
Showing posts with the label God

Snowflakes Burning with Hate

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is indeed unfortunate that the political and cultural situations in the United States are not unique to our borders; the affliction is global. Instead, it is a reflection of postmodernism and nihilism, replete with relative truth and despair. After Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald J. Trump, people were suddenly confronted with the stark possibilities of having to actually work and become productive members of society for eight years; they never considered that Hillary could lose the election. Further, they were willingly blind to the duplicity and outright lies of the Obama administration, carrying this over and expecting more promises of good things from the leftist Democrats. On the spiritual side, we get something like this confused ramblings from someone who has claimed to be an atheist and not an atheist in the same paragraph. He usually identifies himself as an atheist, and has said God is " non-existent". Here is an edited ver

Shooting Down Christmas

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One thing that really burns my prairie schooner is when people attack Christmas. Atheists will pass along false information about Christmas having pagan origins, and legalistic Christians who are in touch with their inner Pharisee join in the condemnation of those of us who choose to celebrate. Their claims are easily refuted, see the links at " What About Christians and Christmas? " Assembled with elements from Clker clipart Now, I want to emphasize that some professing Christians choose to celebrate Christmas, and a few do not. They are acting according to their consciences, and I don't want to talk them into celebrating. Those folks  respect our choice to celebrate God the Son taking on human form to redeem fallen humanity, and we let them go on about their business; that's what knowledgeable, Bible-believing Christians are supposed to do, you savvy? Then we have the other group, which seems to be more strident every yea

My Brother the Mother

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen My brother the mother...sounds like a bad television show like My Mother the Car .  Unlike one of the worst television shows of all time, a bearded self-identifying "man" giving birth  is not fantasy fiction, and is unlikely to last for just a short spell.  Images from Clker clipart A woman gives birth, should be the end of the matter. Taking hormone injections, identifying as a man, selfishly wanting to do the birthing experience, having a female "partner", artificial insemination — this gender fluidity and free-for-all sexual perversion is sinful as well as mental illness, and  people like this are the real science deniers . That child is going to be very, very, messed up. For more about this, listen to or read the transcript from Albert Mohler, " My brother the mom? Time preaches the moral revolution ". I identify myself as a cowboy . So what if I couldn't lasso a calf to save my life? I declare it, it's my r

Fundamentally Flawed Atheistic Reasoning

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Once again, I need to state that everyone has a worldview that is comprised of presuppositions (those things that we assume to be true without verification). Atheism is a weird belief with many aspects, and some people who profess atheism are actually agnostics (unsure of God's existence). I've even seen one tinhorn profess agnosticism and then jump the fence and identify as an atheist in the same post. So, atheists have a passel of presuppositions in their religion . I suspicion that some people want to call themselves atheists because they heard that atheists are the smartest people. That's demonstrably false. (It also leaves out the fact that many of the most brilliant people, past and present, have been not only Bible-believing Christians, but biblical creationists as well.) Often, Christians have challenged the claims of professing atheists, and the atheists are startled to find that they are not reasoning properly. That really puts a bur

The Deadly Religion of Atheism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most common mantras of the religion of atheism is the lie that religion is the cause of most wars . Not hardly! If we exclude atheism from a list of religions, we find that their claim is completely false . Instead of using a false over-generalization of "religion", they could be more accurate by demonizing governments as the cause of wars. The fact is, atheism is a vicious, murderous worldview. If you study on it, you'll see that professing atheists proclaim "reason", and then proceed to flagrantly abuse the process (such as the illegitimate complaint used against the Ark Encounter that the money used there could feed starving children ). In fact, the claim to be "rational" and "freethinkers" because they reject God strongly implies that Christians and other "religious" people are not rational or able to think freely. This is clearly untrue, as many of the greatest minds, past and pres

Atheists Have Their Miracles Too

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Professing atheists tend to look in disdain at Christians for believing in God, the Bible, and (of course) miracles. They argue from their naturalistic presuppositions that the Bible is false, God does not exist, and miracles are impossible, then they proceed to make the assertion that they  are the rational ones because they reject the aforementioned. But such a definition of rational  is arbitrary and fallacious, presuming that those who believe in miracles are irrational . The word miracle  seems to be a catch-all word that means, "Something good that happened that I can't explain", such as finding my possibles bag by a fence on the back forty. More accurately, miracles ascribe happy events to God. Yes, maybe he did perform a miraculous healing, something the doctors cannot explain, because God does perform them. Too often, however, people don't know what they're talking about. Take a gander at the first few paragraphs of " Doe

