Village Atheist Tricks

A simple, fair, obvious question: If atheists and anti-creation evolutionists are confident in their reasoning abilities, why do they resort to unconscionable and illegal methods to silence Christians and creationists? I reckon that the days are long gone where people could discuss matters rationally. Now, we have to deal with attacks. This fits in with the rising tide of wickedness in the world, but atheopaths are behind a lot of it. Especially on the interwebs.

Those of us with knowledge and experience can dismantle their "reasoning" and expose their logical fallacies, especially since most are based on assertions, intimidation, ridicule and outright personal attacks. Many atheists are materialists who are bowing to their religion of Scientism. Since many can't saddle up the horse of reason and learn to ride, they prefer to go in with six-guns blazing in different ways — primarily based on provoking emotional reactions.

Some resort to criminal acts like impersonation (see "Finding Anti-Creation Facebook Fakers", an article about my own experience with The Question Evolution Project, "Faker Alert for Facebook", and something from the Intelligent Design community, "Fun from Facebook: Fake ID pages", for three examples). Although they despise Intelligent Design and "theists" in general, their main venom is directed toward biblical creationists. This parody video lays out some points to consider:

I've been the recipient of several libelous pieces on atheist sites. Again, they attack the person instead of honestly addressing the subjects at hand. "Good without God"? Not hardly! These tinhorns are not interested in science or reason. Instead, these "freethinkers" are doing the bidding of their father down below, (John 8:44), and are exceptionally dishonest (1 Tim. 4:1-2). The Bible tells us that this stuff will happen (2 Tim. 3:12, Matt. 5:12).
We often get asked for our response to some atheist critique of an article we have published. For example, I have been asked to respond to an atheist ‘wiki’ website that has an article that claims to rebut my article Age of the earth: 101 evidences for a young age of the earth and the universe. Correspondents have asked me to rebut the (supposed) rebuttal. 
I have replied as follows. 
I am very much aware of the wiki article; the fans of the website made it their business to make sure I knew about it (I got ~100 emails from them when it went up). It appeared that not many of them actually read my article at all carefully, or any of the linked supporting articles. The agenda of such fanatical atheists (‘new atheists’) is to ‘search and destroy’ (faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour), not to ‘seek and find’.
You can read the rest by clicking on "Responding to atheistic opposition — Underhanded tactics include attempted censorship".


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