
Showing posts with the label Creation Ministries International

The Bible and the Flat Earth

This post has been substantial revisions with additional information about the alleged flat Earth. Every once in a while, Christians and creationists have to deal with comments by owlhoots along the lines of, "You st00pid dumb Xtians believe in a flat Earth." Not hardly! While atheists and other mockers spread this lie (and in my opinion, many know that it's untrue, but do it anyway for the sake of being obstreperous), a bit of research shows that the "Christians believe in a flat Earth" myth is actually a recent invention ; Christians didn't believe it throughout history, and most people of antiquity knew the world was round as well. Image credit: Pixabay / Vicki Nunn Some may say, "Yeah, but the Hebrew word means 'disc', so it's said to be flat and round like a shield". Of course, such complaints usually come from atheopath sites that indulge in quote mining, and not from people who know ancient Hebrew — it would help if peo

The Deadly Religion of Atheism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most common mantras of the religion of atheism is the lie that religion is the cause of most wars . Not hardly! If we exclude atheism from a list of religions, we find that their claim is completely false . Instead of using a false over-generalization of "religion", they could be more accurate by demonizing governments as the cause of wars. The fact is, atheism is a vicious, murderous worldview. If you study on it, you'll see that professing atheists proclaim "reason", and then proceed to flagrantly abuse the process (such as the illegitimate complaint used against the Ark Encounter that the money used there could feed starving children ). In fact, the claim to be "rational" and "freethinkers" because they reject God strongly implies that Christians and other "religious" people are not rational or able to think freely. This is clearly untrue, as many of the greatest minds, past and pres

Atheists Have Their Miracles Too

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Professing atheists tend to look in disdain at Christians for believing in God, the Bible, and (of course) miracles. They argue from their naturalistic presuppositions that the Bible is false, God does not exist, and miracles are impossible, then they proceed to make the assertion that they  are the rational ones because they reject the aforementioned. But such a definition of rational  is arbitrary and fallacious, presuming that those who believe in miracles are irrational . The word miracle  seems to be a catch-all word that means, "Something good that happened that I can't explain", such as finding my possibles bag by a fence on the back forty. More accurately, miracles ascribe happy events to God. Yes, maybe he did perform a miraculous healing, something the doctors cannot explain, because God does perform them. Too often, however, people don't know what they're talking about. Take a gander at the first few paragraphs of " Doe

Atheists and their Theistic Evolutionist Enablers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen (Edited 11-06-2015) I'm speaking in generalities. There are theistic evolutionists who are not actively trying to troll the Web and recruit Bible believers away from their faith. Also, there are yet a few professing atheists who really don't care what the rest of us believe, and want to go on about their business.  A foundation for the religion of atheism is evolution, which gives many professing atheists a "scientific" explanation for the origin and development of life. Naturally, atheists attack Christians because it's their nature to do so (John 8:44, Luke 6:22, 2 Timothy 3:12). But they hate creationists even more, because creation wrecks their evolutionary foundation. When it comes to biblical ("young Earth") creation, they ride in at full gallop with guns blazing, because evolution requires time — a lot of it — and biblical creation science shows not only the flaws in evolution, but gives evidence for a recent crea

Brilliant Atheists, Agnostics Saving the World

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is primarily about arrogant atheists, but there are also arrogant agnostics who side with them when maligning Christians. (Yes, I know that there are subdivisions of atheist and agnostic beliefs, but those strike me as arbitrary and inconsistent. The kind of agnostic that says, "I don't know if there is a God, but I'm open to the possibility" seems to be harder to find.) Some can't make up their minds if they're atheist or agnostic, flip-flopping between the two positions, but still delight in attacking Christians — especially biblical creationists. When you wander into territory on the Web controlled by atheists, you'll invariably find posts by tinhorns who think they're geniuses because they are raising things about the Bible that they consider contradictions (which have been answered time and again for centuries), items that they reckon to be unfair (based on taking things out of context and subjecting them t

Village Atheist Tricks

A simple, fair, obvious question: If atheists and anti-creation evolutionists are confident in their reasoning abilities, why do they resort to unconscionable and illegal methods to silence Christians and creationists? I reckon that the days are long gone where people could discuss matters rationally. Now, we have to deal with attacks. This fits in with the rising tide of wickedness in the world, but atheopaths are behind a lot of it. Especially on the interwebs. Those of us with knowledge and experience can dismantle their "reasoning" and expose their logical fallacies, especially since most are based on assertions, intimidation, ridicule and outright personal attacks. Many atheists are materialists who are bowing to their religion of Scientism . Since many can't saddle up the horse of reason and learn to ride, they prefer to go in with six-guns blazing in different ways — primarily based on provoking emotional reactions. Some resort to criminal acts like imperso

