
Basement Cat Thanksgiving

'Twas the night before thanksgiving, and all through the place — Prowling, pacing, restlessness, midnight howling. Mix, match and repeat as needed. Our Basement Cat's Sooper Sniffer ® was in high gear, even though the turkey was thawing in the refrigerator. When the bird was finally in the oven today...oh, boy. Well, she wants her share now. My wife can't begin to eat until yon beastie is taken care of: The cat even taps on her arm and nuzzles. Hurry up! And... was the smell of turkey the cause of all the restlessness? We think so. An hour later: Cuteness and contentment. And snoring. Ever hear a cat snore? Happy Thanksgiving!

Pigging Out on Thanksgiving

Give thanks to the Lord, calling on his name. Make what he has done known among the people. Sing to him, sing psalms to him, and think about all of his miraculous deeds. Find joy in his holy name; let the hearts of those who keep on seeking the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and his strength. Always look to him. Keep remembering the awesome deeds that he has done...

Spam Time!

And now for something completely different. Spammer listing: Another public service from Stormbringer Productions™. It's the evening before Thanksgiving in America. After all the turkey and things, perhaps the processed pork product that the unpleasantness in your e-mail is named after might sound like a nice change. If you want to get involved in fighting spam, there are two heavy-hitters. The first one I use extensively, it's " Knujon " ("No Junk" spelled backwards). Just register with them and then forward your e-mail. Read the details at the site. The second is more involved, but it is another aggressive, reputable opponent in the war on spam: Spamcop . I do not use it yet, but here's the link. Since Yahoo! AOL and other providers do not seem overly concerned with the spam that their customers receive, I take the extra step and report it, even though it's in my spam folder. When certain domains are reported enough times, they get blacklis

Excuses for Atheism Wear Thin

"I used to go to New York University a long time ago, which is in Greenwich Village...I was in love in my freshman year, but I did not marry the first girl that I fell in love with, because there was a tremendous religious conflict, at the time. She was an atheist, and I was an agnostic. We didn't know which religion not to bring the children up in." — Allan Stewart Konigsberg Anyway, atheists are full of excuses for their disbelief. In a discussion on the "Unbelievable?" radio show/podcast a few months ago, I heard an atheist saying that he decided God did not exist was because he had prayed for something silly , like a new bicycle, and was disappointed. Others have rejected God for somewhat less ridiculous reasons, including praying for a healing that did not happen, having absent or abusive fathers and so on. The problem with praying and being disappointed is that these people were expecting God to be some sort of vending machine or cosmic butler.

Atheist Rage

In December 1993, Colin Ferguson began methodically shooting people on the Long Island Railroad. He hated white people and other blacks that he considered "Uncle Toms" [ 1 ] . This was before the term "hate crime" was popular. He had lawyers who wanted to offer an absurd defense called "black rage". The concept was that he was a victim of a racist society, and this was going to be offered as an insanity defense [ 2 ] . The selfish, self-righteous coward rejected the defense and chose to defend himself. Badly [ 3, 4 ] . Earlier today, I posted some comics and pictures on my Facebook account, including something that was made for me.  A couple of misotheists decided to take me to task and play the victim card. They went on about how they are hated by society and treated badly by "theists". I cleaned up the language of one comment and presented it here: When I showed the first complainant that this and other remarks in his diatribe were fa

Obama Goes to Hell

On his way to Hell, Barrack Obama shuffles past the g ates of Heaven, seeing a man with a beard. 'Are you Mohammed, can you help me?' , he cries. 'No my son, I am St. Peter; Mohammed is higher up.' Peter then points to a ladder that rises into the clouds. Delighted that Mohammed should be higher than St. Peter, Obama leaps onto the ladder, climbs up through the clouds arriving in a room with yet another bearded man. 'Are you Mohammed?' he asks. 'Why no, I am Moses; Mohammed is higher still.' Exhausted, but filled with joy he further climbs the ladder, discovering a bearded, angelic looking man, he stutters, 'Are you Mohammed?' 'No, I am Jesus, the Christ; you will find Mohammed higher up.' Mohammed higher than Jesus Christ, man, oh, man! Unable to contain delight, Obama climbs and climbs ever higher, reaching the top he gasps: 'Are you Mohammed?' 'No, I am God , creator of the universe . You look exhausted, would you

Education, Discrimination, Indoctrination

“I know that some of you out there are creationists. You really don’t believe in evolution. I personally don’t think you should be allowed to leave this university with that belief.” — Lesley Northrup Some atheists go into denial when I mention that there are college professors that are openly derisive of the beliefs of their students, and actively work to destroy Christian beliefs, and others justify the practice since it fits their own bigotry. It should not be surprising to have this happen in America. After all, we have unrepentant terrorists like William Ayers getting tenure . Active discrimination against creationists exists . True scientific inquiry does not protect the established orthodoxy, but will examine scientific evidence that runs against it. The same goes for education . Let's face it, we do not have education, we have indoctrination centers. A nd anyone would be hard -pressed to find a legitimate educational reason for attacking the personal belie