Emotional Terrorism

You're not going to believe this stuff. I promise you, it's true. My purpose is twofold: to tell the amazing story, and to give an example of how screamingly ridiculous some people can be.

It's ridiculous to "walk on eggshells", trying not to provoke someone. Sure, there's a time for keeping a low profile and just shutting the hell up. But not as a lifestyle. When you live your life so that whenever you're around a certain person you don't want them to "go off" in a baby fit of rage, it's just pathetic. The high-maintenance baby needs to grow up (especially at age 25, for God's sake), and the eggshell walker needs to be himself. Fits happen. Move on. I've written about the psychotic in question before. She's the one that crashed the car on purpose, shown in the previous posting. To show the crimes and psychological studies of this misfit would take an entire Weblog in and of itself.

Neil lives with his second wife and her daughter. There has been enormous tension between Neil and adult-child control freak because he resents her lazy-selfish-criminal-money-grubbing- self-indulgent-drama-queen-welfare-sucking lifestyle. He also cannot understand why her mother lets her get away with things, getting whatever she wants while working extra jobs to pay bills that Freako has run up.

There have been incidents in the past, but on Friday, February 22, 2008, a really interesting thing happened. Neil made an unkind comment to the mother about the daughter. He forgot that the drama queen loves to eavesdrop.

I should point out that Neil is hard on himself. Full of self-doubt and insecurity of his own, he did not say something that he hasn't said about himself—and he's said far worse about himself.

So, wicked child decided to react. Instead of going to the source, she started in on her mother. Her mother said, "Don't put me in the middle, talk to the one who said it." But that did not happen. It was a train load of "oh poor me", and accusations.

Neil could keep silent no longer. He said, "You've got it all figured out, don't you?"

The BB is incapable of reason. She starts railing. Neil made it worse by pointing out a couple of truths that she didn't want to hear. The "F word" flew from her in twenty minutes about as many times as it did in all of Scarface, blaming both him and her mother for all of the misfortunes in her lazy life.

Brace yourselves for this.

The witch actually came over to where Neil was sitting (probably reading this Weblog) and punched him in the face. Twice. (Now, yours truly would have ripped her head clean off, but he must have heard more lessons on restraint and compassion than I have.) She said that he "deserved it". (See what I mean about reason? She's incapable of it.) He says it took all he had, but he only stood up and said, "Do you know what I could do to you?" After more fussing, she proceeded to pick up cans of cat food and threw them at him! They connected twice, and he still has a bruise on his arm.

But he didn't touch her. He also knows how the cops and modern society work—he would have been the one in handcuffs. Why did he stand up in the first place? To dodge further attacks, he was worried about her mother's safety, and the rage that he was barely restraining.

He found out later that the mother thought that the daughter was going after the knives. But I know Neil, he would neutralize a serious threat; it would have been her last mistake. Too bad he's not qualified to work on my crew!

At this point, she blamed her mother for even more of the perceived ills in her life, and then proceeded to call her mother's mother and tell the old lady about how bad her daughter (witch's mother, I don't want you to get lost here) is in life. It's her mother's fault that she has mental problems, that her natural father is said to be a jerk, that she married "some asshole she met off the Internet" (Neil, that is—and Neil uses that word about himself), and God knows what else. Irrational, and actually funny in some ways. Especially the "you've never done anything for me" crap. This testa di cazzo is a taker, not a giver. Neil tells me that he wonders about himself, giving to this creature over and over, when she's not capable of giving anything without an ulterior motive of her own.

Oh, and she confined one of her cats in her room—the one her mother likes best. The cat hated it, scratching at the door and crying to be let out. Tormenting a cat for revenge. How low can you get? But the cat was eventually released.

Note to the guys: think long and hard before getting involved with a woman with kids. You will always be lower on her list than the kids.
The next time you’re considering a relationship with a woman, remember this admonition: If you’re not her number one, you’re number two. And, that stinks. — Marc Rudov

Just know that there is evil in the world that you know nothing about. Does anyone care to share their own irrational nutcase stories?

Addendum 2-26-2008: Neil should see this article about emotional terrorism.

Also, the "adult" in the story above is a lesbian that hates men. Dr. Donald Dutton, an authority on domestic violence, cites a study of 1,100 lesbian and bisexual women. This study shows that women are more likely to experience violence in relationships with women than they do with men. That is, women are quite capable of instigating domestic violence.

Another addendum: A follow-up can be found here.


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