Angry Women

First of all, I want to say that there seem to be quite a few people in Arab-type countries that don't seem to like women. They wind up hitting my article called "Man Bad, Woman Good" when they are searching with terms like "bad women" and so forth. I bet they're disappointed!

Anyway, quite a few of my articles come about from discussions that I have. This one happened at bed time. (No, I'm not giving you her name.) And I'm sure that there will be people that get angry with what I say here. It's the truth as I see it.

There are many American women that simply wind up hating men. They get angry and confused.

"Where does the anger and confusion come from, Cowboy Bob?"

Several sources. One of the main sources is the modern femi-Nazi movement. These are leftovers from the "women's liberation" movement that began in the 1960s. On the surface, it was "equal pay for equal work". But the broader (heh!) perspective was based on ideology. Not only was it "men are evil, so let's hate men, sisters", but it was hardcore liberal victimization.

Another source is the liberal media that keeps propagating the hatred for men. The proper term is misandry. You hear about "deadbeat dads", child abuse, domestic violence and so much more. But the truth is very different.
  • Fathers have to pay exorbitant child support payments. Sixty six percent of the "deadbeats" are at or below poverty level, and have to choose between eating and paying.
  • Non-custodial mothers are twenty percent more likely to default on support payments than men.
  • Although there are exceptions, the courts are overwhelmingly biased in favor of women. Not only in divorce and child support, but look what happens when a woman has sex with an underage boy as opposed to when a man has sex with an underage girl: He goes to prison for years, she gets media attention and a slap on the wrist.
  • Spousal abuse and domestic violence against men is very high, but not reported.
  • Violence in lesbian relationships at least at the same level as heterosexual relationships.
  • Women's shelters actually discriminate against boys, and are often simply palaces of liberal propaganda and are not true to their stated purpose.
Just try to find this in the liberal media. It doesn't exist there, only in reality and special sites.

I want to go further. There are some lesbian relationships that I know of personally and have read about. I'm not talking about a fling or experimentation. Rather, it seems to me that many women become bitter and confused, and embrace (heh!) lesbianism because they have had failed heterosexual relationships. So, they take themselves off the market; they want to punish males by making themselves unavailable (in many cases, it's no loss, believe me). Yes, there are some that have made an honest lifestyle choice. (Addendum: And some is simply perversion. Unfortunately, it starts young. Click here.) I'm bothered by the others, however, because they're confused by hatred and propaganda.

Another point to consider is that women enter into those relationships to be shocking, daring or "naughty". Bad motive. You can catch STDs from women, so you're taking a risk just because you want attention.

Perhaps that is why so many lesbian relationships are abusive. They are confused, angry and bitter. They do not really know what they want. When a woman moves from one abusive relationship to another (and I don't care if she's a lesbian or not), serious self-examination is in order. And she is probably in need of a good mental health professional.

Similar to something I have stated before, don't hate me because I'm a man. If you want to hate me, find better reasons.

These are just observations. I do not have much wisdom to offer these women. Well, one thing: Ask yourself what you really want, and be honest with yourself. But blaming and hating men for all of the ills that you have experienced (or imagine that you have experienced) is not hurting the male gender. And it's certainly not realistic, capice?

Addendum: How Feminism Hurts Women


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