National Day of Unreason

"Humanists" (generally atheists) are making a rude gesture to Christians by having their so-called "National Day of Reason", fallaciously pretending that being an atheist makes you "reasonable", and being a Christian makes you unable to reason, on the same day as the American "National Day of Prayer". Of course, they already have their holiday, it's April 1, but I reckon they chose that day simply to be obstreperous.

For the National Day of Prayer, atheists and "Humanists" want a "National Day of Reason". However, they show precious little ability to show reason, or tolerance.

Atheists are getting more obnoxious all the time. Matt Slick of CARM was going to be involved in the National Day of Prayer on the Utah Capitol steps, but the atheists had already reserved that space. On April 27, 2015, Matt issued a debate challenge to the Idaho Humanist Association

To demonstrate that Idaho Humanists are confident, respectful, and rational, he was answered with a stampede of logical fallacies and outright libel. Christians get that a lot, especially when we can point out how those who claim to embrace "reason" are so unskilled at using it, and are driven by emotion instead of logic; they hate it when we out-reason them. You can listen to Matt's commentary at the beginning of these radio shows (free MP3 downloads), April 29 and April 30. EDIT 1: May 4 has some comments from the 15:15 mark through 24:45.

Speaking of libel, I had been advised to point out and refute blatant defamation by a furious bundle of incoherent apostate hatred, stalker troll tinhorn Ashley Haworth-Roberts. In other posts and articles, I have shown how "Haywire" is incoherent and illogical. Since a Christian Weblog was allowing misotheists to be recalcitrant and turn the thing into their own litterbox, personal attacks were left standing. I had to deal with something, and took screenshots of these things in case they are deleted from the Weblog in question (it had a good article), which would be smart because they are supporting libel and defamation by letting them stand. I added color to his remarks that does not appear in the originals.
ashleyhr said... I see that the fraud and coward Sorensen is falsely libelling me a 'bully' ('misotheist bully') behind my back on one of his blogs that he probably hoped I would not read: He loses the argument and exposes his anti-science bias and intellectual bankruptcy whenever we directly interact - so runs away, sulks, and then libels me on his blog where NO comments are permitted. May 4, 2015 at 1:27 PM (Comment now removed)
Below is my response to him (the first part is dealing with "Thomas Jefferson", a sidewinder who acted in a typical libelous atheopathic manner, and I did not bother to respond to his later defamation). Here is what I posted on May 5, 2015 (Comment now removedDespite claims that dark matter has been "found" in the universe, there is actually no direct observational evidence. In fact, dark matter is a conjecture based entirely on bad logic and naturalistic assumptions.):
I've thought long and hard about replying.

This is ridiculous. The Admin(s) tell people to act in a civil manner or their comments will be removed. What happens? Atheopaths turn it into a litter box, with no consequences. If you're going to be a party to allowing assertions, you could at least require evidence.

One resorts to logical fallacies, and when I point them out, he gets uppity and decides I'm not worthy of his attention, but cannot answer my challenges to his bad "reasoning".

The stalker attention whore (a bitter apostate who cannot string two logical thoughts together), meanwhile, continues to bring in irrelevant personal attacks, terrible logic, off-topic remarks, outside links, and more.

Since I've been called a liar by this liar, I'm going to address his latest attack. It would be fair to let this comment stand, since his multitudinous nonsense has been left untouched. Looks like he got kicked off that Forum of Futility and Hatred again (there was a complain that they're "bored rigid"), so he's bringing his garbage here.

"I see that the fraud and coward Sorensen"

Defamation. Look up ad hominem.

"is falsely libelling me a 'bully' ('misotheist bully') behind my back on one of his blogs that he probably hoped I would not read:"

No, he's a stalker and reads my material almost every day. This is pretty much an appeal to motive fallacy, but he has no basis for his irrational claim that I "probably hoped" he would not read my Weblog. It is also further defamation, since there is no evidence provided that whatever remarks was made was about him. Everything is not about him, in case he did not know.

"He loses the argument"

Not true.

"and exposes his anti-science bias"

This is another defamatory lie, and a manipulation using conflation. He frequently pulls this stunt, and I have made it clear that I am in no wise anti-science (an amazingly vapid claim conflating "evolution" with "science", a sneaky bait 'n' switch from fundamentalist evolutionists).

"and intellectual bankruptcy"

Another ad hominem. How do I fallacy thee? Let me count the ways. But mostly personal attacks. I have repeatedly documented his failings in reasoning and morality.

"whenever we directly interact - so runs away, sulks, and then libels me on his blog where NO comments are permitted."

He does not even know what libel means. Whenever I show his failings, it's "Libel!" For that matter, biblical creationists are "liars", as you have seen here. Sweeping generalizations, and an apparent inability to understand the difference between expressing contrary interpretations of evidence and a demonstrated willingness to deceive.

As for the last lie, "on his blog where NO comments are permitted", first, he needs to demonstrate libel (I have shown repeatedly how he libels me, and he brags about his libels spamming.) No comments allowed? One time, he accused me of switching off the comments on Piltdown Superman because of him. Ego much? The truth is, that weblog never allowed comments for various reasons.

The one the liar was crying about, however, does allow comments. So does Stormbringer's Thunder, my original Weblog (see here).