Atheism, Morality, and the Rise of the "Nones"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Despite claims of professing atheists that their worldview is dramatically increasing in followers, they only account for 3.1 percent of the population in the United States in 2014, with 4.0 percent claiming to be agnostic. There is an increase in the "nones" , people who claim no particular affiliation. (Globally, Christianity is on the rise , especially in countries where Christians are actively persecuted.) Some atheists consider the "nones" to be a victory for atheism. Not so fast, Freddie. There are people who are unaffiliated with a particular religious organization, but that does not mean that they have renounced their faith and embraced the irrational religion of atheism . It does mean, however, that people are not joining up with churches, or are even leaving them because they don't like what their church teaches. In my case, I was raised in the liberal United Methodist Church, but that outfit chose to ride the Owlhoot Trail

Why Become an Atheist?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The Bible says you're a fool if you claim that God does not exist (Psalm 53:1 ESV). (And none of that nonsensical redefinition of atheist to "someone who lacks belief", that's not the established definition , old son. I lack belief in a universe without God.) God isn't just being insulting, but let's face it, you may be brilliant in comparison to other people, but in comparison to God , you're nothing. More than that, the word translated "fool", נָבָל, is not just lacking intelligence, but someone of low character that mocks God.  Hold on there, Pilgrim! Don't get the bit in your teeth and think it's all right to go wild by calling every atheist you meet a fool. See the first part of the verse? Although it applies to those who deny God's existence, there are Christian fools as well ! That's right. Christians profess to know God, but some think that they can get away with sin and defy him; they a

Atheists and their Theistic Evolutionist Enablers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen (Edited 11-06-2015) I'm speaking in generalities. There are theistic evolutionists who are not actively trying to troll the Web and recruit Bible believers away from their faith. Also, there are yet a few professing atheists who really don't care what the rest of us believe, and want to go on about their business.  A foundation for the religion of atheism is evolution, which gives many professing atheists a "scientific" explanation for the origin and development of life. Naturally, atheists attack Christians because it's their nature to do so (John 8:44, Luke 6:22, 2 Timothy 3:12). But they hate creationists even more, because creation wrecks their evolutionary foundation. When it comes to biblical ("young Earth") creation, they ride in at full gallop with guns blazing, because evolution requires time — a lot of it — and biblical creation science shows not only the flaws in evolution, but gives evidence for a recent crea

Evolution and Other False Salvation Efforts

At first, I didn't have any ideas for something to write for the 8th anniversary of Stormbringer's Thunder. A spam comment at The Question Evolution Project , some podcasts that I heard while working, and ideas came through my mind like stampeding cattle spooked by lightning. —Cowboy Bob Sorensen Have you ever watched the TV show Restaurant Impossible? Chef Robert Irvine revamps failing restaurants and gives the owners new hope for success. He often has to not only deal with bad management (and frequently, bad food), but attempts to fix relationships as well. Many of the restaurants succeed, but there are quite a few that still fail or get sold . When I watch the show, I get to pondering on how the agreements and plans are akin to New Year's resolutions. The root problem still remains. People get involved in "12 Steps" recovery programs that have a pretense at Christianity, but actually give a false gospel . We have bad feelings, so a shrink gives us medicat

National Day of Unreason

"Humanists" (generally atheists) are making a rude gesture to Christians by having their so-called " National Day of Reason ", fallaciously pretending that being an atheist makes you "reasonable", and being a Christian makes you unable to reason, on the same day as the American "National Day of Prayer". Of course, they already have their holiday, it's April 1 , but I reckon they chose that day simply to be obstreperous. Atheists are getting more obnoxious all the time. Matt Slick of CARM was going to be involved in the National Day of Prayer on the Utah Capitol steps, but the atheists had already reserved that space . On April 27, 2015,  Matt issued a debate challenge to the Idaho Humanist Association .  To demonstrate that Idaho Humanists are confident, respectful, and rational, he was answered with a stampede of logical fallacies and outright libel. Christians get that a lot, especially when we can point out how those who claim to