist about the use of the word "idiot" in the title, let me point out the historical setting. A "useful idiot" was a supporter of the Soviet Union in the West, and the Soviets held them in contempt. They blindly followed fatally flawed ideology. Zack Kopplin is being used by atheistic evolutionism. Like Bill Nye, he is unclear on several concepts, including the difference between operational and historical science, the profound lack of importance of evolution to scientific development, and more. He has been deceived by fundamentalist atheist evolutionists and is adored by Richard Dawkins and other proselytizers of atheism.

The religious dogma of evolutionism cannot withstand scrutiny and it cannot tolerate competition. Many seek to punish doubters of evolution. (It must drive them batty that this date has been established as Question Evolution Day, huh?) Atheists and evolutionists are usually bigoted and intolerant of any views but their own. They support each other in their dishonesty and oppose free speech. That's right, I said it!

Another tactic they use is to shield inquiring minds from evidence that is embarrassing to evolution. They use ridicule, screaming "Liar!" at anyone who says evolution is wrong, straw men, ad hominems, genetic fallacies, poisoning the well and other juvenile tricks.

When those tactics fail, they use the corrupt judicial system for leverage. There is a Louisiana law in place to allow supplemental materials in schools to help students develop critical thinking. But no, that must be stopped! Evolution must be blindly accepted and defended by Darwin's Stormtroopers. God forbid (heh!) that people learn to think for themselves and actually examine the evidence!
Students are being brainwashed with evolutionary ideas in almost all public schools and museums, and they are expected to accept it uncritically. We’ve made this point many times over the years, but a recent news story has made the brainwashing even more obvious. In 2008, Louisiana passed a bill that would allow teachers in the public school system to “use supplemental materials … to help students critique and review scientific theories.” Such critical thinking skills should be a part of an education process and are part of many state education standards.
Well, a 19-year-old student at Rice University, Zack Kopplin, is on a mission to repeal that law. He is being praised by the secular world for his ambition, as evidenced in a recent article about him.
Atheistic evolutionists do not want any talk of “critiquing” or “thinking critically” about evolutionary ideas, because evolution is their way of explaining life without God, which is why we call evolution a religion. Despite their claims to the contrary, atheists use evolution as their religion to replace God. Evolution is a foundation for their set of beliefs about life and how it arose, just as creation, as described in Genesis, is our set of beliefs about how life arose. Atheists blindly hold to evolution because of their rejection of Christ. Zack Kopplin has seemingly declined to talk about his personal beliefs about God, but many atheists have basically claimed him as one of their own, including the Friendly Atheist, a well-known blogger, who published a post the other day calling Kopplin an atheist.
Intellectually honest people can read the rest of "The Legacy of Brainwashing" and learn something. (Also, Tony at Defending Genesis is on the same trail.) Others can go cry to their friends about how the big, bad creationists are telling the truth again.

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