
Atheism In Action

"I do not believe there is an atheist in the world who would would bulldoze Mecca - or Chartres, York Minster or Notre Dame, the Shwedagon, the temples of Kyoto or, of course, the Buddhas of Bamiyan." — Richard Dawkins  Buona sera. Atheists tell us that they want everyone to live together in peace, love and grooviness under the benevolent banner of "reason". Of course, it would be a dictatorship under their control, but nobody has anything to fear from intellectually superior and morally pure people, right? Wrong. If you believe that atheists are intellectually superior and morally pure after all I have shown you here, there's something seriously wrong with your thinking bone, capice? I put it to you that the above quote from Richard "Daffy" Dawkins is not a mistake, that he is not uninformed, but that he is lying. The easiest place to find examples of what atheists are like when they gain power is the former Soviet Union.

Atheism and Human Rights

It should come as no surprise that the individuals who abide by fundamentalist Christian and radical Islamic doctrines would be the first to cry out that they are being persecuted when their dangerous, damaging and disingenuous beliefs come under attack. Most of these people lack the maturity and intelligence to act in a socially acceptable manner. Many of them are sociopaths and quite a good number of them are psychopaths. All of them are clearly delusional. — Al Stefanelli Buon giorno. You would think that I would stop being amazed at the illogical, childish, vituperative attacks that militant atheists have against Christians. (To me, this indicates that they have the inner knowledge that we are right , Romans 1.19-22 ESV, and that burns.) They get exceptionally angry when their words and actions speak for themselves, showing the world the lack of character of many atheopaths. Not only do they detest having the truth told, but have conniption fits when the truth about them is de

A Few Samples of Atheist Hate

This is so easy, I do not even bother with it very much. Abundance and all that. First, a typical example. It was at (surprise!) an atheist's Weblog. Comment 1 was about me, Comment 2 was about a forthcoming book the atheist was publishing, Comment 3 was my reply to comment 1. I did not go back after I left my comment and took the screen shot (click for larger): I wonder if he knows that The Question Evolution Project has far more than 60 "Likes" on Facebook and is still growing. Next is a real dandy! This atheopath was so full of hate, rage and utter stupidity, but not an ounce of logic. I could have filled the page with our go-arounds, but decided to select three samples. You can count the logical fallacies yourselves: Here's the funny part. This exchange happened after I posted several examples of and links to atheistic bigotry. He denied reality (as they often do). Not too long ago, I had this ironic bit of confirmation of atheistic bigotry:

Are Children Born Theist?

Edited 5-30-2016 and 4-12-2021 Buon giorno. In late 2010 and early 2011, I attracted the attention of a furious misotheist tinhorn who used one of the mantras that people of is type will copy and paste from other non-thinking atheist propaganda sites. Specifically, the claim that "children are born atheist, and learn theism later on". I called him on it; this is an unprovable assertion. Instead of offering evidence to support his fallacious assertion, he followed the Atheist Handbook™ and resorted to ridicule. It appears that not only is the claim that "children are born atheist" a fallacy of assertion and completely unsupportable, the opposite may be true! Yep, children may be born theist. Is atheism or theism more natural for human beings? According to online author Tim Covell, “Everyone is born atheist. Religion is learned.” Over at the “rational response squad” you’re treated to the claim that “Many people don’t know it but everyone is born an Athei

"Tolerance" and "Coexist" Contradicted

These have been floating around in my Internet circles. "Coexist"? Not likely. Here's why:    

Politics, Religion, Emotion and Logic

Having been interested in political matters as well as spiritual, it gives me some interesting opportunities for observation. I am not saying that I'm unique and special in this area, but when I hang around with Biblical apologists, they do not seem to have much interest in politics, and vice versa. Things I have learned about logic and apologetics have applied to political rhetoric quite nicely. There are a few things that I would like to explain to you, the viewing audience, to use during the rest of the American 2012 political season. Learn some basics.  I have some "Logic Lessons" (emphasizing informal logical fallacies) listed in the margin on this Weblog. Although they are focused on Christian apologetics and vituperative atheists have kindly supplied me with several excellent illustrations, the points made should translate to other areas, including politics. Also, there are links to other sites in those articles for further information on the logical fallacies. E

I Lack Belief

Atheists play a disingenuous game of moving the goalposts by redefining the word "atheist". Instead of the established definition of "belief that there is no God or gods", it becomes, "I lack belief in a God or gods". That load of rubbish is insultingly transparent. By the way, does a "lack of belief" motivate people to troll Christian sites under multiple and assumed names, protest Christian activities, write books and make lots of money, incessantly attack God and Christians on obscure and irrelevant Weblogs, hang out with other non-thinkers to brag about your logical fallacies &c? No, I didn't think so. Misotheists have a belief system, and something that motivates their worldview. I heard a caller to a talk show bring this up the other day, and I thought I'd run with it. Yeah, two can play that "I lack belief so I have nothing to prove" game: (Click for larger) A follow-up article is here .