Science as a Manipulative Technique

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

First, a side note before I commence do be writing the actual article. It was eleven years ago today that I started this, my first weblog. Then, as now, it is a sort of general purpose thing. But back then, it had a great deal of political material and things that were dreadful (many of which have been removed). Although I still do some political things, I also post material on theology, refuting atheism, and some odds and ends. My main weblogs are Evolutionary Truth by Piltdown Superman and Biblical Creation and Evangelism. Also, I've been filling in for the owner of Radaractive. Those three are the weblogs that are updated the most often. Quite a contrast from when this one started.

Atheistic interpretations of science are made into the religion of Scientism.
Credit: CSIRO / David McClenaghan (CC BY 3.0)
As I have written in several places, some folks (especially atheists) believe that "science" is something special, even deserving of special consideration and privileges. They make science into an infallible entity — a demigod — that seeks the truth. In this case, the scientists are erroneously viewed as dispassionate and honest about data. They are just as human as you and I, old son, and they operate from their own presuppositions, just like biblical creationists. 

The adoration of scientists and science itself is a de facto religion called Scientism (see "Scientism, a Religion of Atheism" and "Scientism, Heal Thyself" for more). Many atheistic adherents of Scientism try to horswoggle us by pretending to be smarter than they are (which is only smart enough to be incredibly dishonest), insisting that the Genesis Flood is fiction, biblical creationists are liars or just plain stupid, putting words in our mouths, railing against side issues ("false thesis" fallacy), and so on. They seek to silence us through ridicule and defamation since they cannot rationally deal with the topics at hand. All this because they do not really know the nature of science, and that it is a tool, not a lifestyle, nor is it to be used to intimidate, bully, and manipulate people who reject atheism and Darwinism.

We are sometimes told that creationists are wrong because you cannot question science. That'll be the day! Some of us think for ourselves instead of bowing down to the alter of atheistic interpretations of science. Critical thinking is lacking in the secular science industry and in the minds of atheopaths. It can be your friend. Get your ownselves introduced sometime. The ultimate source of truth and logic is Jesus Christ.


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