
Evolution, the Welfare Pseudoscience

Did I mention that " Question Evolution Day " is February 12? Know how government can save billions of dollars? Stop funding religious pseudoscience. Of course, I am talking about evolutionism. It is based on fraud and the pursuit of money, and is a complete waste because there is no practical benefit in it. As the American people faced a "fiscal cliff" dilemma forcing action on monetary policies which could raise taxes and cut government spending this may be as good a time as any to discuss one of the ways the US government could save vast amounts of money while also cutting suicide rates and increasing the collective American intelligence quotient. The "theory" of evolution has become the stand-alone hypothesis for how man came into being by the "scientific" community in the western world, but is this real science or is something more sinister afoot?   Richard Dawkins, arguably the world's most renowned apologist for the worldvie

Video: Evolution Conundrum of Symbiosis

Darwin's Cheerleaders make pronouncements that evolution is true, that's why you see what you see. When you point out that their facts are lacking and present contrary evidence, you are called "LIAR!" by these simple-minded defenders of their faith. Of course, they cannot show where the facts we present are wrong, and will not do more than give them a cursory dismissal by copying from pooling of ignorance sites. Nor can they show that someone actually intends to deceive. These people also do not seem to know the difference between "disagreement over the facts" (which increases scientific development) and "dishonesty". No, they do not really know what a lie is, they just want to provoke an emotional reaction. So, according to those intellectually and emotionally impaired types, the following short video is a lie and full of lies. For intelligent and honest people, however, it will make them think. It points out that evolutionists ask you to dis

Video: "The Twilight of Atheism"

Atheists insist that children are "born atheist", but that is simply a bold assertion that cannot be supported. (Worse for them, there is scientific evidence that the truth is the opposite of what they claim .) So ... about two percent of the population who claim to be atheists are smarter than the rest of the billions of people? How arrogant. Check out this very short video.

America's Abortion Shame - 40 Years Later

Abortion is almost a sacrament for leftist politics (remember how they lied about Romney?) Ultra radical B. Hussein Obama is astonishingly pro-abortion . Obamacare forces employers to pay for abortions , just ask Hobby Lobby . The so-called "woman's right to choose" (what about the unborn woman, was she consulted?) and other appeals to emotion are used. Yet, abortion is a for-profit industry that yanks people's emotions around in order to further its own ends. Naturally, this is another evil that is firmly supporte d by the social applications of the pseudoscience called evolutio n. How about if you in terrupt your pr0n surfing and stalking to spend a bout a half an hour and be enlightened? I challenge you to wat ch it.  

Video: The Conundrum of Evolution and Design Dynamics

Another short video to turn up the heat before Question Evolution Day ! This one includes the obfuscation of biased sites like Wiki pedia in order to pro tect evolutionism.

I'm Comfortably Well Off!

Taking time out of my bus y schedule before Question Evolution Day . Do I really need to lecture you on the dangers of even responding to one of these, let alone, giving personal information? Good, I didn't think I did. But I couldn't help but high light some indicators that this is garbage. Just another public service from Stormbringer Productions. Corporate Finance <> t o undisclosed recipients Attn: Sir/Madam You have been issued payment notice of Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($10.5M). The Zenith Bank will Programmed your fund($10.5M)into an ATM CARD, Powered By Master-Card/Visa card. The debit card can be used on any ATM machine/P.O.S (POINT OF SALES) all over the world, or you can go to your bank to off-load the funds. You are advised to re-confirm to us the below information or call me immediately on +234-802-213-2112 (1) Your Full-Name: (2) Your Physical address not PO

Video: "Christianity, Cosmology and Atheism"

"Do not be afraid of being free thinkers. If you think strongly enough you will be forced by science to the belief in God, which is the foundation of all religion. You will find science not antagonistic but helpful to religion." — Lord Kelvin It is easily seen that many modern atheists persist in misrepresenting Christianity and creationism to the point of using transparent and even laughable lies. They pretend to be the harbingers of "reason", but their blatant disregard for honesty and their lack of ability to use reason betrays them to people who can actually think. One of the grate-est irritants to atheists is the fact that many of the greatest scientists of all time were theists, and even Bible-believing Christians; many were biblical creationists. Here, spend about seven minutes on this video: