
Quick Sampling of Why Atheism is Dying

Within the past week, I posted some material on the fact that modern obstreperous atheism is fading, and how to deal with them [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . Worse for them, Christianity is growing — especially in atheist-governed and Mohammedan-governed countries! I had supporting links, so I am not going to ruin my morning by repeating myself. Instead, I am going to have a bit of fun by letting atheo-fascist humiliate themselves. You see, I posted those articles and let the, uh, whaddyacallit, auto-posting announce them on Twitter and Facebook. What to my wondering eyes did appear but more of the same old stuff: Personal attacks, misrepresentation, moving the goalposts, change the subject and try to get me to defend a different position — if they love "reason", they had jolly well better learn to actually use the stuff, capcie? So I decided to play. Let me point out that I did not approach anyone. They saw the auto-posts and decided to demonstrate their debating skills. Not goo

The PC Double Standards of Facebook

When I first joined Facebook, I thought it had some kind of rules and standards that applied to everyone. It did not take long for me to realize that they are just like every other big business that will have certain rules that they will enforce when it is expedient. (It is laughable that Rule Six under "Safety" is that you will not bully or harass others. I've been bullied, and I've hit back.) There are Pages and Groups that exist only to ridicule Christians, Israel, Conservatives and so forth (Rule Seven prohibits hate speech). Although I was able to help get a few taken down, there are other noteworthy pages that are still up, despite the obvious and flagrant violations of Facebook's alleged standards. And yet, legitimate Pages and Groups that have a special interest can get shut down. Nothing wrong with their content, and leaving them up will mean that Facebook lives by its alleged mission, "Facebook's mission is to give people the power to shar

Archaeology Supports the Bible

"In my view, most of the revisionists are no longer honest scholars, weighing all the evidence, attempting to be objective and fair-minded historians, seeking the truth. Determined to unmask the ideology of others, they have become ideologues themselves. The revisionist and the postmoderns are dangerous because they have created a kind of relativism ― an anything goes attitude ― that makes serious, critical inquiry difficult if not impossible." — William Dever, Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Arizona For many years, it has been an established fact that archaeology supports the Bible. (I did an article on that here .) Sure, there were people who were daft enough to say, "Aha! Archaeologists have not found evidence of the Hittites. They did not exist. Your Bible is wrong. There is no God! " (Yes, I have encountered people whose "logic" works that way.) Anyway, they had to eat their words because the Hittites'

Further Signs of the Decline of Atheism

Buon giorno. An atheist brazenly claimed, " Atheism is the fastest growing religion in the world ". Was it ignorance, dishonesty, wishful thinking...? Actually, atheism is declining, and Christianity is increasing [ 1 , 2 ]. An essay on "Ten Reasons Why American Atheism Will See a Significant Decline" is here . America is seeing an increase in Biblical creationism , despite the efforts of militant atheists, secularists and activist judges. You can't stop the truth forever, capice? I'm glad The Question Evolution Project is a part of this! Even more annoying for Darwinists and atheists is that this is becoming a bad year for their religions. 4 important questions every Darwinist and atheist/agnostic must answer: 1. Is the young earth creationist organization Creation Ministries International and its Question Evolution! Campaign with its 15 questions for evolutionists on the rise and poised for tremendous growth? 2. Are evolutionists and atheists

Another Sign that Atheism is Fading

Buona sera. The exceptionally loud minority of vociferous children seems to be shrinking. Atheists have never been popular, and are the least-liked group in America (and probably most of the world). "Why don't people like atheists, Uncle Bob?" This is not the kind of atheist that is a "live and let live" type, you believe, I don't, so what? No, so-called "New Atheism" is shrill, irrational, obnoxious, vituperative — it becomes a caricature of itself . People want meaning in their lives, and are not satisfied with a religion that is based on bad thinking, emotionalism and hate. The obstreperous atheist handbook says that if you cannot defeat your opponent through reason (which is the usual outcome for these kids), resort to finding any and every excuse to mock and ridicule said opponent. It does not solve the problem, but attempting to tear others down somehow makes atheopaths feel better about themselves, capice? So, be careful how your spen

Richard Dawkins Shows His Massive Intellect

Buon giorno. I am really at a loss as to why people consider Richard "Daffy" Dawkins a great thinker. In another post, I gave evidence that he is either uninformed (unlikely) or dishonest (likely) about the idea that atheists wouldn't destroy religious buildings [ 1 ]. People copy and paste quotes from Dawkins and the other so-called "New Atheists" (much easier than using brain cells) as if they were brilliant bits of philosophy. No, they are simply insulting diatribes, feeding on the existing biases of misotheistic sheep. They hear some insult, say, "Yeah! Yeah!", then repeat such nonsense. Here is Daffy being dodging an honest question and being rude to the questioner. Then, his response is discussed by someone who can actually think:

Will Discrimination Against Christians Increase in the USA?

Although some people deny the facts, the truth is, there is discrimination and persecution of Christians around the world. In some places, especially those run by atheist and Mohammedan regimes, it is severe. But even in the west, where civilization was built on Judeo-Christian principles, persecution is increasing. Will the European level of discrimination happen here? It very well could. We see it happening with anti-Christian organizations, the loud, detested minority, getting weasel activist judges to go against the wishes of the majority. Political correctness and "tolerance" are attempts at stifling free speech, after all. The news that the government of Great Britain is mounting a full-scale assault on Christians is not really surprising.  The left-wing in England, like their counterparts on the European continent, have long discriminated against Christians, while at the same time, in myriad ways, protected those of Muslim faith.  For much of his 3 years in