
Religious Freedom, Free Speech, and Question Evolution Day

In these here United States and several other Western countries, people have the right to free speech. The US Constitution also guarantees freedom of religion. There are atheists and other anti-creationists who flat out lie , saying that Christians are violating the "Constitutional separation of church and state", but that only appeared in the Soviet Union documents. The Apostle Paul explains the tenets of faith in the presence of King Agrippa, his sister Berenice, and the proconsul Festus /Vasily Surikov, 1875 Atheists will lie and harass Christians who often have to take their case to court to fight for their rights. Unfortunately, some professing Christians have a wrong view, saying that it is "Christlike" to endure such persecution. That view is unbiblical.Some owlhoots may claim that since the term religious freedom is not in the Bible, it must not be true. It helps to know our rights, and yes, we can stand up for them. After all, if we sit back and le...

Celebrity Appeal and Propaganda

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The other day, Stormie Waters was frustrated with her gold prospecting efforts and ventured up past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as the name implies) and up into Deception Pass. Somehow she avoided the Winkie Guards and drew near to the Darwin Ranch. Then she overheard Rusty Swingset telling the hands that they need to step up their propaganda game — using celebrities. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach I'll allow that we gravitate toward people who think like us (and Christians are commanded to have teaching and fellowship with other believers, but it seems that we seek out celebrity endorsements a bit less than other people.) Having someone famous who is on your side has a greater impact. You can find listings of famous atheists in history and the media, and lists of creation scientists and other scientists who disagree with Darwinism can be found. People of varied interests find influential people who share their interests. Pr...

Modern Creation Scientists Refuting Atheism and Evolution

One of the cornerstones of atheism is evolution , which is their creation myth. Atheists and other anti-creationists have been known to say, "There is no such thing as creation science". These sidewinders also tend to ridicule scientists who are creationists, saying that they are not "real" scientists". I lack belief that those making such claims have done any investigation, preferring instead to use prejudicial conjecture, straw man arguments, and outright lying.  Credit: Pixabay / Konstantin Kolosov The view that someone must be an atheist or naturalist to be a scientist is false. Many of those who put the foundations of modern science in place were creationists, and current creationists have contributed to their disciplines and been published in science journals , often despite the blatant discrimination against creationists as a whole. It is interesting that several biblical creationists began as atheists and eventually realized that recent creation...

Atheistic Anti-Holiday Foolishness

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Canada has been doing a whole whack of stuff that is anti-family, anti-conservative, anti-free speech, and anti-Christian. Like many other parts of the world (including these here United States), this kind of behavior by governmental and legislative officials has been increasing. Atheists whined, and were financially rewarded. What, is Canada turning into France and  surrendering to bad behavior ? Background image courtesy of Why?Outreach Up yonder in British Columbia, an atheist family complained about religious holiday symbols (atheists complain a lot, it's their nature). "You  have to stop what you're doing and everybody else has to comply to our  demands", it seems. The school didn't want those obstreperous schmendricks in their establishment, so they said not to come back. The atheists sued and won ! Although what used to be civil and legal rights were on the side of the school, when you have leftist misotheists in power, rig...

Science Shows the Differences Between Men and Women

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some people refer to those of us who reject fish-to-fool evolution or the current version of anthropogenic climate change as "science deniers", "anti-science", and similar labels. Such claims are clearly blatant lies utilized to elicit emotional reactions for the sake of demonizing their opponents.  It is not uncommon for advocates of evolution and climate change to misrepresent those they perceive of as enemies , even lying all the more in their straw man "arguments". Part of the problem is the all-or-nothing argumentation; we state that we appreciate real science, but they portray us as if we reject all  science. You savvy? When it comes to differences between men and women, there are indeed science deniers. No, not all of science, but that which is applicable to their gender activism. The Happy Lovers ,  Gustave Courbet, 1844 I have written about the differences between males and females (and how science confirms what t...

Protestants, Atheists, and Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a picture of a young guy with a beginner's mustache, glasses, and he has one eyebrow raised. His shirt is printed, "I'm an atheist debate me". The caption reads, "Atheism A Religion People Join to Appear Smarter". Although it has been given many captions, I like this older one the most. You can see it here if you like, the one I'm talking about should be at the top. Anti-creationists get rambunctious with it, but I believe the original picture is a parody of atheists' attitudes. Bellvue Baptist Church photo credit: Freeimages / Ricky Gipson The majority of American atheists are younger males and white. The caption about "appear smarter" is especially fitting, as many atheopaths are trolling the web, trying to impress others with their genius. They get upset when we point out their poor logic, and frequently display their ignorance, such as in a 3-on-3 debate that I wrote about . Professing atheists t...

Atheists Spread the Bruno Science Lie

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Seems to me that it is human nature to like to find people or read statements that agree with our existing opinions. When people deny facts in favor of their opinions (such as, "My little Johnny would never rustle cattle!" when the varmint was caught red handed), that is a problem. Changing the facts to fit an opinion or a narrative is lying, and that's a natural fact. That's a big problem. Atheists are generally known for lying, and one of their favorites lies is about "The Church hates science". In this case, the false legend built up about Giordano Bruno . Recently, a rider from the Owlhoot Trail spread a claim from atheistic dogma that Giordano Bruno " was killed by the Church for daring to believe and expand upon the heliocentric model, he dared to state that the Earth revolved around the Sun, not the other way around, and that there were more planets than just the Earth and the other Solar System based planets...