
Showing posts with the label hate

Adoration of an Atheist Pope

How can people who claim to love "reason" bow down and worship the atheist popes? Especially Richard Dawkins. His emotive rantings are inconsistent and illogical, and his "morality" is sadly lacking. Most people who want to get along with others will not get in their faces and ridicule their beliefs, but that is what Daffy Dawkins advise s. When inquiring about how much money Dawkins is worth (about an 'undred million quid according to the 2012 "Rich List" of the Sunday Times ), people get defensive and ask, "Why do you want to know?", or say, "It's none of your business". Yes, misotheists flat-out lie about the amount of money that creationists and ID proponents have, but it's perfectly acceptable to get rich from hatred and religious bigotry. Double Standard, thy name is "atheist". Dawkins lied about a debate that he lost, claiming that it never took place . Now he is ready — to dodge debates . Probably

Logic Lessons: What Do You See, Feel and Think?

A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel. — Proverbs 12.10 NASB This picture was circulating on Facebook and has upset quite a few people. There are over 30,000 comments on the main photo and 176,000 "shares". No idea how many total with all of the comments on the shared versions. I saw several comments where people wanted to personally harm and even kill the man in the picture. I'm warning you, it is upsetting to animal lovers. Be sure to read this all the way through.  Click for Larger; Picture is viral, original source not found.  From your initial glance, what do you feel? Outrage? A desire to hurt the guy? Sorry for the puppy? Now, what do you see? A fellow forcing a puppy to drink vodka? Animal abuse? In addition to the rage that was expressed, some interesting comments and observations were made. There is considerable argument about whether or not the cap is on the bottle in the fi

Evolution (of Lies) In Action

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. —Romans 1.22 Twitter "Tweets" are public. Twitter said so. This will have two examples. First, I was in an altercation with some vicious trolls on Twitter on Christmas the day after Christmas (and I seldom use Twitter these days, as I have said before ). Mixed in with those were some who wanted to have a detailed intellectual discussion (a bad idea on Twitter, which is designed to limit you to 140 characters). One made the outlandish statement that "animals are born atheists". Anyone who is capable of rational thought and is not brainwashed by propaganda can easily see the absurdity of that remark. And, it seems, so can the OP , because his comment appears to have been deleted. But I can show you my response to his remark:   That's right, Buttercup, I called you on it. You made a statement that is nothing but faith — no, it is nothing but wishful thinking for your posi

Stupid People

No, Nicky. I'm saying that you should go to The Organ Stop for pizza the next time you're in Mesa. The Wurlitzer organ is a classic — oh, company's here. Buon giorno. Stupid people get on my nerves. You too, huh? That's not surprising. But — what exactly are "stupid" people? We all know some people who do inexplicable things that a reasonable person would not say or do. "What did you do that for? That was stupid!" Some people seem to lack simple common sense. But quite often, it's not that cut and dried. Sometimes, there are reasons for what we consider "stupid" things. Uninformed. If someone did not know better, it is unfair to find fault with him. "I've never seen one of those before, and didn't know that it would do that. Sorry." Differences of opinion. You believe this is true, I believe that is true. Disagreement itself does not equal stupidity. Fatigue, stress, medications acting up, distraction

Time Wasters: Anger and Hate

Buon giorno. Today's lesson in time wasters focuses on the evil twins of anger and hate. When you think about it, they trade places and even overlap sometimes. I'm not going to say, "Don't do that!" because hate and anger happen and are not dismissed in a simplistic manner. But education and awareness can help alleviate the problems. So, get comfortable and become educated now. When you're angry, you tend to lose focus. Calm down, for crying out loud! Your enemies are more than happy for you to make a mistake and then take advantage of the situation. (So is Satan; he just loves it when you get crazy and curse out the bellhop or even get into a physical altercation, giving him more control over you.) For that matter, loss of self control is simply bad psychology because you'll keep giving in to it and have an increasingly shorter fuse. Have you ever hated anyone? I'll admit to it, but it's rare. No, I'm not talking about someone you

Blind Hate

Edited 5 August 2011 Buona sera. Do you know that old group of Clapton's and Winwood's called "Blind Faith"? Well, this has nothing to do with it. I have a lesson, with some illustrations from my recent experiences in Trollsville. Sounds like a new game from Zynga, doesn't it? Well, my game was unpleasant, and yet, there were laughable experiences. Here is the point, then I will explain it: You can become so blinded by hate that you miss out on some good things. If your criteria for whether someone is "acceptable" to you is based on qualifiers, be careful. People have chosen to hate me because I am a Christian, because I am not (denomination), because I am a Conservative, because I work for — waitaminnit, you almost got me there. Can't tell you that. But what good is it to have such severe limiting factors? "You Xtians are all stupid and worthless, neener neener!" That guy is missing out on valuable information. Just today, I

Angry Women

First of all, I want to say that there seem to be quite a few people in Arab-type countries that don't seem to like women. They wind up hitting my article called " Man Bad, Woman Good " when they are searching with terms like "bad women" and so forth. I bet they're disappointed! Anyway, quite a few of my articles come about from discussions that I have. This one happened at bed time. (No, I'm not giving you her name.) And I'm sure that there will be people that get angry with what I say here. It's the truth as I see it. There are many American women that simply wind up hating men. They get angry and confused. "Where does the anger and confusion come from, Cowboy Bob?" Several sources. One of the main sources is the modern femi-Nazi movement. These are leftovers from the "women's liberation" movement that began in the 1960s. On the surface, it was "equal pay for equal work". But the broader (heh!) perspective was

Hate Me If You Want To

Buon giorno. I've been thinking about love and hate. No, not the big deal stuff that will answer the questions that philosophers have asked for thousands of years. Rather, why am I loved or hated when I write things? I think it's because people have a shallow response to the viewpoints of others. They'll love me if I write things that they agree with, and hate me if I go the opposite way to their viewpoints. People are emotionally vested in their viewpoints, and I have been known to discuss some hot-button topics. When I write about the flaws of evolution, I get hate "mail". I think it's because I'm challenging the Darwinian orthodoxy, and they don't want to admit that their anti-God approaches may be wrong. My unapologetic, admittedly emotional, politically Conservative views are sometimes inflammatory, but they, too, challenge entrenched Liberalism. I have discussed the historical accuracy of the Gospels regarding the resurrection of Jesus Chris