
Emotional Terrorism

You're not going to believe this stuff. I promise you, it's true. My purpose is twofold: to tell the amazing story, and to give an example of how screamingly ridiculous some people can be. It's ridiculous to "walk on eggshells", trying not to provoke someone. Sure, there's a time for keeping a low profile and just shutting the hell up. But not as a lifestyle. When you live your life so that whenever you're around a certain person you don't want them to "go off" in a baby fit of rage, it's just pathetic. The high-maintenance baby needs to grow up (especially at age 25, for God's sake), and the eggshell walker needs to be himself. Fits happen. Move on. I've written about the psychotic in question before. She's the one that crashed the car on purpose, shown in the previous posting. To show the crimes and psychological studies of this misfit would take an entire Weblog in and of itself. Neil lives with his second wife and her daug...


First of all, let me repeat: "stormbringer erotic stories" are not here. It's not me. Got that? Capice? Comprendez? Sheesh, people keep clicking here to find something else. Sure, this is a good place to be, but come on. Look at that, I've already broken from my routine. Funny thing is, routine is what I want to talk about today. Routine can be a life saver. When you have repetitive work, you do it the same way every time so that you can be more efficient. For instance, the guy that gets up at the same time every day, has his clothes set aside and ready to go, briefcase packed, stuff he carries set out on the desk (money clip, guns, cell phone, all that), coffee maker is ready to start (or is on a timer) get the idea. No need to think too hard and distract yourself, then you get late to where you're going. When you get the routine down and are comfortable with the work (and getting to it), you can introduce variations so that you don't get bored with ...

More about the Green Cash at Home

Buon Giorno. I've been thinking about money again. What, do you think I work for the joy of it? Not bloody likely. I have businesses and, uh, projects that have money as the end result. The only thing I'm doing for free is this bit of information and entertainment for you readers. So when it comes to cash, I look to keep as much of it in my hot hands as I can. In my excitement to write the other piece about spending (and in the interest of keeping it from getting too lengthy), I did not put in some information about trip consolidation. The boys and I share rides all the time when we have evidence to hide upstate or to do some other jobs. Sharing rides is a good idea. (Good teenage girls accepting car rides from Nicky is not a good idea.) But sharing rides is not always practical, especially when you get the urge to do some errands. Fueling up is expensive. Here in the state of New York, sixty cents of every gallon purchased is in taxes. See what kind of losers keep getting e...

Depression, the Universe and Everything

I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed - Marvin the paranoid android, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy There's something you should know. I have been diagnosed with depression. What a time I'm having: diabetes, high blood pressure, lack of substantial income, depression. The thing is, depression was the first major diagnosis. Oh, and allergies when I was a kid. I used to talk about it more, and I sort of lost track while simply dealing with it. But I think I can serve a purpose by making this Weblog posting. I'm not getting you down at all, am I? - Marvin First of all, it's not just a case of "the blues" or "being down". Everyone gets depressed now and then. No, I'm talking about a clinical diagnosis. True clinical depression involves brain chemistry, and the imbalances thereof. When you're depressed in this way, circumstantial depression gets worse; it hits you harder than other people. Other times, you...

Time for a Scam

Updated 3-21-2008 There have been many hits on this posting from people doing searches. Glad I can be of service. A bit of new material is posted at the end. You never met a weblog writer quite like me! Gather round, gang. Uncle Bob wants to show you a scam. Remember, I do this stuff to entertain and educate. Most of my readers won't fall for this, but maybe someone who stumbles on this site (and they do come from all around the world) will take the warning. Be suspicious! I received two letters in two days. They're almost identical. (I'm not the only one , either.) I'll reproduce one here and put my comments in red. FROM: ALPHA FINANCIAL CONSULT. Yes, this does exist. LONDON, U.K. We wish to notify you again (?) that you were listed as a beneficiary to the total sum of £6,000,000.00 GBP (Six Million British Pounds) in the codicil and last testament of the deceased. (Name now withheld since this is our second letter to you). No, it's not. We con...

Entitlement Mentality

Stand back. Stormbringer's thundering again, and lightning is shooting out of his eyes. You remember a while back when I railed about welfare slobs. But one in particular keeps setting me off, and I'm going to use this insufferable creature as an example of my point. Imagine being 25 years old and having no intention of getting a job. Not only that, but expecting to be taken care of. Her mother works extra jobs to pay her bills, and this bitch has no shame in watching the old girl work herself into an early grave. And she's collecting welfare, too. Expecting, as a right, to get handouts from the government and from other people. Laziness creates more laziness, greed creates more greed. Funny how those things go together. This particular "person" will sponge and sponge off people, always looking for more. The money is free , not worked for (as in "job"), and she calls it "her" money, and doesn't want to spend "her" money on nece...

The Green Green Cash at Home

Buon giorno, girls and gorillas. Let's take a moment to say, "Happy Birthday" to Christina. She's there in the back, looking embarrassed. Give us a wave, Teenie. Thanks. Stop staring, Nicki. She's too young. One thing that the boys and I know about is money. We like to get it more than give it, of course, but sometimes you have to part with it. Even though we have quite a bit of it, we don't like to part with any more than we have to. Let me tell you about some stupid spending. Freakin' idiotic, really. I know a weasel that spends money like nobody's business. (Well, it's not her money, it's from the hardworking taxpayers or from sponging off her mother. That's why it's fun for her to spend it.) But for those of us who have to work for a living, we try to be careful with what we do with our cash. Spend smart. Weasel girl doesn't do this. She loads the icebox with pre-packaged goodies and convenience foods that are not only u...