Atheists and Anti-Creationists Crazy from the Hate

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 10-14-2014. The inspiration for this article is backwards. I saw a rant in an inconsequential forum by a vituperative but unimportant atheist. Then  I read the article on one of the sites I subscribe to that brought his childish "you deny evolution and billions of years, so you're a liar" reaction. The article in question is by former theistic evolutionist Dr. David Catchpoole of CMI, " Faith can move mountains (but it can't change history) ". He wrote a short article about the global Genesis Flood from his biblical creationist (young earth) perspective, and was given an ad hominem  attack for his efforts by the aforementioned atheopath. Dr. Catchpoole gave links in that article to some of the science articles supporting the Genesis Flood, but the critic did not seem to be interested in reading or responding to those.  The uneducated atheopath railed against Catchpoole, displaying his inability to distinguish between a

Atheism, Libel, Cowardice and (ir) RationalWiki

Most of the Internet atheists that I have encountered are big and bold about being "rational". But they are not content to believe that they are smarter than us st00pid dumb Xtians. No, they need to troll and attack people. (I fully believe that many do this because they are simply childish bullies attempting to bolster their egos.) For example, this gem appeared at " The Question Evolution Project ": This was a simple-minded attack, incorporating Bunches-o-Fallacies® and emotionalism, but no rational thought. They like to offer opinions based on titles, introductions and summaries, but usually ignore entire articles and supporting links. I have said before that I can see no valid reason for demonizing Christians (and especially creationists ). Such immature behavior not only helps illustrate the natural failings of the religion of atheism , but increases the negative public perception of atheists . Indeed, these irrational and emotion-driven atheists make

Atheists, Aliens and Science

stock.xchng/nion I'm going to redirect you to a mult-faceted post. The first part is about the "ownership" of science. Many atheists strut around as if they invented the thing, and that to be a scientist, you have to be an atheist. Dead wrong, Robert! Does science belong to Christians and Theists? We (not me, of course, I wasn't born yet) invented the whole modern disciplines of science. Whether genetics or physics or electrical theory or classification of organisms or chemistry or you name it... You could assert that the ancient Greeks like Archimedes were the first scientists and there is some support for that. However, the axiomatic way of viewing the world proved to be a hindrance to science. Keep in mind that science was always simply a part of the overall concept of philosophy and was not considered separately back in the ancient world. How does that grab ya? But wait, if you act now, you'll get absolutely free, a bonus post about space aliens!

Shining the Light on Space Aliens

NASA image, slightly modified Since haters are gonna hate no matter what some of us do, I may as well give the mentally challenged atheopaths another gem: I believe that UFOs exist. There is no way that so many people for so many years have been faking video footage, lying, hallucinating or been simply mistaken. Do I believe that they are beings from outer space? Not anymore. I used to, though. People would tell me that since the Bible does not say that there are extraterrestrials, they must not exist. Their arguments were superficial, mainly a fallacious argument from silence, and I used my own bad argument, that the Bible does not tell us that they do not exist , so they might exist after all. Silly, I know. In addition, I had a weird notion based on wishful thinking and bad theology that Jesus went to other planets to offer salvation, like in the Ray Bradbury story, " The Man ". Do I believe that governments are covering up contact with extraterrestrials, or wha

Atheist Research and Deception on Evolution Weekend

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It must drive Michael Zimmerman and other misotheists around the bend that there are people who are not interested in his "Evolution Weekend" apostasy drive. F'rinstance, there are Bible-believing Christians who take a stand and proclaim " Creation Sunday " every year since 2006. There are also people involved in the grassroots " Question Evolution Day ", started by yours truly in 2012. It was inspired by the " Question Evolution! " campaign. One part of "Question Evolution Day" includes the use of the " 15 Questions for Evolutionists " presented by CMI . (I was honored that they liked my video and included it in their "15 Questions" page.) As I've said for a while now, hate stupidifies. (For the atheopath readers, that's stupid-i-fies, it makes people stupid.) Their emotions cloud their reasoning abilities. I am not a reader of the "Huffington Post", even t