
Celebrating the Release of Murderers and Thugs

The painful debate about Israel’s decision to trade 1,000 imprisoned Palestinian terrorists for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit ​ continues this week with the families of terror victims attempting to sue the government to prevent the swap. Though the vast majority of Israelis support the trade and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s willingness to pay the ransom for Shalit, the impending release of so many murderers is nothing to celebrate. That is, unless you are a Palestinian. Read the rest of " Will the World Ask Why Palestinians Celebrate Murder?" here.

Physics Professor Says Global Warming is Pseudoscientific Fraud

Professor Harold Lewis boldly states that Global Warming is pseudoscience. The greatest pseudoscientific fraud. (I disagree, it is second to the pseudoscience of evolutionism.) Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Here is his letter of resignation to Curtis G. Callan Jr, Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society. Anthony Watts describes it thus: This is an important moment in science history. I would describe it as a letter on the scale of Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses to the Wittenburg church door. It is worthy of repeating this letter in entirety on every blog that discusses science. It's so utterly damning that I'm going to run it in full without further comment. (H/T GWPF, Richard Brearley). You can read the rest of  "US physics professor: 'Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life'" here .

Strange Searches: Ugly Atheists

Buon giorno. I had better restate that I know full well that people do not exactly do searches with precise sentences, they use words that will get results. Intentional or not, reading the "search terms" as if they were actual sentences will yield some interesting results . See that? "Atheists are ugly". I can name some that are butt ugly, some that are moderately repulsive (like me) and some that are attractive. Same as anyone else. If that was really the object of the search, the seeker did not find it on my Weblogs. If we're discussing inner beauty, that's an entirely different story, capice?

Mosque, Meet My Pig Farm!

Here's a good one. Muslims buy some land and want to build a mosque ( a symbol of Islamic victory ). A guy has owned land there for some time. He is a pig farmer. They have the audacity to ask him to move. Nothing doing. So, he gets creative:

Atheist "Poes": They Make Their Own

“Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humour, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing.” The General Case of Poe's Law is "It is impossible to tell for certain the difference between genuine stupidity and a parody of stupidity." [ 1 ] It is a common attack at someone who uncompromisingly stands for their Conservative and Christian convictions to call him or her a "Poe". That is, someone is accused of being so ridiculous in their beliefs, he or she is essentially acting like a fool and cannot be taken seriously. It is usually just another attempt at the Appeal to Ridicule fallacy in an effort to dismiss the person instead of dealing with the argument itself. Modern fundamentalist atheism creates its own "Poes". They are hateful and angry, and put people off by their vituperation, lack of logic, constant protests and so on. (And they wonder why they are the least liked g

Video: Fallacy of Proof by Assertion in Action

Atheist Michael Shermer caught making things up, click here for the video .

Logic Lessons: Proof by Assertion

As usual, the more I examine logical fallacies, the more I see how people blend their fallacies into dreadful monstrosities. I have had many experiences where people will attack by asserting that they have a bad or ulterior motive, so be careful of Proof by Assertion because it lends itself to reinforcing other fallacies. " Proof by Assertion " (sometimes "Proof by  Repeated  Assertion", a relative of  Circular Reasoning ) is one of my favorite fallacies because I encounter it so  very  often. In its simplest form, Proof by Assertion happens when someone declares a "fact" without offering supporting evidence: This is similar to the mantra, "Evolution is science, creation is religion". An assertion with an excuse. I still say, "Disingenuous". That was a very strange assertion and cop-out. Another reason that I like "Proof by Assertion" is that it is conveniently linked with