Thanks for letting me set the record straight on a few things. If you want more documentation, go to Piltdown Superman and do a search for "haywire".

Unfortunately, since the inmates run the asylum here, I can no longer in good conscience promote this Weblog. I'm done here.
Harsh? Yes. Necessary? Absolutely, both legally and to show that Christians do not have to be Wimps for Jesus (look for Challenge-riposte paradigm here). I've dealt with harassment from this stalker for a long time. I won't show you the things he says about God, but it seems he can't make up his mind whether or not he's an atheist or agnostic.

So, what did I gain by proving that he is illogical and a liar?

ashleyhr said...

The fraud Sorensen is asking yet again for blatant censorship. 

The man is an evil hypocrite (or mentally challenged).

Sorensen - YOU are the liar. I have shown this many many times. Even in these threads - which you demand be censored

I am not and you CANNOT prove that I am.

His latest cowardly attack against me was not posted on his daily blog but an obscure one that few people know about. The link in question WAS about me Liar Bob.

If I commented at your propaganda page that I linked to you would INSTANTLY delete the comment. You are an extremist who wants anti-creationists silenced from the web. So you can pretend that you 'won' an argument. 

The rest of your reply is just pseudo-intellectual waffle. 

Are you still saying 'Lucy' will be 'shelved'? In your dreams. 

The Lake of Fire beckons Liar Bob.

Jason - I have more respect for you than for this arrogant dishonest bigot for Jesus who is utterly unteachable.
May 5, 2015 at 8:12 PM (Comment now removed)
Yep, further libel (this is supposed to be the comment link, but it's not working for me). (Professing atheists, agnostics, and evolutionists cannot account for morality). Not worth saddling up to deal with, he knows he's just blowing smoke. I believe he is not only insane, but is a demoniac. EDIT 2: I uploaded some screenshots documenting his misrepresentation, libel, disunderstanding of simple logic, hatred, and more, here. I really think he can't learn logic. Also, I said it looked like he had been kicked off that forum. Nope. Still playing the victim and continuing to libel. Here he is again, and most of Hitler's text are quotes from Haywire, and you can search here for the comments you'll see:

The example at the top with Matt Slick's dealings with a "Humanist", and my libelous harassment from a stalker (which is criminal activity, by the way, so he's in trouble for that as well as defamation) are typical examples of how "tolerant" and "rational" many atheists can be. 

These atheo-fascists are angry and bitter, and Their Father Down Below knows that time is running out, so he's pulling their strings even more. Also, they are upset because Christians are better equipped to use logic than they are, and the scientific evidence supports special Creation, refuting evolution. They need to repent while there's still time, else they're lost forever. Secularists will not have the final victory, that belongs to God.


ashleyhr said…
Go to hell liar Sorensen.
Bob Sorensen said…
Amazing how you continue to prove me right. By the way, your other comment, which was just a link, was reported as spam.
Bob Sorensen said…
'I linked to that forum myself.'

"No you censored my BCSE link you LYING s***.

"I have submitted posts to Worldview Warriors exposing your LYING, you appalling disgusting dishonest cynical hypocrite.

"And - no - I'm not showing them to you unless and until they are approved. In which case you would have the right of reply. (Though you will slag me off on your lying propaganda blog pages instead no doubt.) "

I linked to his Forum of Futility twice in this article, and in one instance, urged people to search it. How about that extortion, folks? He won't show me unless they're approved. Wait...I have to see them to approve them. His assertions without evidence are vacuous as well as libelous.


"Sorensen - you are a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR and Worldview Warriors are falsely protecting you from exposure by a sudden act of mass CENSORSHIP. I am sending an email exposing THEM and YOU (which will also appear at the BCSE community forum if you are blocking my emails). You are a quote-mining hypocritical s***. "

Not that anyone cares what he thinks. I have repeatedly displayed his logical fallacies. Here, he again indulges in an appeal to motive fallacy as well as abusive ad homnems. Also, I added a link of screenshots documenting his lack of intellectual acumen and "morality". His fallacies are there for all to see. His defense? Denial. In that Forum of Futility: "Sorensen has not begun to prove me 'illogical' or a 'liar' as he claims on 7 May. I am neither of those things. He however is BOTH of those things. I am sorry but that is the reality here." You can't create your own reality, Buttercup. I have proven my points.

There is an expression, "Never take a knife to a gunfight". He wanted to slap leather with me, and not only didn't bring a gun or a knife, but his only weapon was spitting.


"'Spam' is what proves you to be a LIAR, liar.

If it did not prove your lying you would NOT delete it. Liar. "

Fallacy of assertion, appeal to motive fallacy, abusive ad hominem. Somehow, he seems to think that I am obligated to coddle his ego and allow abusive spam comments. Note that he did not see fit to discuss the actual content of the article, but focused on building up his ego.
Bob Sorensen said…
Oh, and Worldview Warriors deleted my comment as well (the lengthy one cited in the above article). I'm not going on a rampage about it, they were in response to Ashley Hitler-Roberts' now-deleted rants. He should learn that assertions are not evidence, and that accusations of "liar" without giving evidence of an intent to deceive, make him the liar — as I have said many times.
Anonymous said…
I was told that Hateworth's ICD-9 code is 301.5 histrionic personality disorder and 301.81 but I think it's 318.2.

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