
Showing posts with the label bigotry

Atheists, Leftists and Bullies

Bullying’s not about anger, it’s not about misunderstandings, it is about contempt. Bullies express contempt for other people. It is the language of supremacy — bullies are supremacists. And they are stripping people of human dignity every day. — Transcribed from a Paul Coughlin presentation Tweaked for wording 10-25-2012. Having a multi-purpose Weblog has some advantages. Sometimes I get bored and want to stop (after all, it's been going for five years and almost five months with over a thousand posts and articles just on this one). Other times, I get fired up and need to share one of my brilliant insights that the world cannot live without. Plus it's a good platform for sharing audio clips and things. None today, however, I've caught up. Other times, it's like a journal. Some things came together for me today when I was listening to a podcast where I work. (Yes, Norman, I learned about your bitter, libelous remarks . Some of us are intelligent enough to

A Few Samples of Atheist Hate

This is so easy, I do not even bother with it very much. Abundance and all that. First, a typical example. It was at (surprise!) an atheist's Weblog. Comment 1 was about me, Comment 2 was about a forthcoming book the atheist was publishing, Comment 3 was my reply to comment 1. I did not go back after I left my comment and took the screen shot (click for larger): I wonder if he knows that The Question Evolution Project has far more than 60 "Likes" on Facebook and is still growing. Next is a real dandy! This atheopath was so full of hate, rage and utter stupidity, but not an ounce of logic. I could have filled the page with our go-arounds, but decided to select three samples. You can count the logical fallacies yourselves: Here's the funny part. This exchange happened after I posted several examples of and links to atheistic bigotry. He denied reality (as they often do). Not too long ago, I had this ironic bit of confirmation of atheistic bigotry:

Atheist Pa-TROLL - Again

Motivated by hate, many Internet atheists act like mentally impaired schoolchildren by attacking Christians. These bigots have done it to many people: me, Christian filmmakers and campus groups , books on Amazon, recording artists — and the Creation Museum. For atheists, there really is no basis for their ethics, therefore they believe they can do whatever they want if they can get away with it. What is “right” or “wrong” to such people is all relative. So, to them, their tactics aren’t “unethical,” and their actions against AiG and our Creation Museum are just what atheists are inclined to do because they are so intolerant of Christians. It is a part of their “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1) as they try to censor those they disagree with—especially Christians. These are the same people who are largely behind efforts to stop students even hearing evidence against evolution in the classroom or being allowed to hear the Bible’s account of history. As they attack our